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Everything posted by MasterPrudent

  1. Should be tomorrow, (on the basis of the recent schedule anyway).
  2. That last German preview suggests that fighters can enchant their weapons with an ability called "Ghost Blades". That might be the thing that got called "Ghost Bleach" in the other German preview.
  3. The author seems to think that RTwP is a unique feature not seen in classic RPGs???
  4. Here's a recently posted e3 interview with Josh (no new info): http://www.gamereactor.eu/news/202484/Obsidian+talk+world-building+in+Pillars+of+Eternity/
  5. I suspect dispositions are going to be more on the flavour side and faction reps are going to be more important for quests and the like but who knows? . That's extremely cool! I'd love dialogues to change depending on how rational or passionate my character behaves throughout the game. It would be so awesome if suddenly an npc tells me "I heard what people say about you... that you're always that cold analyst an all ... I want you to to give me some logical advice on that matter, I just think I'm way too involved in this to think clear anymore." You'll be pleased to know that Josh has said that this is exactly what they intend to do. Apparently different characters are even going to have different reactions to the same dominant disposition. See here for more: http://pillarsofeternity.gamepedia.com/Disposition This could be great as long it is not like in other games when suddenly everyone knows what you did. Even when you come into a whole new town in which no one heard of you before I dunno. I think that sometimes that's the price you pay for some cool reactivity. Having said that it seems dispositions are less about people recalling specific actions and more about people hearing about what kind of a person you are - which makes sense if you're an important "chosen one" type. I think Josh also said that the dispositions tend to be created by big ticket decisions but I'm not sure about that.
  6. . That's extremely cool! I'd love dialogues to change depending on how rational or passionate my character behaves throughout the game. It would be so awesome if suddenly an npc tells me "I heard what people say about you... that you're always that cold analyst an all ... I want you to to give me some logical advice on that matter, I just think I'm way too involved in this to think clear anymore." You'll be pleased to know that Josh has said that this is exactly what they intend to do. Apparently different characters are even going to have different reactions to the same dominant disposition. See here for more: http://pillarsofeternity.gamepedia.com/Disposition
  7. I'm loving the sound of the biography feature; sounds like a neat way to do backgrounds in-game. Hopefully they'll be acknowledged by NPCs.
  8. Bendu found this one: http://www.gamersglobal.de/preview/pillars-of-eternity for those who can read German/don't mind reading a dodgy google translation.
  9. I'm excited now; it can't just be the usual text + a couple of pretty screens if they're holding it up to polish it, right? Also Mr Adler said they were going to "show off" so... could this be the long awaited extended look at gameplay?
  10. As always with kickstarter it pays to remember that you did not pay $280 for a game. You backed the production of a game to the tune of $280. As an inducement the makers of the game offered several rewards but the quality of those rewards and the game itself are not assured in the same way they might be if you'd actually bought something.
  11. From this link: Intriguing. Can we get more info about this structure-thing? I'd guess that it's a pillar of adra (the magical morter that allows for weird buildings and gives the game its title).
  12. The devs have indicated that while sneaking and talking will occasionally let you avoid combat it's not going to be something that you can rely on frequently. Having said that they've also mentioned that one of their goals is to make sure that all the classes will be viable combatants and I think part of that was giving noncombat skills some combat utility or not making you choose between either a combat or noncombat ability. Also companions that you leave at the stronghold will still gain xp - albeit at a reduced rate - so it's probably going to be possible to switch your party composition without too much pain.
  13. I'm certain this has come up before and I'm pretty sure Josh Sawyer wrote something suggesting that there wouldn't be much - if anything - beyond different hairstyles, skin tones and fabric colours. To be honest in an isometric game like this my main concern with character customisation is that we get as many portraits as the art people can "paint".
  14. https://twitter.com/Cantisque/status/431404543234940928
  15. No, most people believe she is a godlike of Hylea, who is a goddess of birds and the sky. So the gods don't inform the blessed of their patron's identity? How rude.
  16. Planescape Torment didn't have romances. Edit: which says a lot. It's tangible proof that you can have untra-rich, ultra-deep, ultra-interesting NPCs, NPC dialogues, and NPC storytelling in a video game without romances... without the "I love you's" and without the standard "yes love?" every time you click on your LI. Weeeell, it depends what you mean by romance. It didn't have a long multi-dialogue/mini quest line thing like BG2 but you could flirt with either Annah or Fall-From-Grace and in the former's case (dunno about the latter's) there was a dialogue line that resulted in a kiss. Still, as you say, there's plenty of room for great companion interaction without romances. And if it's a choice of more dialogue related to romance or more dialogue related to individuals' reactions to the world at large I'll take the latter. (Kind of OT but my one of my favourite companion quests was Veronica's in Fallout:NV. The PC can influence the outcome, or even leave the key choice up to Veronica, but they can't simply fix her problems. There's no romance involved but it's still very affecting.)
  17. The new stretch goals were new companions and wilderness areas: http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/64736-new-stretch-goals-for-companions-and-wilderness-areas/ The mega dungeon is in. As Rose Gomez said in the update, "Rest assured that the team is working hard on completing the game and including our current stretch goals." Also it was mentioned as being under construction in the wave of interviews that came out with the teaser trailer.
  18. Death Godlike is a subtype of Godlike. The Godlike are blessed by a particular god. If you get blessed by a nature god you get doe ears and flowers and whatnot. If you're blessed by the PoE equivelant of Hel or Hades you get a creepy chitin helmet and tendrils of black stuff whisping around. Presumably there's more to it than that but this: http://eternity.gamepedia.com/Godlike is all we know so far. (btw to anser my own question it looks like some godlike won't be able to wear helmets as per this post: http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/62316-armour-weapon-designs-a-plea-part-iii/page-13?do=findComment&comment=1310846)
  19. Interesting to note that April Giron's interior uses a prop drafted by Kaz for The Endless Paths of Od Nua. Given that it's in a different area it makes me wonder if the Od Nua's influence extends throughout the PoE world. Or it could just be a sub area in the Endless Paths I guess - that's the trouble with speculating on limited update info. Also I cannot say how excited the Death Godlike heads make me. The textures on the growths look like chitin which calls to mind China Meiville's Khepri and New Weird fiction in general, which is exactly the kind of vibe I look for in fantasy games. (EDIT: Although assuming that the PC can be a Death Godlike that model does make me wonder how the team is going to put a helmet/hat on them.)
  20. Oh he was doomed anyway. (Seriously though, the more pertinent example would be a dual/multiclassed character.)
  21. http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/64752-the-obsidian-order-of-eternity-part-7/
  22. My German is very dodgy and I haven't used it in six years but it is just good enough to understand your post There will be a beta but it won't be a conventional "early access" build (they intend to have little or no story content in it). As for your actual question the devs haven't said anything about when it'll be available but the game is set for a release sometime in December this year so... sometime between now and then.
  23. As per Update #71: "We will be doing three more class pair updates in the future: The Leaders of the Band (chanters and priests), The Front Line (fighters and barbarians), and The Mob Rulers (wizards and druids). Let us know what you think of today's update and please vote on which of the three class pairs you'd like to see covered next."
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