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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. I have my complaints about it, but DA:I is a pretty fantastic game. It was a much better experience than DA2. So I'm glad to see it is doing well, and hopefully they continue to improve the franchise moving forward. Someday I may even finish it.
  2. Been running my new laptop through the paces with Elder Scrolls Online. They are introducing a Justice system soon, so I'm interested to see how quickly the NPC bodies pile up. You get to steal and murder. The game does look fantastic on my new system.
  3. Kingdom of Heaven (Director's Cut) is my favorite movie. I enjoyed the Director's Cut as well, but what ended up in the box office was not nearly as good and bombed badly.
  4. Ridley Scott seems to stumble whenever he gets near history, his Crusades movie was a flop too. I loved Avatar and look forward to more.
  5. Or neither. I was going to say, it really depends on the stock. Is it typically stable?
  6. I endorse that completely.
  7. Ah you mean, being honest and asking questions, of course.
  8. Yeah I was all excited about it, thinking it might be a good source of clips on the Silk Road and the Yuan Dynasty court. But it went off the rails rather quickly.
  9. That explains why I was always rubbish at swim meets, I was too powerful!
  10. We really need a legitimate third party to challenge the current trends. Bull Moose Party Redux! Actually I think even another Ross Perot type might be enough to get some actual reform in the two parties. There just isn't enough pressure on either group to move from the status quo.
  11. I guess it is good to know that misinformation is used to deter cheating. I still think a written test is a lousy way to really assess how fit someone is to deal with a high pressure situation.
  12. They actually do a bunch of psych evaluations for cops. But like most tests, passing just means you were prepared for the test, not that you are actually competent. edit: The police departments in my area are constantly training. Something like half of their on duty time is spent in training. Edit 2: Looked it, up, my local PD does 60 mandatory hours a year, and then a bunch of optional training depending on task forces.
  13. You need to read up on Lincoln if you think Obama is bad about the law. Here is what a lot of the sites you read today would look like if Lincoln were in power: http://www.libertyforlife.com/constitution/politicians/dishonest_abe.htm Here is a less inflammatory version: http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2014/mar/10/ted-cruz/ted-cruz-says-barack-obama-first-president-who-thi/
  14. I think many of you will enjoy a jaunt through ESO, it doesn't depart from the single player experience much when it comes to exploring and questing. Like every ES game, I eventually lost interest, but for awhile I really dug it. Also, one of the better crafting systems I've seen.
  15. So, exercise is good and stuff. Keep up the healthy living.
  16. I think some of you that work in offices should take all the pictures from those threads and put them up on the walls of your cubicles. Don't let the corporate world repress you!
  17. Ok, so then it wasn't something of little impact then. What is the issue with the GG thread though, other than images of dumb Twitter postings. The GG one is personal preference. It hurts my head to read it. It's really not that reasonable to go to Obsidian Entertainment's forum to look at pictures of pretty woman. So I don't know why anyone here is surprised that it is shut down. WoT by definition is really not a reasonable part of the forums. They could just shut the whole thing down if they feel it is too controversial. Why is this such a big deal for you guys? You have sooooo many other places devoted to pretty women.
  18. Huh? I mean, I read most of the topics on WoT, I just click on the ones that are highlighted as unread and move up or down. So yeah, I have to pause and make sure I don't click on that one and the GG one. I have a legitimate reason for this, if I'm at work and students are milling about, and I bring up pictures of scantily clad women, that is going to cause major issues for me. It's also possible for network administrators to see my browsing history. Sure, a gaming forum may already be questionable, but threads about movies or communism hardly raise the same problems as one with women.
  19. So I already said it was simply a thread I avoided (at least until late at night when I could furtively sneak a peak ) Hence the reason I never bothered to report it. But I'm certainly not surprised or disappointed that it is gone. It has very little impact on my forum experience here.
  20. I'll try to relate to the disappointment here. Obsidian took away the boobs! Have I met the proper maturity level now?
  21. It doesn't really matter how modest they are, a thread devoted to the way women look isn't appropriate on a forum for a gaming company. We can argue that nothing is WoT is really appropriate, hence being off topic, but that is the line that has been drawn and it shouldn't be difficult to accept. You have plenty of other places to look at lady parts, if you so desire.
  22. I think one Hinterlands type area was all they needed. They should have made the other areas smaller and more focused, like that one swamp region. I did everything in the Hinterlands, and then I did everything on the Sword Coast, and by the time I went to the next big area I was exhausted.
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