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Everything posted by Atreides

  1. Well that's all fine for adults like us who've been around for awhile. Kids are still naive, developing, learning. The parents seemed to be very watchful about her activities too. I'd say this is an extreme case though.
  2. Get master Poruset to combo #127 & 91 for the merchants. If you're looking for more souls, there are 2 soul housings on the instructors' chambers level which will be good enough.
  3. Yup, got the final boss Another great thing about my character is he's superb at wand crafting, literally getting the best of both worlds. It's the Flame Arrow, Isaac's Missile Swarm and Flame wands that did him in eventually. Also I adjusted the spells I memorized going into the fight.
  4. That's true. I just wanted to try something different though. My char's still very powerful, but not in the regular way. The buffs I can cast are quite crazy.
  5. It saddens me that I won't be able to cast Storm of Vengeance or Mordaiken's Disjunction. Maybe I'd have been better off going 67% wiz and 33% spirit shaman, but either way I'd end up being screwed.
  6. It's doable, but tough against some types of enemies that'll have high spell resistance that you can't damage easily. My 15wiz/14spirit shaman casts lots of spells (way beyond what a specialist will end up casting) but hasn't reached lvl9 spells. In a way Kaulitz is an avatar of destruction but can't get the highest level spells. My first play against the final boss is a case in point. Accompanied by Safiya, we lack the physical power to put damage on the boss, which keeps with the annoying tradition of Healing himself and spawning more enemies, which I also struggled to deal with physically. Eventually the **** hit the fan when our summons and buffs ran out. I love Bigby's spells grapple the boss, which let us keep away.
  7. Haha, good point. Besides the major (unwanted?) allignment points, I've got to say that the Spirit Eating mechanic's influencing my playing stile like it should I think. It certainly adds a lot of depth to the conversation choices. I approach the mechanic in this order of priorities: 1. Don't die or let it drop below 40 2. Keep my craving very low (which limits the types of feats I use) 3. Alignment concerns
  8. So far the I'm always keeping an eye on the Spirit Meter, but nothing too drastic yet. I'm generally keeping my craving very low, so I'm not too starved even going about the Academy of Shapers which I personally find so fascinating. Gorth makes a good point of feeling compelled to rush through because of the curse, which is a negative side effect.
  9. You devour the King of Shadows!
  10. There's a + maximize button on the top, and a - minimize button too.
  11. Good point on the Mass Heal. In general the Elder Vamps aren't a problem for me, but I need to prepare for the fights by summoning Elemental 9 between my party (wiz/spirit shaman, Gann, Safiya, Kaelyn) which is really a bunch of uber casters. Usually I can drop most of the Elder Vamps with Sunbursts, leaving the monk versions with their superior magic resistance. From then it's a matter of holding them off while I hit them with arcane Isaac swarms and... Magic Missile. Note this was before I equipped Gann with the +7 Dwarven Axe with significant Divine Damage.
  12. Man, those monk Elder Vamps are so hard to kill. My spells keep bouncing off its magic resistance and it's not like they're slouches either Got to spam the missile swarms on them.
  13. Mark me down as another anti-fan of Suppress giving Good and Lawful points. At worst it's annoying for alignment if I want to be neutral/chaotic/evil. It's a cheap way to boost those alignments if that's where I want to go though. Well to be fair, apparently there are other spirit feats that give you chaotic-evil points. As it's my first playthrough I'm doing what feels normal to me and being conservative with the spirit counter which means not ramping up my craving too much...
  14. Thanks guys. I stumbled into the cave, so I guess it's also part of a quest that I haven't discovered. Not that it'll stop me killing it first haha. There beast just didn't seem to take any damage at all. I had Safiya grapple it (with Bigby's spells), 2 Summon 9's banging on it while my party's casting all it had (admittedly half-depleted) against it and that didn't work. When we ran out of spells we all melee'd it (still with the summons still beating down on it), hasted. That didn't do anything, and then the summons timed out, the grapple wore out and I called it a night.
  15. Door 3's occupant has some cool electrical gloves. By the way, I spammed Gan's Crumble (sonic damage to artifacts) while t he others kept it busy. The creature I have no idea how to take down is Malar's Perfect in the cave in Ashenwood. Safiya used Bigby's spell to grapple it which was cool, and I had two elder elementals pounding on it, hasted party casting pretty much everything, my char jabbing it with the Ice Hook and nothing took...
  16. Does Disintegrate destroy gear in MOTB? If not I'll start spamming it. Also I'm a little disappointed that stuff like Wail of the Banshee, Turn Undead is useless because the enemies have such high HDs and saves etc.
  17. I'm getting slow performance in , though I'm not sure if it's an overflow issue.
  18. You know you want to declare war against the world.
  19. Living on campus for the first year ain't bad. You get to know people which will be with ya through college. Plus if you're looking to move off campus, they may crash with ya which is better than with strangers.
  20. You should declare war on the world.
  21. What's the benefits of the site of Port Avellone? Besides the coast, river and the cows, a bunch of forests it doesn't seem to have lots of resources. Wouldn't a site a little to the right be better, to take advantage of the rice? But we'd lose the river though...
  22. The idea of a rogue that dresses up as a wiz and casts to bluff others is just awesome. Especially if you're trying to sneak into some arcane place to do something. Speech skills, int checks all around. Is that a mod I hear?
  23. Biofuel's renewable, but it still burns and creates CO2. Fuel cells sound more promising, I was watching a documentary on the progression of car technology from its roots (interesting that people tried out electric, steam and gasoline cars before the internal combustion engine proved superior) to where it's headed. I was surprised that gas combustion engines only convert 30% of petrol's potential (higher for diesel). There's still a long way to go in efficiency. If we can get more out of what we have, we should require less I guess. Until we need more output.
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