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Everything posted by poolofpoo

  1. i'm pretty sure i wrote a reply in this thread a few hours ago but i guess someone disapproved of my post. i don't really understand why it was deleted though, the guy obviously wanted people to comment on his 'drawings' and that's what i did let me restate that i think they show a complete lack of talent (assuming they were made by an adult), but i don't think that lack of talent should stop anyone from painting since it can be a wonderful form of therapy
  2. Reg "The Tornado" Arnedo made SH in IWD1. I think Steve Bokkes and Scott Warner did Upper Dorn's Deep. I did Lower Dorn's Deep. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> i see, you did good, i tend to rush through the latter part of a game so things are somewhat blurry though is Arnedo with bioware now?
  3. who made made it for IWD1? the Severed hand - Dorn's Keep part in the original is truly a CPRG masterpiece, outstanding music and glimpses of former glory trickling out through the dense post apocalyptic atmosphere
  4. you'd rather have "dev diaries" than porn? I don't think so...
  5. ...something "better than a movie"? preferably porn, then at least we'd have a reason to come here every now and then, you know, to browse some porn, no?
  6. why pazzak? why not make it texas hold 'em
  7. but isn't that the same thing as cheating? who'd want to play black jack if the dealer had his own deck with better cards in it...
  8. no no this is a thread where in we will discuss the merit of the ideas in them other threads
  9. howabout some kind of card game, preferably one you can't win
  10. I agree. Go play GTA if you want senseless violence. f***tard quatches. so, it's not the killing in itself that's bad but the showing of blood, I get it, because we don't want our kids growing up thinking there will blood n guts splashing everywhere when they cut someone up for the first time the violence is secondary anyway, nothing will bring a rating up as much as a naked breast or a lill dirty talk
  11. like; "here's the item you asked for, please take it" (GOOD) or "here, take the freakin item i don't want it" (BAD) that would be great, what do you think?
  12. You could in BG1 and B2 (plus their add ons), so that means half of BioWare cRPGs games allowed to kill anyone. nah they had "unkillable" npc's in bg1 and 2 if you don't have the time to make the plot work with all npc's being killable you should use the IWD2 aproach "you've killed a plot critial npc and need to restart the game" or something along those line (preferably something a little more embellished)
  13. i'm all for roleplaying but you're not fooling anyone, we all know you're a bald little retard
  14. yeah and here's one of you when you're not using your internet persona
  15. and while we're talking about carnage, last Friday i was thinking to myself; "this doesn't bode well I should probaly go short" well did I? no i ****ing did not you know what they say; "buy when there's blood in the streets" but it doesn't work when it's your own blood coming out of every orifice of your body
  16. it's a good way to let off some steam after a hard days work, you know, eradicate a town or two.
  17. they should hire stanley woo, he's great, no one can cast elf female knights like stanely
  18. yeah that would be like a prostitute bragging about getting laid your're a postwhore and you know it
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