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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. I like the deck idea, adds a certain amount of randomness and luck to your typical combat systems.
  2. I think I already mentioned this in a similar thread, but I have had a few students who diagnosed with ADHD. One of them is on this gluten free diet and it does amazing things for his attention span. He still needs to move around a lot in class, but it just goes to show how many other factors can be in play here.
  3. That was a very cool article, I didn't even think twice about a lot of that stuff. It really shows how deep and conscientious the plot writing and character development is for Obsidian.
  4. there are a plethora of better games out there that cater to such base, un-monocled desires...Guild Wars 2 for example, I hear is excellent in this regard and all you have to do is buy the game, no subscription. Given that the game isn't even out yet (and is only in the early stages of development), it might be a bit early to compare it to a completed game. Also there has been no mention of a subscription, and the $30 price point is considerably cheaper than the original full price for Guild Wars 2.
  5. That's why Obsidian seems to perpetually be in pitch mode. Even if quite a few of the projects don't ever see the light of day, that's the way to stay in business. It's also why I don't think Kickstarter is ever going to replace the publisher model, at least not for a mid size studio.
  6. Historically the White House is the place the President lives and works. I really don't see how the public tours symbolize anything near what you are going on about. You are making a mountain out of a mole hill. Now if they shut down Monticello, I'd be up in arms. That was a way more interesting place to visit than the White House.
  7. Yeah, that's a big strawman, because Fargo couldn't afford to fund W2 or Torment by himself without risking his financial future, whereas Garriott could (and if he can't, then he's wasted a lot of money). Unless Fargo has more than $5 million in the bank... How much of his own money should Garriot be expected to front on this project? If you watch the video, they've got a playable game there. It's obviously very early alpha stage, but it is farther along than quite a few kickstarters. Who do you think paid for that development? Also, Chris Roberts has hollywood money, and he still raised a huge amount to fund Star Citizen.
  8. Totally relevant: http://www.theonion.com/articles/youre-my-best-friend-says-obama-to-drone-that-appe,31594/?ref=auto
  9. I don't really get all the negativity, there seems to be plenty of room on Kickstarter for these projects, as evidenced by the fact they all are doing great on funding. I also really don't see a lot of similarities with what InXile is doing. Yeah, they are both RPG's, but that is about where it ends. As for Richard Garriot, the guy is clearly insane. But he's always been insane, and he still has put out a lot of great games. His pitch wasn't really filled with any more hyperbole than any of the other ones I've seen. I get that this won't be the project for a lot of people, it seems genuinely geared towards the Ultima Online crowd, but the complaints about Garriot's bizarre behavior or his wealth are silly.
  10. I'd say it is pretty clear they were planning this kickstarter for awhile, so it coming out at a similar time as the Torment one is simply a coincidence. Honestly they don't seem to share that much in common.
  11. FTL is awesome, I've sunk a lot of hours into that little game. That is the only one I know of that was a KS game.
  12. Ah, your house will exist in all instances of the game, that's awesome! So just like UO, having a house near town with merchants plays an important role in the economy. Cool beans. It sounds like a decent streamlined way to create an online game.
  13. Calax, you are further along than many people hitting 30 are, and you are legitimately working hard towards your goals, so be proud of that!
  14. How are these not great virtues? How do you expect to get any work done if all you do is build walls around yourself? I have an interesting question for you guys, which one of the founding fathers do you feel you relate closely to? I tend to find Benjamin Franklin the most appealing, with quotes like this speaking out to me: But I believe all of them, with their very diverse beliefs, play a key role in the creation of our country.
  15. That's really sad for Maxis. EA has handled big launches before, this shouldn't be new to them. Bummer, hopefully the game still does well, it's not like we have a plethora of titles like this.
  16. Actually I was a bit confused about that myself. Is it going to be like NWN servers where they are hosted by the public, or is it going to be more like Guild Wars where you have kind of a public area and then you travel to adventure areas with groups? It's very unclear to me. The reason I ask is because home ownership is emphasized, but if that home is not in a public area that would kind of defeat the purpose.
  17. This is such a mess! I wonder if it is a good game. This reminds me of the Outpost debacle that Sierra had back in the day, for some reason.
  18. That was pretty clearly political rhetoric, which is simply unacceptable and needs to stop on both sides. It doesn't mean Tea Party folks are going to be targeted by drones. Personally I think the Patriot Act needs to go away. It never should have been extended. But again, you've got to hold both parties responsible for that mess. GD, I know you are a history buff, so always try and remember that big government is cyclical. We've gone through prohibition, we've gone through desegregation, and we've gone through massive military spending during the cold war (ok, maybe we are still in that one .) We'll get through the healthcare crisis.
  19. Because those preorders may secure a team to do the work, but they probably don't pay enough for the office space, supplies, and keeping the lights on. Publisher bucks are still a pretty big deal.
  20. Yeah, I don't remember much of anything storywise in UO. I imagine there will be a bit more structure in this game. They spoke about the graphics being in pre pre alpha, so that really shouldn't be too big of a concern. It will still look dated, but this seems decent to me:
  21. Actually given the work done already and the fairly low budget for an MMO, the odds are Richard Garriot has already put in quite a bit of his own money.
  22. Obama was the only one promising to help give gay couples the freedom to marry, so not all 62 million + were agreeing to give up freedom. In fact nothing Romney said made me feel like I was going to gain freedom.
  23. I know compromise has taken on a negative tone in politics, but I just think this political divide is self-destructive. There is too much toxicity in the way these politicians are dealing with each other. More time is wasted trying to tear each other down than actually fixing problems. The sequester is a great example of that, instead of going through and eliminating bureaucratic redundancies to trim the budget by 85 billion, which is very possible, the two parties spent the whole time grandstanding about big ticket items. These people are all serving the same country when they are in office, they should be able to find a common ground. Treating each other like enemies is ridiculous.
  24. The graphics look fine considering the stage the game is in. The overland map looks perfect, and the running around parts are serviceable and will probably get a lot of polish before release. That being said, it isn't going to close to cutting edge, but that is pretty typical for MMO's. This is clearly aimed at being the spiritual successor to Ultima Online, which for some bizarre reason never recieved a sequel despite being one of the original blockbuster MMO's.
  25. Holy moly, the game looks phenomenal.
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