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Everything posted by poolofpoo

  1. " and 'soon' the first mammals evolved from the cynodonts" ?
  2. oh come on, of course it will make a difference, all internet petitions do
  3. i never understood why gretchen didn't escape together with faust at the end of act 1
  4. YEAH!!!! and a massive online server where thousansds of people can run around pretending to be jedi knights!!!
  5. yes indeed, there is something seriosuly disturbing about your post, that i will carry with me, forever...
  6. yeah i saw that thread, seems like someone copied and pasted something from someone i've never heard of, from a forum i've never been to, there's not even a god damn link to follow
  7. i'd like to see more sexualy explicit material and i don't want you to waste time and energy on making the game playable as a female pc transgenders and women probably counts for less than 5% of your target audience
  8. are you so busy you can't set aside 2 minutes to make a post on the upcoming patch or at least update the front page to something a little more informative than "patch iz coming", huh?
  9. sounds reasonable "hey let's muzzle the guys who made the game so that they don't go around an do something stupid like interact with their fans"
  10. i haven't seen a single post from a dev since the release, which is kinda weak
  11. there's no reason to hide, you made an alright game... also, howcome i can't find any info on the upcoming patch other than a yellow statement on the front page? you have to wisen up guys and follow Biowares example when it comes to PR, had this game been made by Bioware the forum would've been filled with nothing but coz of their fanatic following
  12. i don't really care what you or other people think about it, but since i have good taste it might be useful for the hoi polloi to know that i think the game is good...
  13. good story, it has a mature feel to it, more Bartel than Gaider it looks and plays like the original with some nice little tweaks not many bugs, a few crashes to desktop and some weird dialogue loops no 'dead' parts, the game kept a sense of purpose and urgency throughout the ending was alright in my book, it's obvious that many things were cut in the last minute but they still pulled it off alright (it could've been better though) normaly i'm a bit of a power gamer but in this game i found myself "auto leveling" just to get back to the story as quick as possible it took me about 30 hours to finish and i'm fairly sure i did most quests, it mifht sound short but this was quality hours mind you not fluff i'm very pleased overall thanks
  14. i think it feels just like the original but with better writing
  15. i think this beginning was far superior i tried playing kotor1 5 times (before i got into it) coz the beginning was so gay
  16. might very well be the most annoying music i've ever heard in my life...
  17. in kotor1 you didn't miss many dialogue options due to low charisma (escpecially since you could use force persuade and whatnot)... how important is it in Kotor2?
  18. my mom gave it to me, she works as a crack whore just down the street from obsidian headquarters
  19. hey zach, why do you have a gay icon as your avatar?
  20. damn right i have issues, when i buy a game i expect to be able to play it, obsidian messed up bad this time, i say it's time for us, consumers, to take matters in our own hands...
  21. i have a pentium computer, 256 megabyte random memory and a nvidia video card with drivers i have yet to update. i hate you for making a game this sluggish and i will never buy another game from your company as long as i can remeber sincerly yours
  22. ah, the old "make something better yourself" argument, thought we had enough of that one after the NWN debacle
  23. well isn't this ironic, now the thread has been moved to a newly created forum called "art styles" dunno if bad art is an actual style, but a blue canvas is called abstract expressionism, so why not well, i guess that's it, keep em coming
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