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Everything posted by injurai

  1. If I was working on a completely fictional world, I'd go pretty far to create strange new identities and new political and social conflicts that perhaps mirror tensions but where cut across orthogonal ideologies and lines. I'd find that far more compelling. It'd be a look at human nature more than being an idealogical piece of work. I find Pillars actually does this to a large extent and far more so than most other games. Or at least is realizes it better, which is both a testament to the team and this style of game. That said, if you represent certain "__"-normative aspects of life, identity, politics, then you will certainly invoke a reaction from people who find themselves unrepresented in that world. Because they won't really be able to enjoy all the other narrative elements when lack of inclusion becomes the main focus to their perspective. I think an industry that had be representation across the board would be a boon for creative design because then people can come into it with a less cynical perspective. We might already be their statistically speaking if you count the last 5 years of game development, but polarization and mentalities are in tension, so that aspect has to heal too.
  2. Why aren't their more "Eastern Wizards?" Eastern arts are almost always represented with monks.
  3. It means "greater than" here too, just it's sometimes used as an arrow signifying progression. Though it's typically better to include a tail like "->" but isn't always done. It could be referring to the Pillars 1 reactivity tables being larger, which means Deadfire's are still in the works or Pillars 1 was using a more cumbersome and less efficient system which is making his eyes hurt. But who really knows...
  4. Seems more like a marketing/branding move. "How can we make a distinct star ship that is different from anything that has come before?"
  5. Banana for scale. Also awesome soulbound and awesome art. Is this the first time we meet Lindsay? New and improved scripted interactions is going to be a game changer. ^ as for what that tweet means? No real clue. '>' sometimes means 'to' so maybe he's referring to tables that map 'reactivity' from Pillars1 to Deadfire.
  6. Necromancer and shamans would be great additions. Especially if each had a weird weirder twist.
  7. Bummer, but it did lose my interest in season 2. I just want more Expanse. How are the books?
  8. Yeah, this doesn't seem like Eric. I'm seeing no concrete connection with this potential hire being Eric. He left amicable and he has been back amicably. Why is everything being framed around Eder's writer. Who's information was actually posted, where did the connection to Eder start? Was it this thread title? OP is doing this entire community a disservice. We don't need to frame out the whole If-else flow chart of what ifs. If you don't have the facts, don't premise with what ifs. If you do have concrete stuff, cite it. Make it obvious.
  9. If he left because he was asked to resign, that would sound like those who had issue with his views (am I right that this is the issue?) at Obsidian won out. But here he is freelancing on Deadfire, and now people are pursuing him to ruffle up what effect? To maliciously undermine his livelihood? This play looks bad.
  10. Colin Trevorrow exits as Director for 'Star Wars: Episode XI' Hopefully they just have Rian Johnson bring it all home.
  11. TBH I don't actually know what the right answer wrt the debt ceiling, especially given how floating currencies work. I guess it should be raised to keep up with inflation right? It's somewhat relative. It's all about how much and when it moves, and I can't really answer any of those. Of course when you want it to move depends on where your money is.
  12. Make it take out Country-pop while you're at it too.
  13. I'm not sure how much Eder is outright racist. More he sees divisions in how kith behave and has strong feelings on the matter. He himself is torn. On one hand his roots are in simple noble farming, but he sees how backwards the world he came from was, and further he realizes if it wasn't for for certain events his eyes would never have been opened. On the other hand he sees great immorality abroad and isn't too fond of shakers and movers for they're affairs too closely resemble that of the gods. He's got a natural guard up. In that clip he's further citing an old saying from where he came from, so you can tell he's just sort of miming something that he hasn't thought too much about. His journey with the watcher is really the first time he's embarked away from his roots, so his ignorance is fully on display. Eder as a Dyrwoodian was in natural contention with the Glanfathans and would have naturally heard the stories from his own people's perspective. If you further look up the Glanfathan's virtues and vices they mostly seem in opposition to Eder's disposition. As a man who comes from a world of men shaving, he probably thought he was finding solidarity with Hiravias on civilized values. But having a clean face I believe is more genetic for Orlans, and further it's not like people choose where they come from. Clean faced Orlan's have probably just had an easier time integrating as opposed to Wild Orlans. But there is absolutely truth that the Hearth Orlans have deliberately chosen to form permanent settlements and have done more civilization building. Overall Eder made a naive faux pas, but it seems clear that Eder wants to grow past his prejudices, which is what I think actually defines Eder and his character. His fallibility and humility towards it is part of what makes him so likable. Which is a refreshing break from a lot of modern characters that have a lot of above it all writing to them.
  14. Eder has the "You gotta admit though, those Wild Orlan stereotypes exist for a reason" type of prejudice.
  15. I wonder what it's like to sign check for that kind of equipment for a living...
  16. The Emperor is ending the royal line anyways, might as well follow your heart and get anti-monarchical brownie points while you're at it.
  17. A lot of tropical storms actually move up to Ohio and pick up energy again as they find the Great Lakes. Yes, Texans knew their region came with it's natural risks. But no matter how much you know, you can never fully prepare for something.
  18. It's missing "Tells it like it is." Also what type of monstrous title is that?
  19. Feargus has both mentioned Pillars 3 and that the world of Eora could be used for other styles of games. They ought to keep up momentum after Deadfire, and with the console release doing well they're player base will only grow. Having invested so much into their 2D tech, it makes sense to do the third. They'll be busy enough with the Cainarsky IP if that takes off. Only after a 3rd pillars would I want them to expand the IP.
  20. Well to answer the question. I don't really have a preference for just one type of game. As far as "AA" games go, I think Obsidian is one of the better studios. They are one of my all time favorites after all. Amongst forthcoming games Deadfire is at the top, but the others are mostly AAA. God of War, Red Dead Redemption 2, Cyberpunk 2077. I love AAA production, but too often profit and sales get in the way of a good game. I loved Mass Effect, by the end of 2 I knew I was done. I enjoyed DA:Origins and knew on sight of 2 I was done. So it all depends. Plus these days I'm a savvy consumer so I can wait out AAA games to find out if they actually deliver, usually I can tell if it's worth it by the first proper demonstration of the gameplay loop. I find I'm kind of a console 1st party, PC old guard sort of player.
  21. I think taking the 11 existing classes and given 4 variants of each, and allowing you to pair any variant into a multi-class is far better. If there was an idea of a new class that is orthogonal to the existing ones, it's premise is probably now represented in some potential build. They won't be surprising us either. If a true new class arrives, it will be in Pillars 3.
  22. No. A new one would be neat, but I think what we are getting is better than 1 or 2 new classes. We'll have enough brand new builds that for all intents and purposes it will be like having new classes.
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