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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. They are still students. I even take issue with college level stuff like this. Teachers are supposed to be held to a certain standard. You folks don't want cops beating up on suspects, I don't want teachers banging their students.
  2. Someday I hope I can be as mature as mkreku. That way I can understand the comparison between The Witcher and Schindler's List. Personally I enjoy Hooters for the tight shirts and Playboy for the naked ladies.
  3. 22 years is a crazy sentence, but you get jail time if you have sex with your underage students. That's completely reasonable. It's a massive abuse of authority.
  4. I'm pretty sure AOL is the front page of the internet.
  5. I've been playing around with Final Fantasy Online and RPGMaker 2003. I've created a nice map of the Gulf of Mexico and I'm thinking about recreating the Narvaez Expedition. We'll see, I've got time over the summer.
  6. Maybe Donald Trump is just trying to raise the profile of the Republican party by being a heel like Vince McMahon?
  7. I like how you are a white knight if you think sex scenes are dumb in video games. Gromnir the White Knight! This is a fantasy game where you fight monsters, swing swords around, and sleep with gorgeous women. There is nothing wrong with that, but don't try and fool yourself into thinking it is more than that. Next you are going to tell us you read Playboy for the great articles and go to Hooters for the delicious wings. Bioware isn't any better at this either, they just try to tap into the girlish fantasy scenarios by making you romance a bit before you get the obligatory sex scene. They are both dumb and fairly unimportant to the gameplay or story.
  8. Uh, he is free to file the suit. It doesn't mean he is going to win anything. It certainly doesn't say anything about the Norwegian legal system, as prisoners can do this in most modern countries.
  9. Drive it like you stole it.
  10. There would need to be an SJW on this forum for such a thing to happen. Instead we just have an overabundance of slightly obnoxious GGers. ;-)
  11. Yeah, I'm sure they sit around and say "Our game is super buggy, but who cares, people will buy it" and then cackle maniacally. Have you been here in the past few years? The games industry says hi. The past few years? I'm pretty sure you mean decades. Do any of you remember getting games to run in DOS?
  12. Yeah, I'm sure they sit around and say "Our game is super buggy, but who cares, people will buy it" and then cackle maniacally. The fact is the game was playtested a ton, and probably ran smoothly for a high percentage of buyers. It is difficult to release a game without some bugs, in fact it is probably impossible to do so on a PC. But you are right, if it did not run well for you, then you should not buy it. That doesn't mean everyone had your experience, or that it is a bad idea to buy it at release.
  13. Disney Infinity kind of works like that, although it isn't as good as I would like. It's actually a bit too complicated, Skylanders is a lot easier to jump into and explore.
  14. Some people need to put a bit more value on their time. It's one thing to sit through the last hour of a movie, it's another thing to finish up a 50+ hour video game. How many hours were spent in misery? Say we round up and call it a 60 hour game, and we spent $60 on it. That means you spent a dollar an hour. So once the game has become a chore, you are basically grinding to get that last dollar per hour out of a bad game. Throwing extra time at a bad investment is never a good idea.
  15. Geez, you can find something wrong with pretty much every classic TV show if you put it up against modern day ideals. Is The Jeffersons next?
  16. I think it's a pretty safe bet it will be in the same ballpark as the original. Which some people loved and some didn't. Keep in mind I was responding to this: Bad idea. Xcom Enemy Unknown was a bug fest at release and for a few months later. And the infamous teleport bug was not fully fixed until the expansion. Which is pretty presumptive. It's not a bad idea to buy the game early if you enjoyed the original.
  17. Publishers really only look at those first few weeks, because it is rare to have a title sell well over an extended period of time. So yes, you are not supporting the developer nearly as well when you do not buy it at full price early on. If you enjoyed the original, I don't see why you wouldn't buy it early. If you thought it was broken, poor, or got repetitive, then I don't know why you would care about a sequel.
  18. In terms of Diamond are Forever, I think they only used Circus Circus, which is still there. I hear it is a bit of a dump with a good steakhouse. I try to avoid children as much as possible on these trips, so I won't be going there.
  19. Disney Age sounds fantastic, by the way. It would be a day one purchase from me if we could run around Neverland instead of Ferelden.
  20. Bad idea. Xcom Enemy Unknown was a bug fest at release and for a few months later. And the infamous teleport bug was not fully fixed until the expansion. Or a great idea, since we want more of these types of games to be made and the best way to ensure that is to support them at release. I thought the teleport bug added a fun challenge.
  21. You have the Main Strip, and you have Fremont Street. Those are the main tourist and casino areas, although there are lots of places off on their own, or set a bit back from the main roads. I tend to stick to the strip, being the touristy type, although my wife and I had an adventurous night out with a few locals last trip that started in a slightly scary part of town called the Art District and ended at a video game club on Fremont Street. There was some shots and break dancing involved. But I'm pretty sure Bruce was talking about clubs with naked ladies.
  22. If SJW's are all murdering nazis, then GGer's are all rapists. You can't have your hyperbole on one side only!
  23. To me, it's always going to be more like competitive fishing or bowling. Yes, you can make some good money at the top, but it is still primarily a hobby for most. Although it could grow to be as big as poker, if they can tap into any celebrity power.
  24. Yeah, that's basically my issue with the series. Also, both of these fantasy worlds are super depressing. It would be nice if they lightened it up a bit. Plus the romance and sex stuff is stupid.
  25. I've never really seen the appeal in a strip club. It seems like a waste of money. I'd rather take that and spoil my wife, the returns are better. My wife and I have talked about checking one out, but she'd rather go see a show. If I'm going to drop a hundred bucks to get touched, I want someone who will work out all the nasty knots I've got in my back.
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