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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. Also, lol at the idea California would leave the US. You don't just let the biggest agriculture provider in the country walk away.
  2. No, it just means you have a misconception about California being an overwhelmingly liberal state. In actuality it is a very diverse state that Ronald Reagan came out of. Came out of 60 years ago. That's some odd math. Anyways, this is what California actually looks like:
  3. No, it just means you have a misconception about California being an overwhelmingly liberal state. In actuality it is a very diverse state that Ronald Reagan came out of.
  4. Pretty crazy night. I'm somewhat hopeful about Obamacare, actually. I don't think it will just get thrown out, I think the parts where everyone is supposed to have access to health insurance and companies can't deny coverage for pre-existing conditions are here to stay. I'm hoping that congress will find a way to work with Trump to make it more efficient. I could be totally wrong though, but I didn't trust Clinton to fix it either. I'm concerned about foreign policies, but I was also concerned about Clinton, it's just for different reasons. Trump will do well with China and Russia, and will probably set things back with Mexico and the EU. The Cuba progress may be dead in the water, but I want to hope that it will continue. I'm not too worried about the Supreme Court. This should clear a path for a more conservative justice to replace Scalia, which is fine. But honestly it's just a very unpredictable time. We knew what the Clinton presidency was going to look like, but Trump is a wildcard. He might struggle just as mightily with a Republican Congress as Clinton would have.
  5. If Trump wins, does Billy Bush become the new Press Secretary? He needs a job.
  6. As entertaining as this all is, I am still much more interested in whether pot becomes legal and the death penalty gets repealed in California.
  7. So when Clinton speaks, we need to make sure to remember she is a fraud and a liar, but when Trump speaks, we need to remember he is just trolling. edit: Liar, not lair.
  8. Except, he hasn't done that. You can argue that Clinton has failed to pick up enough female and minority votes, but that doesnt mean they are going to Trump. He is winning with a white male base.
  9. Bit bummed by the low numbers for Johnson. My wife and I voted for him. Trump is such a crazy anomaly, keeps defying all expectations. Weird to think you can alienate large swaths of minorities and women and still be competitive.
  10. I've been running a mock election for my middle school students today. The results aren't too surprising, it's a pretty liberal area. Clinton has a 49% edge right now with Trump at about 25%, Johnson at 19%, and Stein at 7%. The big surprises in CA props are the death penalty repeal is dead even at 50/50 and Marijuana is getting killed with 75% no.
  11. I have a ton of work to get through by Thursday so I can devote myself to the game. Super nice that Friday is a holiday.
  12. Well Pidesco never claimed they were flat over history. He just said the increased numbers in modern times are more a reflection of increases in reporting. He brought this up because someone was trying to make a very tenuous bridge between guns being outlawed and a rise in sexual assaults. I'm fairly pro-gun, but I still think that's a ridiculous assertion.
  13. Hmm, this doesn't pass my BS test. Link? We looked a bunch of studies out of Sweden just a few months ago. But yeah, it's not hard to find articles on what Pidesco is claiming. This one seems to be decent: http://time.com/2851844/number-of-campus-sex-crimes-reported-surges-by-50/
  14. I can't figure out why in the world that van stopped in front of the truck. I guess it was the backhoe pulling across lanes?
  15. I guess instead 'censor everything that is weird' I should of said 'burn everything that is weird with fire'.
  16. You champion of art and freedom, you. lulwut lulwut would be the proper response to what you wrote. I mean, it started off with the typical 'censor everything that is weird' argument, and then you connected it to kidnapping and satanism.
  17. Sorry to hear that Oerwinde. 1 sick day a year is pretty lame too.
  18. Thanks everybody, hopefully they will get better as we go along. We are definitely rookies, but it was a lot of fun and I've got a ton of ideas for future episodes. I managed to figure out how to get them submitted to iTunes and GooglePlay, so that is cool.
  19. Yeah, only fact-based jokes around here Raithe! This isn't some fly by night operation.
  20. Ok, I made my blog and we recorded the first podcast today. I've posted it on the site, now I just need to figure out how to post it on iTunes and other stuff. I've had fun with it. https://historyofhops.com/
  21. So does Chippy think Pidesco works for Obsidian? That is awesome.
  22. Never attribute malice to that which can adequately be explained by incompetence.
  23. I hope teknoman doesn't turn into a strange cat hero/villain.
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