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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. Both? It was exactly what you would expect, but also way better than it has any right to be.
  2. I went and saw Book of Mormon with my wife. It was hilarious.
  3. To be fair, the refugee plot was more coherent and plausible than the real plot.
  4. The first person to walk away from this thread without posting will win One Million Dollars!
  5. Let's see, Leferd is the Californian and we know Oby was one of the Russians...who are the other 12?
  6. I registered for a half Ironman in September, so now it's time to get serious.
  7. How would you legislate against 'this weapon looks like it's something you would go shoot people with' though? I wouldn't. I'd deal with the mental health issues that are at the root of this.
  8. You've been working through these recommendations too quickly then. Work in some other hobbies.
  9. I think getting caught up in the specs of these weapons is simply a red herring. While I'm sure the firing rate and everything is a factor in the choice of these mass shooters, I'd say a big reason they are choosing this: Over some hunting rifle is because it looks like something you would go shoot people with.
  10. Gun ownership is more than just a right, it is written into the constitution sounding like an obligation of the citizenry in order to keep the government in check. Both? The US has had massive cuts in mental health facilities and funding over the last few decades. To be fair, some of it was under the guise of good intentions, since we pretty much just locked people with mental health issues away from the general population. But we didn't divert the money spent on sanitariums to better mental health care and research, that is for sure.
  11. To be fair, the overwhelmingly vast majority of schools still do not have anyone shot or stabbed. But yes, I agree we are going wrong somewhere. When we had a serial killer epidemic in this country, you saw changes in the way law enforcement worked, and extensive research done into the mental state of the killers. Now that we have a mass shooting epidemic, it would be best if we responded similarly, with targeted research and resources devoted to mental health. But people keep talking about guns instead.
  12. Arming the teachers is just as dumb of an idea as banning guns.
  13. I remember John Doe was paired with Firefly, and they both got the axe rather unceremoniously.
  14. The people that want to ban guns, or put harsh gun control restrictions in effect, are basically simplifying a very complex issue. It's actually the same line of thinking that gets us a big wall on the border to deal with illegal immigration. These solutions ignore the cultural and economic realities of the United States. It would be nice if we could really get serious research done on both these issues without constant political bickering and see actual targeted reform put into effect. But I suppose would also be unrealistic.
  15. This is a pretty interesting opinion piece. Pretty much mirrors my feelings of futility with the whole gun control political trap: https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/i-used-to-think-gun-control-was-the-answer-my-research-told-me-otherwise/2017/10/03/d33edca6-a851-11e7-92d1-58c702d2d975_story.html?utm_term=.424972d13ac9
  16. Happy Valentine's Day everyone
  17. It helps that he has some great leaders to take the reigns, but he deserves for letting them go. He is the fastest ever to 250 wins, btw.
  18. Or just, you know, train them not to use their gun in every situation.
  19. They clearly didn't grow up in Mr. Rogers neighborhood.
  20. I like the concept, but I think I'd get bored after about an hour. Which says a lot about that C+ I received in Art Appreciation class back in the day.
  21. I don't see the problem. And that is the problem.
  22. The impression I get is that most of these online courses are being taught by people that are barely qualified. I've taken a few. Of course, they are typically easy A's and you are just paying for a few extra credits to boost your resume, rather than actual academically challenging classes.
  23. I feel like something happened to this thread, because I don't remember reading the last couple days either. Glad to hear your wife is ok Shady. I took my new bike in for a tune-up because it was dropping gears. I've also got a bruised knee and hip and it is hurting my training, but I did run a PR for a 5k yesterday. It helped that students were running the 400 meter while I was doing it and I kept trying to keep them from passing me.
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