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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. FFXV on the PS4 had crazy load times. I used to grade papers while waiting for new areas to load.
  2. Dolemite was amazing. Absence clearly makes the heart grow fonder, because Eddie Murphy had my grinning ear to ear the whole time. He was just fantastic. I don't want to say more, just watch it. Don't even look into the story, just go watch it and read about it after.
  3. I mean, it's not a murder spree simulator, so it is weird to me that people want it to react better when you do stuff way off the narrative and design of the game.
  4. Police tend to make more than teachers, although not a lot more. They also have pretty solid retirement plans. Plus you are supposed to be in good shape if you are on the force, so they should do better than us educators on those sugar daddy websites. I mean, my rockin' body is an exception, most teachers are pretty soft.
  5. I don't get the windows store hate. I think if you have windows 10, it's already installed actually. It's a pretty basic launcher. It doesn't look anything like the old games for windows live deal from the past. TOW is surprisingly decent as a shooter, so far. Big improvement over Fallout: NV in that regard. Plus it is gorgeous. Like, I can just stare at everything longer than I should. The vibe has a bit of Fallout, but I'd say it is much more like a Firefly/Serenity RPG than anything else. Very good world building so far. Much more up my alley than Pillars.
  6. Heh, probably a bit of early hyperbole, but the initial world that has been built makes me feel like I've got a new interesting universe to explore, and it compares favorably to Fallout.
  7. The Outer Worlds - So far it is everything I ever wanted in a game. I am only a few minutes in, mind you, but it is off to a fantastic start. Like Fallout but better.
  8. I have no issue requiring the police to have the same level of education as an educator. BA or BA plus a year of police academy, then a year of student teaching, err, student policing? Heh, I like it, but I don't know i it will ever happen.
  9. https://nypost.com/2019/03/08/hockey-announcer-yanked-from-booth-after-lynching-comment/
  10. That truth bomb you just threw should be a war crime.
  11. Ah, to live a life without doubt.
  12. Context and setting are important, as I said earlier. If you talk about a genocide while in Central Africa, you can infer what is being talked about. Whether you capitalize holocaust or not, it is hard to imagine a situation where it wouldn't refer to WWII. Nuclear holocaust would be an exception, I suppose. If a German Chancellor got up and started referring to a really bad wildfire as a holocaust, that would be stupid. It may be a technically correct usage of the word, but it would still be a stupid word to use in the situation. (Interesting to think that the attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki don't typically get the holocaust label. Why?)
  13. In the US, the word 'lynching' typically refers to the period between the Civil War and the Civil Rights Movement where thousands of black men were targeted by mob violence. Just like the word 'holocaust' typically refers to what happened in WWII. This is how etymology works. Historical events affect the definition of words.
  14. I'd imagine that is the case with a lot of urban police forces. Plus I'd imagine in a large force, you have all the best cops moving into special departments, while the patrols are going to be mostly those who can't move up or are new. Just my guess based on all the cop shows I've seen. Our local department cycles everyone through the different departments, but that's because it is small, and you only have a couple people working detective cases. Not to mention the differences between, city cops, county sheriffs, and highway patrol.
  15. A couple years ago I attended a community outreach program for our local police department. It was a few months of classes that went over a lot of the day to day activities of the officers, led by members of the department. It was fascinating to get a look behind the scenes, somewhat. I went in with a pretty positive impression of the police, in fact it was a career I've always been interested in. By the end, I still had a very good impression of the people on the job who were doing the class. They cared about the community and it was clear they work hard. But I definitely had concerns about the training. There was too much emphasis on the paramilitary aspects for my liking. It raised more issues than it assuaged, for sure. But those are fixable issues. This stuff needs to be constantly evaluated and adapted. I was upset at the lack of clear data kept on shootings and risk. Why don't we have a federal count on officer involved shootings every year? Why aren't their better oversight agencies tracking all the different police branches? It should be a more data driven industry, and that was not the impression I got.
  16. This is completely detached from reality.
  17. What about the word holocaust? Do the Jewish get to keep that one? I'd argue that context and optics matter greatly when it comes to using words. I doubt Clinton would use the term lynching to describe his impeachment, but if he did, he doesn't carry the same racially charged baggage that Trump does.
  18. I don't understand any of the posts about Code Vein. Like, I know what the words mean individually, but the sentences that are constructed using those words seem like an impenetrable puzzle.
  19. Sure, you don't own it in any traditional sense. Hence the $1 price tag, or $5 every month after. It likely isn't going to disappear from the Microsoft store anytime soon, but I may buy it separately down the road when I get tired of the game pass. Still seems like a heck of a value to get your first playthrough of the game.
  20. Oh, so you can't be a gamer unless you have a bunch of fancy plastic and cardboard boxes? Elitist.
  21. I'm right there on the early bed times. Haven't seen 10 PM in ages. I ran a 10k yesterday at my target 7:15 pace. It was difficult. I need to figure out a way to hydrate better on the runs, because I was a bit light headed when I stopped. But it did feel good to sustain the pace and I was able to increase speed on the second half of the run. Still a long ways to go, but I have about a year to get there.
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