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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. Yeah that's probably just you then. It's a fantastic book.
  2. Again it isn't their project, so it really isn't their place to say anything on it.
  3. I've decided to play this with my students, and we are not allowed to use google. We only use the context clues available and then I take a vote to decide where to put the marker. It is tying into my age of exploration unit pretty well. I'm putting each class score up on the board to see who can do the best
  4. There are medium sized developers successfully producing and maintaining MMO's, so there is no reason to think they would become anything like Blizzard or Bioware. That being said, this is not their project, they are assisting with it. That means both their risks and rewards are limited greatly.
  5. I got about 10500 on my try, it was pretty cool. I usually got the country right, the biggest problem was mixing up Texas for California and Norway for some frozen lake in Russia. Very fun. Getting the Zimbabwe location correct was my biggest triumph.
  6. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/05/20/eesha-khare-18yearold-inv_n_3307519.html?utm_hp_ref=fb&src=sp&comm_ref&comm_crv One of my former students. I assure you I had nothing to do with her brilliance.
  7. Ah ok, I'm sure the book shines a lot of light on the plot.
  8. Boo, if you look at the first page, quite a few of us shared your reservations. Over the last few weeks Full Control has done a very good job of communicating with fans and engaging people like Ian Currie, the original creator. Obviously there is still some risk involved, but they've earned my confidence at this point.
  9. They're not streamlining it, they're doing the opposite: padding it with TV-original filler/changing entire storylines (Davos, for example,) making up new ones (Melisandre going to the BWB,) because one book per-season is too fast a pace compared to the rate at which GRRM has been writing. Instead of actually including content from the books that was omitted (e.g. Fist of the First Men.) I think there are a lot of budget constraints at play too. They have to recycle sets and limit characters compared to the books.
  10. As in the Jamaican? How did you come to that conclusion?
  11. I thought it was a silly twist on the genre, and had a good enough cast to make it pretty entertaining. Kind of a tribute to stoners flick.
  12. This clearly is not Obsidian's project. They are simply being contracted to do some work on it. That's a great way for the company to bring in revenue without taking the risks of an in-house project.
  13. Thanks everyone, it was a lot of fun. I'm very lucky.
  14. This is the same team that is running the Jagged Alliance Flashback kickstarter right now. They seem genuinely committed to good turn based combat, so I wish them the best.
  15. My wife and I renewed our vows today for out 10 year anniversary. It was pretty emotional, lightened up by my son running circles around the pew in the church. Now I'm taking a break before the BBQ we are throwing to celebrate. You are all invited
  16. I think you will see marijuana legalized in a somewhat controlled sense within the next 10 years. You've already got a couple states doing it. I'm already laying the groundwork to get my wife to try it. She is super against anything that is illegal, but I think I can get her to try it someday. I was never into it much in college, but there are certain activities I would like to try under the influence. She's also really against smoking in general, but I think I can get around that with those vaporizer things.
  17. We get them out in the fields and trails where I live regularly. Unlike the coyotes, they are a real threat when encountered.
  18. I tried it and have a friend who loves it. I couldn't get into it. It is very complicated, and pretty rough around the edges. I can't say I really gave it a fair shake, but it didn't pull me in.
  19. Ugh, wild boar really suck. I'm not a huge fan of hunting, but if you want to go take out a few of those I will cheer you on.
  20. Until we get some more official information, this isn't much different than that situation they had going with the Wheel of Time people. Morgie seems to think it is a new low to work on a game he is not interested in
  21. Austria sounds like a super dangerous place to live.
  22. I'm utterly baffled when I hear people dislike Xcom, for me it was like finding a cool turn based combat drink in a desert of real time shooters. It's one of the few games I know I will replay for years to come. So yeah, I guess it is simply polarizing. I know a few folks here really enjoyed it as well. I have noticed it is mostly the latecomers that are critical of Xcom (I think when the game launched there was a thread where most of us enjoyed it, and only one or two people were disappointed.) Obviously there must have been some initial skepticism about the game to keep Boo and Melk from picking it up earlier, and that must have been justified.
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