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Hurlshort last won the day on February 22

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About Hurlshort

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    Obsidian Order Hockey Puck

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    Gilroy, CA
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    Hockey, Swimming, Cycling, Running, Gaming, History


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  1. Did you read your own review? "Everything was great. Game was a letdown."
  2. MLB The Show - I haven't played since 2019, but they've definitely improved the Road to the Show since I last played. You start in High school and get a chance to go to college before you end up in the minors. One slightly odd new feature is the ability to upload your own face for the character. So I did it, using the companion app. It is eerily accurate. So now my 40-something bald guy is trying to break into the big leagues after winning his High School championship. My wife is creeped out by all of this.
  3. I've watched a few shows recently: Reacher Season 3 is fantastic. We binged it very quickly. I was bummed when i realized I had to wait for the last two episodes. Running Point: Kate Hudson is always fun to watch for me. She is very charming in this show. It's not breaking any new ground. It's following the Ted Lasso feel good formula. But I enjoyed it. Court of Gold - Another Basketball show, but this one is a documentary about the Olympics. It does a good job of shining light on the other National Teams not named USA. I didn't watch much of the Olympics, so this does a great job of covering the event as a whole as well.
  4. I didn't get the impression that Avowed was overly buggy. I had one quest out of around a hundred that was a bit wonky. Other than that, it was the least buggy Obsidian title I've played. Outer Worlds was also pretty stable, so I suppose the engine deserves credit. FO:NV is still a buggy mess. As for @Wormerine comparing it to a Ubisoft title, that's crazy. Ubisoft games have forced narratives and completely shallow storytelling. I don't know how you can even compare the two. I could not disagree with you more on that. If you want to call it a Disney+ show, I guess I get that more. Not that all Disney+ shows are the same, but the fan service and stretched out concepts make sense. As a fan, I tend to enjoy fan service. I do agree the game feels stretched out in places. It's like they created a foundation, but they weren't able to build out the whole house. That being said, I absolutely loved the foundation and the parts of the house that they built. I expect to see them continue to expand on this type of game. It's like Outer Worlds was the prototype and this is V1. Anyways, despite the lukewarm feeling of the posters here, it seems to be doing very well. It looks like it is outperforming Outer Worlds, so we should see some plenty more content to come. I enjoyed PoE 1 and 2, but Eora really came to life for me in the Living Lands, and I look forward to exploring more of it this way.
  5. Here is the rub, RFK Jr has had all his vaccinations. His kids are vaccinated. This crusade is solely aimed at the unwashed masses. He doesn't actually practice his gospel. But that is the standard of most politicians.
  6. I finished Avowed and really enjoyed it. Next I moved onto Citizen Sleeper. Interesting dice-based narrative game. I was confused on the gameplay my first attempt (the mouse scroller let me move up and down the space station) but in my 2nd attempt, I really got into it.
  7. I'm almost positive RFK Jr. is confusing Chicken Pox and Measles. People used to have Chicken Pox parties for kids.
  8. It is going to be weird to see all of the Trumpsters trade in their gas guzzling trucks with American flags waving in the back for these:
  9. I think the whole idea is silly, but I don't know what you mean by this. Canada isn't actually all that different than the different states of the US. Culturally there just isn't much to distinguish the two from one another. I mean, I guess hockey is bigger than football. But really, each state in the US is already fairly unique, so adding Canada to that (or 13 new states) would hardly move the needle. Health care was probably the big advantage Canada had on a federal level, but that has apparently changed in the last decade+.
  10. I'm oin the 3rd zone in Avowed and I think I rushed it a bit. I might go back to an earlier save and slow down. There are some ways to skip over steps in the main story, but I don't think I want to end it too fast. The game has some super hard decisions though.
  11. The internet trolls have won. What a time to be alive.
  12. I haven't played Veilgaurd, but I didn't know it had parkour. Avowed feels pretty solid for me as a ranger. I read someone compare it to Dark Messiah of Might and Magic, and I can see that, minus the kicking. I'm also playing in first person. I imagine it is less satisfying in 3rd person, as that seems like an afterthought. Other than that, I don't get what anyone else is talking about. The world is beautiful and lively, and the different hubs have a ton of history, engaging characters and personalities. But hey, I always thought Skyrim was pretty boring. I mean, sure, people wander around and go to bed. But they all come across as generic NPC's. I guess I prefer the Obsidian style of storytelling and character development.
  13. Top Ten Obsidian Games: 1. Avowed 2. Fallout:NV 3. KOTOR II 4. Alpha Protocol 5. PoE 2 6. PoE 1 7. Outer Worlds 8. NWN 2 9. South Park 10. Pentiment
  14. I think I am entering the final zone in Avowed and it has been a great ride. Eora has really come alive for me. I enjoyed the PoE games, but this is very different.
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