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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. I don't think any of this is true. I think you are trying to convince me, and you are worried about me wasting my money, and that is why you responded to my posts. I also do not buy products on zero information. Instead I read great stuff on these forums, from great posters like you, who put up neat pictures and tell interesting stories about the games. I also just tend to buy games from developers I've liked in the past. It doesn't really matter what the word on the street is, the developer has equity with me and I'll support them with my dollar until they lose it.
  2. Ignore everyone, really. Games are much more fun when you play them for what they are instead of 800 people taking turns telling you what to hate them for. Yeah, because being a completely uninformed consumer sounds like a great idea. Your point would be more poignant if it weren't for the fact that opinions in games are incredibly subjective. Really the only thing you will get a consensus on is whether the game runs or not, after that it is going to be individual mileage. There should be a review site that just tells you whether the game will crash. That would make me an informed consumer.
  3. I feel I should also point out that TOR seems to be doing quite well financially. There is no real evidence that it will be shutting down anytime soon. It may not have found the goldmine that WoW managed to unlock, but it seems like it has settled into a decent sized player-base that should sustain it for years to come.
  4. TOR is what we have, and they wrapped up the Revan storyline, regardless of people liked it. I doubt they will try for a reboot anytime soon. I am actually glad TOR has moved away from the KotOR stuff. The Eternal Empire stories have been a good deal more engaging as a single player rpg experience. They also made the emperor somewhat more interesting. But yeah, play through the 8 TOR storylines. It is rigged so you can just do story mossions now instead of grinding through side missions.
  5. I don't really pay attention to advertising. Or previews. Or reviews. I find that is the key to happiness.
  6. Congrats and commiserations to TN. Might be a bit upsetting for the kid, no ? The kid was 19, I believe. Maybe a bit traumatic, but I'm sure the kid realizes his dad died doing something he loved.
  7. Alan Thicke passed away of a heart attack. He died playing hockey with his son, which is pretty much the way I'd want to go as well.
  8. Keanu - Hilarious and ridiculous. If you enjoy Key and Peele, this is them at their best. Self/Less - This was panned pretty badly by critics and viewers, but I was looking for something not too serious to watch and I like Ryan Reynolds, so I gave it a shot. First off, the shooting locations alone were worth a watch for me. They start in Trump's personal apartment in NY. It was a fun glimpse into that whole baroque palace. Then it moves to an awesome place in New Orleans. Really it was like an episode of Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous. The story was a bit silly, but it wasn't really badly acted, and the action was decent. It was better than expected.
  9. Your ending certainly was personalized, as people who died in 1, 2, and 3 did not suddenly come back to life at the end. I would say it would be an unreasonable expectation to have personalized slides for every decision made over the course of three games.
  10. It's just weird how quick people are to try and diminish their experiences. It's interesting because the ending of KotOR 2 is actually what brought me to this forum. It was a head scratcher and I was looking for more analysis, and I found some great discussions here about it. I would never say that ruined the game for me though, on the contrary, the game was so good I wanted to know more at the end.
  11. I don't get the whole hubbub over the ending of Mass Effect. It was a solid series throughout, people make way too much about the last 20 minutes. The cannon ending is pretty simple, the Reapers were dealt with and the universe isn't all that much different than it was before they arrived.
  12. That's good to hear, ME was amazingly good at making me feel like my decisions were carrying over to each title. Best character development over a series since Quest for Glory.
  13. You need to get a fiitbit or something, you get fancy badges and stuff for all those steps.
  14. We do not talk about the purge.
  15. A factually incorrect tweet? Sacré bleu!
  16. I'm going to just take this thread over. Episode 6 is up. New microphone for my wife, it's way better.
  17. The Mark Wahlberg one? I don't think it is related. Although I haven't watched any of them either, but Woody Harrelson piques my interest. In the same vein, Micheal Keaton makes me interested in Spider-Man.
  18. With RA Salvatore and Drizzt, it might just be me. I started reading them in High School, read them through college, but by the time I got to The Last Drow, I was totally burned out on the series (and a bit on Forgotten Realms.)
  19. You might find that Robin Hobb books get better the more you read, while RA Salvatore do the exact opposite.
  20. Thunderbolt and lightning, very very frightening. Galileo Galileo figaro. Magnificooooo! - Queen
  21. I think we should have the White House rigged like the Big Brother house with cameras everywhere. Transparency, people.
  22. We are in our 4th decade of waging war against drugs from the supply side. Do you feel it has been effective? Going draconian against employers is still attacking the supply instead of the demand.
  23. The main argument against the wall is that it is a stupid waste of money. Will it stop drug traffickers? Criminals? People who overstay visas? It'll certainly stop deported criminals from coming back. It will prevent drugs being driven through by truckloads, although obviously you'll never stop all drug smuggling. You don't stop enforcing the law because there'll still be crime anyway; the price of drugs will go up drastically. Supposedly 60% of illegals come through the border, so you take care of that part of it. The other 40% you have to actually track which visas have not exited, which amazingly they don't even do right now. Then you go look for those people immediately. If a particular country has a problem of too many overstays, you reduce or eliminate their visas until it becomes a manageable problem. Edit: ICE has admitted they don't look for visa overstays at all right now, so why would anyone be deterred from doing that? That all sounds incredibly expensive, and does nothing to address the actual demand for drugs and illegal immigrant labor. Keep throwing money at the supply while ignoring the demand.
  24. The main argument against the wall is that it is a stupid waste of money. Will it stop drug traffickers? Criminals? People who overstay visas?
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