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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. I can't believe your friends are too cheap to drop $5 on a book. That's the price of a coffee at Starbucks.
  2. Not true. Many years ago I ate a cheeseburger at McD's and got violently ill for about a day. My wife and daughter were sharing a hotel with me at the time, and my daughter has never bothered me for McD's since.
  3. The biggest benefit from those local honeys is they will help with allergies. Consuming all that local pollen is a fantastic way to build up immunity.
  4. Started Saint's Row 4. Holy moly, they really keep ratcheting up these introductions. Volition is amazing.
  5. 1. Dance 2. Thank my wife for always packing a few things in a carry on bag 3. Furrow brow and untangle
  6. Yeah I get preferring Steam, since they have a better selection and much better sales, but I've never understood trying to argue one is worse than the other in terms of DRM. In reality, Origin is less of a resource hog and the offline mode seems to run smoother.
  7. That sounds awesome, and great fun, I'd have paid money for it if it was'nt for the fact that it'd come loaded with online DRM; Origin or Steam. I am quite ok with Steam, at least they sell all games, but closed platform like Oriign is no go for me What do you mean? Origin has non-EA games. You can even add all your non-EA games to your library with a bit of work. They don't get as many games as Steam, but that has nothing to do with EA.
  8. Finished Saint's Row 3. It was fantastic. I think I got the good ending.
  9. I've been finishing up the storyline in Saint's Row 3, I was about halfway done last time I picked it up. Always a blast. This will scratch the itch I've been getting from all the Watch Dogs buzz.
  10. I've mentioned to Woldan that he has no idea what is in store when he hits his 30's. It's no joke.
  11. Probably because they often fall under public domain, and they don't have to worry about the copyright consequences.
  12. Geez, I'm really sorry to hear the Labadal. Did you have any insurance?
  13. So are the Giants the best? They have 2 in the last 4 years, and are looking to make it 3 in the last 5.
  14. I guess you could instance each combat encounter, like they do with conversations in most MMO's.
  15. I wonder how much that makes up for the epic failure of Russia not even making the semis on home soil in the Olympics? Pretty much not at all, since no one really pays attention to it. Most of the NHL caliber players that even show up are young guys whose teams didn't make the playoffs.
  16. Saw the latest Xmen movie, it was a fun mix of the old with the new. Also a pretty crazy storyline, they really are having fun with the 70's in this one. It could be titled: X-Men: Mad Men Edition or X-Men: White House Down or Oliver Stone's X-Men
  17. Why are you asking here? Oddly enough, I bet someone will have an answer.
  18. The hardest part of teaching is when I have to poop, and I have to wait for the bell to ring so I can go.
  19. My 3 year old son clears levels on Skylanders Giants, so it's definitely not the most challenging game. :D It's a fantastic technology, the idea that you have these figurines and you can then portal them into the game really captures the imagination. I steer them away from the Disney Infinity stuff, I'm sure they are fine, but they aren't the originals and I'm not going to buy two different systems.
  20. You must live in a frightful place.
  21. I've discovered Veronica Mars on Amazon Prime, and it is fantastic. I'm almost done with the first season.
  22. The A's rarely get any attention, but at least they've got a great movie about their GM.
  23. The Taliban are a shadow of what they once were.
  24. Awareness is a pretty important step in rooting out any extremist groups, so I don't really get the cynicism. Boko Haram was hardly on the mainstream radar before all this went down. Now they are likely going to face immense pressure from many different organizations, and their days are pretty much numbered. Let's not forget that the Taliban spent 5 years doing terrible things in Afghanistan before it became a big deal, but once it became an international issue they were out of power relatively quickly, and they now struggle for legitimacy. Al Qaeda has an even bleaker story, these groups aren't growing stronger under international attention. Boko Haram is the new big thing and it will end badly for them.
  25. Thanks guys. I did try to stay calm and cool as Raithe said, and I decided to call because email is a terrible way to communicate this stuff. It didn't go particularly well. One of the reasons she is emailing me now is because an old friend of mine is getting married, and they were invited. I'm in the wedding party, so of course my wife and I will be attending. As the conversation took a turn for the worse, my mother said "well maybe we just shouldn't go to the wedding" and I may have answered with "Yeah, I was surprised you were going." She hung up shortly thereafter. Anyways I'll try to apologize in an email and see where that goes.
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