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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. I binged Goliath last weekend. Did I mention that already? It was the last season. It started off a little strange, but it cleared everything up by the end. It was set in San Francisco and Chinatown, so it was great seeing all of the locations I frequent regularly.
  2. Wow, that backyard has the potential to be amazing. Looks like you are hosting the next Obsidian Forumites BBQ, LC.
  3. I watched Four Hours at the Capitol on HBO. Man, **** Trump. That was hard to watch.
  4. My son started on a swim team this last week. He is 11, and we spent a number of years enrolling him in YMCA classes over the summers, but he never really picked it up and was very nervous in the water. A few months ago my wife arranged for him to have 1 on 1 lessons with an excellent coach, and after 2 weeks he was way more comfortable. He could now backstroke and freestyle a bit and no longer was afraid to put his head under water. A couple weeks ago it was pretty nice out and I asked him after school if he wanted to go to the High School pool with me so I could get some laps in. He seemed happy to go, which was a big change from before the lessons. As we were finishing up, a swim club was getting ready to start, and they have a beginner group. I know the coach, and he said my son should join the club. I asked my son, and he was interested, which was another surprise. My kid has pretty much only wanted to play hockey, but this last year he had taken tennis and was now interested in swimming. I was excited to see him expanding his interests a bit. So anyway, we get him signed up, get him the swim jammers, and he starts swimming 45 minutes a day with this team. Monday through Thursday went well. Or rather I should say, he enjoyed it. I was anxious as hell. I was also on a swim team at his age. It was super competitive and I always felt like the slowest kid on the pool deck. I'm pretty comfortable in the water, but I definitely have some weird anxiety around swim coaches and teams. I told my wife I was getting anxious watching him and she told me to calm down. Friday rolls around and my son has a rough swim practice. It was cold and windy. They also moved him away from the shallow end. Monday through Thursday when he struggled, he could just stand up. He can't really swim a full length yet. But Friday it was basically swim 10 years, grab on to the lane line, then struggle for 15 more yards. He got out and was quiet. I couldn't tell if he was upset or just cold, but once we got in the car he totally teared up. He was upset. I tried to comfort him and told him it was the first week, and it will get easier. So now I'm all upset and can't sleep. I mean, obviously I will talk to the coaches and let them know it was hard for him to be out of the shallow end. But I don't want to traumatize the kid. I don't know, I'm probably letting my own anxiety get in the way here. He enjoyed Monday through Thursday and had one rough day. Ugh.
  5. I don't understand why everyone thinks they need to have an opinion on the vaccine and they need to explain it. I leave all my medical decisions to medical professionals. My doctor told me to get it or my doctor told me not to get it is literally the only thing anyone should have to say about it.
  6. Buster is the best baseball player I have ever watched. I mean, I got to see him in the minors. I got to see his first at bat. I watched him guide pitching staffs to 3 World Series and a perfect game. He played the toughest position in the sport and it was amazing to see. I know Bonds was a better hitter, and I have enjoyed watching some great pitchers as well, but Buster was just the total package. He controlled the game masterfully.
  7. Buster Posey is retiring tomorrow. I have a lot of feels about this. I don't know where to start.
  8. There are a number of athletes who have had covid and struggled to recover. Damian Lee missed the end of the NBA season because of it. Among my friends, I had a few that struggled as well. It wasn't life or death, but for athletes it was a setback.
  9. I also felt bad for Dusty, but it was pretty hard to drum up any sympathy for the Astros.
  10. I'm always upset at the amount of food waste we create. We have enough food to solve world hunger, it is just a logistical issue.
  11. Or, you know, you could just give up on the bad analogy. As I also said before, it's a bit of a moot point. Very few people are in a position to be worried about capital gains taxes on their stocks. Young people can't afford stocks or houses right now, so it is hard to drum up any sympathy when Elon Musk complains about this stuff. In your scenario the asset went up 70% in 2 days. How many people have enough of a stock for that to actually make a difference? These are 1 percenter problems. I don't think there is a soul here that needs to stress it.
  12. Hah, that's exactly what I was thinking when I was reading his post. Ouch.
  13. The tough part will be finding a Sega Dreamcast.
  14. But those capital gains taxes exist for a reason. You have billionaires accumulating a huge amount of 'unrealized' gains at the top.
  15. I agree with you non-sarcastically. As Melkathi already stated, the reaction to her was super disturbing.
  16. Also, since Columbine, they have put up massive gates and fences at almost every school.
  17. I'm not sure that it is a real concern among the non-billionaires though: https://news.gallup.com/poll/211052/stock-ownership-down-among-older-higher-income.aspx
  18. That looks pretty amazing. 80% off on Steam right now too.
  19. There is a massive problem with representation in bigger companies though. It is a real issue that reverberates through everything that has to do with the industry. Diversity is lacking across the board in gaming. It leads to a ton of AAA titles that look the same, it leads to toxic online communities, and frankly it is embarrassing. I don't even like telling people I play video games because it conjures up a negative stereotype. I grew up playing games by Roberta Williams and Lori and Corey Cole. Games were about adventure and whimsy. They didn't lack violence back then, but now it seems to drive the industry. Thankfully we have plenty of indie development that breaks the boring mold today. But yeah, I don't think we fix representation just by hiring more ladies in a small development house. That is small time thinking. We need games that attract a wide audience, we need diverse paths into the gaming industry, and we need positive online communities that support growth and evolution. Just my 2 cents.
  20. It was a studio of 9, I think...and a female dog. It's a non-story.
  21. Is Battle Brothers an open world game? No matter what it is, I'm back to obsessing over my dysfunctional, disfigured, and slightly endearing company of mercenaries. The desert expansion really added more flavor than I originally thought. Sending a couple brothers into the gladiator pit is a fun change of pace from the normal murder and mayhem on the open battlefields. Edit: My best crossbowman has brain damage and a lost nose. But he knows how to pull the trigger and hit someone with a bolt, so he stays with the company.
  22. I don't even like igneous rocks.
  23. Lightyear looks pretty cool. I mean, it will be interesting to see what it does to the Buzz Lightyear ride at Disney, at least.
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