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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. Interesting twist from all the border wall and NAFTA stuff. http://mobile.reuters.com/article/amp/idUSKBN17K2HC
  2. The stairs don't actually look all that safe. 65k is crazy, but I can see why you want a professional to build it, and not homeless former mechanic.
  3. I typically wait until I have a bunch, then verify them on my phone. At least it looks neat when I get a few bucks in the wallet.
  4. Are you sure this isn't supposed to be in blue text? https://www.fastcompany.com/most-innovative-companies/2017 Here is a neat visual map I found too: http://fortune.com/fortune500/visualizations/?iid=recirc_f500landing-zone1 I mean, can you really name a tech company that has the reach of Apple or Google worldwide? I suppose Samsung and Sony are fairly close. I'm all for a healthy dose of cynicism, but you are crossing into the ridiculous with your talk. The country isn't going collapse anytime soon.
  5. Same reason why we have eminent domain and government bailouts, we aren't a capitalist country anymore. We are a dysfunctional hybrid of contradicting ideas whose remaining prosperity is due to the infrastructure and systems established by classical liberals that have YET to fully removed. Don't worry though; it's on it's last legs. We still lead the world in dramatic hyperbole, at least. There is a rather long list of US companies that are industry leaders in innovation that would seem to refute your claims.
  6. I bought a large storage shed, so tomorrow I get to put it together. The box was massive, they had to forklift it onto my garden trailer. Should give me some more space though, it is 7' by 7' and 8' tall.
  7. Dang, my profile is way less shiny than some of you folks. edit: How do you set a background image on Steam?
  8. Seriously, I think anyone who can get through a Nolan movie without a bathroom break is unhealthily dehydrated.
  9. It's wrong akin of like blasting bad boys at someone's funeral. There's a Time and a place and taste in how people should be doing. There is never a bad place for The Time
  10. Wow, they need an average of six new teachers per school? Kooky. Maybe 56k is crap salary in Hawaii? Yes, that is a crap salary for someone with a post-graduate degree. Sadly it is typical in education. That also seems to be the median salary, so starting would be much lower (34k was a number I saw.) Given the cost of living in Hawaii, they are actually dead last in what they pay their teachers in the US. This is all made worse by the fact you have one school district for the entire state, which is a terrible way to do things. So yeah, I'm not packing my bags anytime soon. edit: There are teacher shortages all over the country, so there are more attractive offers out there, even if the scenery isn't as nice.
  11. I'd say the moral of the GoT is that women are bad and men struggle with their consciences. I had no idea who Sheeran was and liked the scene.
  12. It seems odd that we are talking about homelessness and no one has brought up the massive part that substance abuse plays.
  13. Both of Arya's scenes were pretty special, she is easily my favorite character. She was in the books as well.
  14. Actually most people probably didn't even notice the pee odor comment until Blodhelm quoted it and called it cringe worthy, so who is actually responsible for the trolling here? My vote is for Rosbjerg, since he made the thread and is bald.
  15. I have no idea what that means.
  16. Idris Elba as Bond is pretty much the best casting I can think of. There aren't any candidates that I can think of that are better. Which is really what I hope they do when they cast roles, they take the best person for the job regardless of gender or race or hair color.
  17. Most of the posters?
  18. Considering I didn't post anything about that I think you're pulling things out of your arse! We are all part of the same leftist hive mind, obviously. I am pretty sure no one said "doxing is legally and morally ok" but I suppose we all hear what we want to hear.
  19. Wait? What? In what way do they become "more aggressive"? Aren't they always hostile anyway? Well, enemies don't usually respawn in the "regular" sense, appears to be based on your actions (eg. pushing the plot forward is a surefire way to have a bunch of new enemies waiting...everywhere), so murdering everything gives some measure of peace, for a while. Some locations do seem too have enemies spawn regularly on entering though (workshop, I think?) I may be wrong, but I was under the impression that the amount of enemies that respawn was based on how much stuff you have been killing, as well as other factors.
  20. There are a lot of ways you can play the game. The more stuff you kill, the more aggressive the aliens get, so I suppose you could MAKE the game all about combat. But I found it was better to just be careful and avoid combat when possible. It's a great exploration game to me. I loved the environmental storytelling.
  21. I was thinking about starting an assassin build and following a guide, since I struggled with my build in my first run.
  22. You are not in combat the majority of the time in Prey.
  23. Looks like they cleaned up the combat a bit, nice. I think I might start a new character, my old one is still trapped in some air ducts.
  24. I let the turrets do my fighting for me in Prey. I also realized that there is no reason not to just run away most of the time.
  25. Geez, I made $5.00 an hour at Big 5 in 1997. That guy was making a fortune!
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