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Everything posted by poolofpoo

  1. the combat system in NWN involved clicking once on the first enemy that appeared on the screen and then sit back and watch how your character slowly killed everything in sight. On occasion you had to knock back a healing potion, that's about it. It doesn't get worse than that.
  2. indeed, and in all fairness most characters that matters do act properly towards you, but non essential npc's don't which is sad coz it would've been such an easy fix
  3. you must accept suffering and redeem yourself by it, that's what you must do
  4. please try to stay on topic you angry nerd
  5. who are you to decide whether they have the internet or not? as far as i'm concerned they all have blackberrys. better yet they have guys who can teleport and portals that blows instant messaging out the water furthermore i can't seem to kill everyone in the game, not even attack them in fact, so there are plenty of survivors
  6. Good game overall. The whole 'epic character thing' makes storytelling somewhat problematic though. Why would a simple lodge of berserkers attack me and my party of godlike companions, it's clearly suicide, yet they act like they would beat me easily. It doesn't make sense, and it doesnt make sense that fight is so god damn hard either because that would imply that the berserkers in the lodge are almost godlike as well. It seems like all students in the Thay academy is way above level 15, is that really reasonable? A few pirates I met in the Sloppy theater apparently were the most epic pirates in Faerun since they killed me and my party quite easily. Even though i meet people from all over faerun none has ever heard of me, and no one pays me any respect either, i demand respect, you hear? I'm like the grim reaper, killing anyone who crosses my path and yet no one is afraid of me? Why is that? I'm death walking the earth god damn it.
  7. what a timely relase, just when a new generation of gamers are about to discover what their fathers used to play back in the early 21th century
  8. The dragons were a joke. I went through both fights without anyone going down... and I didnt even use crafting in my game. The fight with the dragons and the fire giants was a massacre. blah blah blah WOW you're all so freaking hardcore! I couldn't beat the first god damn dragon even though i brought the setting down to easy and reloaded like crazy. It just wasnt possible with the gear and the people i brought with me. it might be that I autoleveled all the way and never bothered to craft anything but the game was ****ing hard, playing on hardcore setting wasnt even an option for me. i think i'm a fairly average player and the game difficulty was perfect for me, even assuming i'm somewhat below average then moving the slider to hardcore would most certainly be enoguh to challenge the normal guy playing the game (as a side note i only reloaded once or twice playing NWN)
  9. anyone who doesn't wanna know about the ending and still clicks on a topic named "NWN2 ending - let's discuss it" deserves to be shot
  10. did he kill his own father or what? also, why didn't you have that librarian read the epilogue, it would've been sweet
  11. i dont troll brother, i just call 'em like i see 'em <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Didn't you write while we were waiting on ToB to come out? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> that is possible, it was (and still is) a valid question
  12. i dont troll brother, i just call 'em like i see 'em
  13. just wanted to let you know that I enjoyed it a lot, after sorting out the video card issues i had in the beginning it was one great ride, and it kept getting better and better. Been "working from home" this whole week just to finish the game (and it took me way more than 40 hours). this game truly delivered, it was obvious that the shortcomings of the original NWN had been noticed and addressed which i really appreciated. two things that bugged me right after finishing; even though i liked the influence system i never really got the hang of it, it would have been nice to see what my companions thought of me, just simple words like "dislike" "contempt", "love" or "hate" would have been nice to see in the "examine" screen. Great ending but why, when the voice acting had been so good throughout the game, did you chose to have a 20 year old kid to voice the epilogue? /poo
  14. the last one was addictive as hell and it really grows on you it's a pure strategy game i might add, no rpg elements.
  15. 20 hours for the main quest is about right, if it's 20 hours when doing _everything_ in the game it's a tad too short. A crpg must be extremely good to keep the average player going after 20 hours. And even if it's a great game you come to a point where you just want it to be over with so you can get on with you life. BG2 was clearly too long, i didn't feel any satisfaction after completing it, i felt dirty for having spent 200 hours playing a computer game.
  16. what did ferret ever do to become such a legend?
  17. you know how the saying goes; being rational on one of the internets is like being a retard in one of the olympics, even if you're a retard you can still do your best and win the medal
  18. Sure, and Ford is the best car ever made. Nothing from Lamborghini, Ferrari or Rolls Royce comes even close. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> yeah i agree, model T is probably the best car ever made
  19. i'm not saying it's the best game evva, i'm saying it's the best cprg it doesn't have the best story or writing it doesn't have the best action or level up mechanism, it doesnt have the best engine or graphics.. but there's no other cprg where all the pieces come together like they do in oblivion. I dare you to name one
  20. yeah...yeah! that's exactly what i mean but of course, to enjoy the game you must be able to afford the hadware necessary to play it.
  21. nothing Black Isle, Troika, Obsidian or Bioware made comes even close there you have it folks
  22. the scaling system works good and so does the level up system. if you spend all your time practicing your mercantile or speechcraft skills then you're probably not the right man for the job of ridding Tamriel of evil of course the game will be harder for a moneygrubbing pansy, it's the way it should be and if you can't cope with it use the nifty difficulty slider, it really works
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