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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. Ah, so Sharp_One uses a silly food example to show that China is better than the US, then Orogun contributes to that by bringing up McDonalds, and then they try and act like food has nothing to do with the current conversation.
  2. The topic of the current conversation is food. It may be convenient for your argument to ignore that, but you can have your morality discussion with someone else. Any time you eat out (particularly from a street vendor), you are risking exposure to bacteria. In the US there are regulations in place to limit that exposure. In China, according to Sharp_One's example, there is no regulation. Ergo, you are at greater risk to bacteria in China. That seems absolute to me. You brought up McDonalds and tried to make this an American versus China thing, and you haven't convinced me. Honestly I'm not even sure how accurate Sharp_One's example is. I'd have to believe China has some sort of regulations for restaurants and food markets, particularly in the larger cities.
  3. And to be fair to McDonalds, as I already pointed out in the India story, they run an impressive business model that is quick to adapt to market pressure and fills a niche in their communities. Their fundraising programs for local schools are particularly impressive.
  4. Are you really comparing something like salmonella or e-coli, which can put you in the hospital immediately, to fast food? Look, I hate fast food. I haven't stepped foot in a McDonalds in about 20 years. But it is regulated and I'm glad it is. Are you arguing for stiffer regulations that make the food healthier? Are you arguing for less regulations so they can lower costs and cut corners? What is your point here? You can buy stuff and go sell sandwiches on the side of the road in the US by the way. You can do it until you get reported, at which point you will get fined and shut down. Or you can go get a permit, which is not exactly a king's ransom, demonstrate some sense of food safety, and sell food on the side of the road, depending on the property rights. Woe are we, with so many rules.
  5. Why would you hurt your clientele? What would be the point? Make lots of money in the mean time? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2008_Chinese_milk_scandal I find it a bit ironic that people are talking about how awful the Chinese are for selling poisoned food when everywhere else in the world you have McDonalds. Funny, but serving unhealthy food and serving bacteria-ridden food are a bit different. Actually I hear the McDonalds in other countries are often better and have somewhat more culturally appropriate menus. http://www.bbc.com/news/business-30115555
  6. Goliath - This was on Amazon Prime, and features Billy Bob Thornton as a drunk lawyer who has fallen from grace. He's always entertaining for me, but the story was pretty well told and the show has some of the best teasers at the end I've ever seen. Pretty unpredictable. I'd recommend it.
  7. Dishonored 2 is 33% off, thinking about picking it up since a lot of folks enjoyed it here. I've already got such a backlog though!
  8. Why would you hurt your clientele? What would be the point? You don't seem to really understand how food works.
  9. I drank a bit too much last night and ended up with a bartender's phone number. Awkward. I think he just wanted to be a guest on my podcast though. This morning I am planning on cleaning the house, and I'm hoping to get the kids to do their fair share. That would be a Christmas miracle.
  10. Just checked, I put in 40 hours for DE:MK. Another 20 hours probably would have resulted in me not finishing.
  11. I'm actually turned off from the DLC because the events apparently happen during the main storyline instead of after. The main campaign was pretty long and wrapped up stuff well enough for me to be done with it, I don't need to retread the story.
  12. Final Fantasy Kingsglaive - I have the game coming for Christmas, so I thought it would be worth a watch. It was a bit better than I expected. I'd say it was as good as the WoW movie, which means it had some good parts and some bad parts. Aaron Paul's character was pretty fun and he did a good job voicing it. One of those movies that is fun to look at if you don't look too closely.
  13. Hmm. Well it does seem to be defined as: the use of violent acts to frighten the people in an area as a way of trying to achieve a political goal So I guess it could be deemed as such. It just seems very different to target a specific political figure for murder as opposed to what we have been seeing more commonly defined as terrorism, like the truck attack in Berlin.
  14. It should also be pointed out that the guy who killed the Russian ambassador was not committing terrorism, but rather a political assassination. Obviously a terrible event, but the distinction should be made.
  15. Typically law enforcement is much quicker to release details on deceased than the living for investigative purposes.
  16. I just scheduled the first History of Hops field trip. I sent an email out to 21st Amendment Brewery about a tour, and they are kindly going to be hosting us next week. The is the Big Time.
  17. No, I feel great. Not that there's a chance California would leave, but I wish they would and create the People's Republic they always wanted. Please. You come from a state that wouldn't even let craft brewers sell their own beer. http://spirits.blog.austin360.com/2016/08/25/texas-brewers-win-fight-over-distribution-rights-law/
  18. I'll watch Ryan Gosling in anything, so I'm pretty sure I'll be happy with the new Blade Runner.
  19. Yeah, I loved The Division as well. I didn't put it on my list because I never finished the story, but the first 30 hours of running around and exploring were fantastic. I know a lot of people had issues with it, but I thought it was a fantastic mashup of an RPG and a cover based shooter.
  20. That sounds incredibly tedious I could go with a number of cliche responses here, but the simplest is probably just to say the great moments far outweigh the bad. Who am I kidding, I can't resist a good cliche. The best rewards in life require sacrifice, patience, and hard work. That's what both marriage and parenting are.
  21. I love turn-based combat, but games do need to be careful not to drag encounters out and make it too repetitive. At least real-time games move quickly on easy.
  22. I certainly hope this poster is sprinkling these weird topics across other parts of the internet, to increase the odds of anyone caring.
  23. You can argue the stance he took on gay marriage was on the side of the individual rights over the state. Although plenty of state governments would complain about that it was the Federal government violating their rights. It's a tough question because pretty much and action the President takes can be construed flexing government power.
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