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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. Well, I guess we've come full circle. We are back at the "what about the poor entitled children and the big bad corporations?"
  2. So John Wycliffe and Martin Luther were basically just in a copyright fight with the Roman Catholic Church.
  3. That would be a valid point if there wasn't a huge amount of free entertainment readily available. If you have the means to get an internet connection, you have an enormous amount of content at your fingertips without needing to resort to piracy.
  4. What about the other half? Exactly.
  5. Are you aware that Netflix, Amazon, Hulu is not available to more than 6 billions of people living on this planet? You are really missing the point. More than half of those people live in poverty. Is their access to the latest Game of Thrones episode really the most important issue? We are talking about entertainment. Stop trying to make it into some grand social justice issue.
  6. That's pretty much the way HBO works, they make their content a rather large pain to get a hold of legally. I've had issues with that as well. Thankfully there are these books that cover the basics of the plot, so I don't have to worry about people spoiling the storyline for me. It's just not much of an excuse though. There are plenty of times where I really want to watch something, so I check out Netflix, Amazon, Hulu, etc. If I can't find it, I give up and go watch something different. My life isn't really dramatically different because I didn't get to watch the Mountain fight the Viper.
  7. Well that settles it,t he next time my favorite show gets cancelled, I'm going to kidnap the cast and crew and make them shoot new episodes.
  8. That was a fantastic analogy Gromnir.
  9. If you set your bar on humanity on such things as copyright violation I feel sorry for you, I would be more interested how did you act against mining companies which plunder your country? Maybe I am wrong but i think you did nothing against it - but I know, its easy to talk on forums about morality than actualy do something meaningfull Whaaaa?
  10. Well I guess not everyone in the world is as perfect as you. Seems reasonable enough that people would look more favourably at alternatives if they feel the 'legitimate' retailer is just screwing them. So they'd buy cheaper pirated DVDs, etc. You are setting a pretty low bar here for humanity. Is it really that much to ask people to have some perspective on the value of entertainment? I think your argument would hold more water if there wasn't a huge plethora of entertainment available for free all over the internet. That should be the alternative, not piracy.
  11. I'd rate SR2 among my top games ever. It's one of the few games I've played through more than once. SR3 and 4 are good continuations, but it's tough to live up to that.
  12. Most likely dangling something attractive in front of their noses and having the audacity to charge money for it. I'm pretty sure that we both know very well how the music industry (as a very obvious example) has been treating both consumers as well as artists, in that light I can't help but feel that your interpretation of my words is rather disingenuous. We are talking about entertainment products here, right? Not like food and water? If I can't feed my children because of greedy corporations, I might take matters into my own hands. Listening to the latest pop sensation, not so much.
  13. Been playing it as well. I know folks are all about Watch Dogs right now, but SR4 is just on a different level from all the other sandbox games.
  14. Yep, it's pretty lonely in here nowadays. Almost as if all the posters were driven away or something.
  15. Whoa, why are you being so critical of Lundqvist? You know as well as I do that he hasn't had the best coach for the majority of his career. He's got a good shot at his first ring here, ease up on him.
  16. I got the same thing. We are language bros.
  17. I skimmed over it, I'm pretty sure you are misreading the posts. No need to worry about it, it's going to be a great goaltending series for sure. Enjoy!
  18. Uh, no one here has ever said a single negative thing about Lundqvist. He's a great goalie. You are probably thinking of another forum.
  19. I didn't even bother starting the BF4 SP campaign. I bought it strictly to deforest islands with a chaingun in multiplayer.
  20. My poor pip boy bobblehead sits on my desk decapitated.
  21. I think most people will be rooting for the Spurs, unless you live in Miami or are a Lebron or Dwayne fanboy. It's basically a bunch of retirees against some young punks.
  22. Eh, most of my ebooks aren't much cheaper than when I bought physical copies. The benefit is I can buy them in the middle of the night or whenever something strikes my fancy, and I can carry around quite a few of them on one device. So yeah, it's a bummer that I can't share the latest book I bought with my wife without giving up my device, but life is full of trade-offs.
  23. Bester I don't think you are taking the scourge of Pirating seriously It seems like you are justifying it ...... My wife is a Unity developer and while she sells her stuff on Asset Store, she also uploads all her products (to which she holds all rights) on torrents because it's just how we are. You'd never understand. I am very surprised that your wife is in the industry and yet you guys seem fine with Pirating. So yes I probably won't ever understand I wouldn't really put too much stock in anything Bester reveals personally. He's playing a character here. His anti-kickstarter material is fantastic, but I think he's been a bit heavy handed with the piracy thing. His intention is to elicit a reacting, hence the jumping to porn when the thread started to slow down. Back to the scenario, there are plenty of creative people who put their content up for the masses. That is a wonderful part of the internet. I actually think that is a good argument against piracy. There are so many free books, games, and video out there, you really have no justification to take something from a creator who wants to be paid. This is entertainment, you can live without the stuff from big companies just fine.
  24. I am with Volo on this one. As in, we both clearly dont know much about basketball.
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