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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. That's right, they live in the palace from Aladdin.
  2. Yesterday I did a little tune up swim at the pool with my wetsuit, and I was even brave enough to use my watch (Garmin 735XT) which is supposed to track laps. It is supposed to be waterproof, but it also cost too much, so I've been overly protective with it. Afterwards I had some water in the ear and finally broke down and bought ear drops. They are basically vinegar and alcohol, and it worked perfectly. Strange how putting liquid into my ear is the only way to get it dry, but whatever works!
  3. Well it's never too late to change it up. It's good that you are doing it too. A lot of people develop their eating habits in their youth and then never adjust them when their metabolism and other things change. You can't live like you did in your twenties forever.
  4. Yeah, I could probably use a better nutrition plan. I mean my weight is good and all, but I'm trying to build towards Ironman distance events, and I know I'm going to have issues with my stomach as I get into the longer training days. Right now I basically live off yogurt, granola, and sandwiches. I probably need to get more regular with fruits, veggies, and maybe brown rice. I don't know, it's tough because I also have to make sure the rest of the family is getting fed.
  5. Deadpool 2 was great. Definitely managed to hit the bar the original set. Full Winnie the Pooh.
  6. I feel like I've said this before but we don't actually pay anything for the forum and it has limited potential from a PR perspective (as likely to be a negative as a positive.) It functions really more like a fan site that they are nice enough to host. It is definitely a set and forget situation.
  7. Wow. Hard to imagine they have anything left after that trailer. Rotten cotton.
  8. Except this isnt fantasy, this is about the history of the UK and the UK Monarchy. Its very relevant and real to the UK Other than the entertainment factor, how is it relevant and real for anyone that is not a part of the royal family?
  9. I did have a lot of fun running around Bolivia in Wildlands.
  10. Eh, we all have our weird fantasy stuff we are into, I suppose.
  11. Uh, that doesn't sound sustainable. Ketogenic diets are an interesting way to go about nutrition, but I would be careful with that. As for shakes being a sham, I'd probably agree if your intention is to lose weight. Personally I tend to use them just to get some nutrients into my stomach before an early morning workout, because solids are too hard to process. Really it's about finding what your body responds well to and what you can maintain as a lifestyle change.
  12. I'm a bit curious what type of nutrition system you are using that has you fasting? Were you doing shakes?
  13. I have my first Triathlon this weekend. I'm pretty anxious. I know I've done a lot of training, but it will still be my first open water swim. This is a pretty popular event, so I have no illusions about getting on the podium, but I do hope I hit my personal time goals. My runs have been strong lately, so it will be interesting to see if I can manage a 7:30/mile pace after the swim and bike. It's a 5-mile run. Did I post a pic of my transition area from my last race? That was in March, hopefully I've gotten better on the bike since then. But that had no swim, so I'm adding a wetsuit to the mix.
  14. I watched The Clapper as well. Tracey Morgan was really the main reason I finished it.
  15. Between Yoga Fire and Galazy, I'm going to go ahead and just say we let Shady rename everything from now on.
  16. Apparently that Crawford guy was a terror on the set. I like Sean William Scott (and Damon Wayans) so hopefully the show can recover.
  17. Well War of the Chosen is really more like Xcom 3 than an expansion, so if you get Xcom 2, you might want to play through vanilla first.
  18. The big expansion, War of the Chosen, already dropped, so I'd say it is safe to pick up. Although I don't really get this way of thinking. The major DLC's for both Xcom's basically rework the structure of the game. Playing Xcom vanilla and then playing through it with the Enemy Within expansion are two fairly different experiences. It is the same way with Xcom 2 vanilla and the War of the Chosen expansion. edit: Bummed that Phoenix Point is being pushed back, but it is looking like a huge project and I can see why they would need more time.
  19. Change is bad, m'kay.
  20. We used to have a Battlefield 2 Obsidian game going as well. I was always proud that my BF2 stats said alanschu was my most killed player.
  21. I had some good characters with DDO, but it has been a long time since I played it. Not nearly as fun to play solo.
  22. Bioware romances for the win. Grats Gorth.
  23. Dang, I'd love to play a Ravenloft game, but I don't really have any desire to play Neverwinter again.
  24. I am really torn between continuing my new game of PoE, or using the background creator thing so I can jump right into Yoga Fire.
  25. Yeah, I chose a priest of the dead god, which fit the story well, but it felt like I was metagaming it instead of creating a character I connected to. Now you do get to remake the character at the start of Deadfire, with a decent story reason for doing so.
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