in your fantasy world, yes. in the real world, when we sit around and wait we end up with boznia, cambodia, etc... it's nice to paint the world in such broad, rose colored brush strokes, but it isn't always that simple. had we not invaded iraq, saddam would still be killing his own people, the corruption in the oil for food program would still be going on, and eventually, one of the most despotic tyrants of the 20th century would have gotten ahold of nuclear weapons.
Ya, thats why we went after North Korea, a country we actually know has the ability to make weapons grade plutonium, oh wait we didn't do that. Instead we chose a country that we were infinitely familiar with by means of war, has oil resources that insure our ability to make war into the next hundred years or so, and took down someone we put into power, but had the ability to get rid of during the Gulf War but then we might have had to share the conquered resources with other nations in the U.N.