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Everything posted by Laozi

  1. Has anyone ever tried watching all of the Iron Eagle movies in a row?
  2. banter
  3. That was still funny, I mean you can't f&%k with T
  4. Your post sucks
  5. Alot opf people are very critical of Charlie and the Chocolate factory, which I can understand, but if nothing else atleast Roald Dahl's character wasn't so bastardized that he wouldn't speak to the actor even on his death bed.
  6. We can argue over our own personal intrepretation of words and all, that's fine. I live in Texas, and when I first decided I wanted to have a career I thought I'd be a carpenter. Well as most people in Texas know we have relatively cheap housing because we have a large illegal immigrant workforce that does the work for extremely cheap. At the same time I got on with a professional cabinet builder who mostly did large custom homes. The job was great, we worked at our own pace and usually in the same place for long periods of time, and though we were not even a consideration for 95% of homes built because we offered a skill people found valuable we were able to make a better living then 95% of people who work on homes. The quality of our work and the uniqueness of our skills allowed us not to even have to worry about people offering similiar skills at a fraction of the price Edit:And yes, I realize this isn't exactly the same thing, but it has enough similiarities not to whine completely apples and oranges
  7. Seemed Like the Thing to Do - - Dinosaur Jr.
  8. Congrads on not dying this last year, keep it up
  9. I hope you find a path that is right for you. I can only suggest that you go where you can "feel' god. As a former Christian I still love Jesus with all my heart, and believe him to be the son of god, as we all are. I wouldn't be sure what to teach a child about religion, its a tough thing to consider
  10. North by Northwest, I've been watching alot of Hitch****. I saw Capote the other day preety good, In Cold Blood was one of my favorite books. I was forced to see Wonderboys again, between Toby McGwire and Michael Douglas I get a bit stabby during that film
  11. But then that wouldn't be a true skill if just anyone can do what you do.
  12. I understand that playing Revan in the new game would be a bit pointless since he would have immense power and all that stuff, but I always thought thats why the ambigious reference to the "True Sith". Basically allowing the creators of K3 to create a race that would be a challenge for a lvl 20+ character from the get go. Don't get me wrong I sincerely hope we don't play as Revan in the next game, and I would be equally dissapointed if we play as the Exile.
  13. That was a shotgun? I thought you were just really happy to see me.
  14. My girlie brought me home Gun today. This makes me suspicious, but not so much as to stop me from spending 5hrs. playing it
  15. I admire Tarna for being able to be civil while halting my sexual advances
  16. Ya the Evil Superman was played by some famous Sting look-a-like. As for Superman 3 I had nightmares like most of my generation about the computer integrading the woman And rednecks do use bathtubs, how else does moonshine get made
  17. Atleast I could trade in my game and get something actually finished instead of waiting around for a year like a complete schmuck
  18. Nothing really too impressive there, don't get me wrong, I'm sure being a new company and all Obsidian had alot of things going on within the year besides game programming and such, but theres not much actually in the game that you won't think a more competent team could have put together in a years time.
  19. Ya basically a mod
  20. Raven is alive and well and plump and has a show on the Disney channel
  21. Bioware had to make the game, Obsidian really just modded it alot, and they even reused two planets, basically just making them smaller.
  22. If Revan really is a LSM canonically(ha) then it would be pretty lame to have him "refall" to the darkside for the purpose of K3's story. It makes Revan out to be a total flake and not the supposive greatest jedi of his time."I was a jedi, but then I fell to the darkside, but lucky I redeemed myself, except that I fell to the darkside again."
  23. Ya lucky them
  24. The trick to avoiding having your job outsourced is to actually have a skill people find useful.
  25. I'm here now mostly to get the gaming "news" since I'm too lazy to really find anything on my own, and I feel like G4 just seems to make you dumber
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