The reverse side of this argument is that there still racists, white supremists, and neo nazi's out there. Now the majority of people aren't in that camp, but I think many people need a reminder that if you just live your life and ignore that hate exists, people get into some pretty messed up situations.
You can look at Hitler as an example of this. People didn't want to believe he was all that bad. The world had just finished a terrible war, and Hitler seemed to be rebuilding Germany, Berlin was even considered one of the greatest cities in the world. No one wanted to interfere.
So if a Jewish person want to throw out a reminder that "Hey, we went through some messed up sh*&" then I say let them. It may seem like they are drudging up the past, but it is a way of reminding us that hatred and bigotry is a part of human nature and it needs to be constantly checked.