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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. Please quote the guy instead of the article title. He's referencing budget and manpower, not the graphical output itself. Are you always such a nagging pest? Whoa, watch the attitude Morgie. Don't you know your performance reviews are coming up? If you don't follow proper linking procedure, don't expect that bonus check!
  2. Barbarian IS a general term. It used to simply refer to people that didn't speak Greek, but it has been adopted to mean anyone who is uncivilized. There aren't millions of people around the world who call themselves barbarians and are going to be offended when you use that word as a generalization. Using Muslim as a generalization on the other hand is very offensive.
  3. Barbarian is a general term that defines a certain behavior, so it is well suited for blanket statements. Islam is an incredibly diverse religion with tens of millions of followers around the world, so using blanket statements to define them is ridiculous and ignorant.
  4. Mansa Musa would not approve, that's for dang sure.
  5. These aren't Muslims destroying cultural heritage sites, these are violent extremists. They have very little in common with the millions of people who practice Islam peacefully around the world.
  6. Finished a very long (like a couple years) epic quest line in LotRO. Volume 2 took me through the mines of Moria into Mirkwood, where I got to climb to the top of the Necromancer's Tower and kill the rather pesky orc Mazog. So now I'm ready to leave Mirkwood and travel with the Rangers to Rohan, but first I'll probably stop by Isengard and smash some more orc heads. My weapons are now max level with some pretty sweet runes, so I'm not sure if I will need to replace them as I tackle the new content. They are both 2nd age weapons. I'm at level 66, so still quite a ways to get ready for the level 75 Rohan areas.
  7. You know, there is a reason I tend to like all the games I play. I really don't put any time in games I don't like. I can figure out within the first hour if I will enjoy a game, and if I don't think I will, I drop it like a hot potato. I have so much trouble understanding the folks that complain about Fallout 3 but played through the whole thing.
  8. I'm actually more surprised it wasn't part of the base game, it shows how incomplete the game really was at launch. Bioware has made it clear that they are committed to recognizing and respecting the gay community in their games. I applaud them for that. Although I think Obsidian was a lot better at it in Fallout: NV.
  9. Gotta agree, SR3 just didn't have the same magic as SR2. But then again, SR2 is one of my all time favorite games.
  10. If it makes you feel any better Calax, there was a time where you probably invaded your parents sense of privacy regularly. I haven't taken a dump without a kid coming in to check on me in years.
  11. What happens on Makeb, stays on Makeb! Seriously though, they are just introducing the relationships at the same time as they are releasing a new planet, and since they have to expand the story to allow the relationships to happen, it makes sense that all the new story stuff will happen on the new planet.
  12. It is definitely the team's fault. If a player sits the whole season, his contract doesn't count against the cap?
  13. The woman from the 50's probably stayed trim by smoking a couple packs a day, so not exactly healthier
  14. I enjoyed Fallout 1 & 2, as well as Fallout 3 & NV. I even liked Fallout Tactics.
  15. Anyone who looks back on the 70's as some sort of glory days is really got a heavy tint on those rose colored glasses.
  16. The end is near! My tiny super computer phone told me so!
  17. Yeah, I mean it's hard to feel sorry for a guy for being overpaid, but that contract was ridiculous. He is a fantastic guy for 2-3 million a year, but he was a second line center in his best days.
  18. This is actually a good petition. I didn't know much about this guy before he committed suicide, but it sounds like he was a victim of a way overzealous DA. This should have been a misdemeanor case at the worst, and it put a guy that already seemed to be struggling with mental issues over the edge. So thanks for the good link Oby
  19. 2014 is really not that far Calax, you can make it!
  20. It's pretty common for Obsidianites to drunk dial the forums Ros
  21. No. The weapons of choice for that are media and schools. I don't think I remember that episode.
  22. In related news, the P90 is also the weapon of choice when travelling through Stargates and spreading Western Imperialistic propaganda through the universe.
  23. I remember in Asheron's Call 2 you could get these big worm creatures stuck on the terrain and then pelt them from afar. They were worth a ton of xp, so my buddies and I would just farm these for hours to gain levels. You could actually get up and leave, then come back 20 minutes later and the fight would be over. Different times, I suppose
  24. It sounds more like there was a looting exploit that had not been fixed, and rather than reporting it, the person went out of their way to take advantage of it. Most of that stuff is pretty typical policing in an MMO, which is trying to keep the economy stable and deal with gold sellers, bots, etc. The only one that would actually bother me is the person who was censored for using swear words in private tells. Unless the person e was sending the /tell to reported him, I don't see how that is a problem worth policing.
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