I'm enjoying it on the whole. I like that you can kill almost anything with one well placed shot and that you die when caught flat footed. That is to say, when you have run out of win button, or bullet time as it were. There are still a few griefs about it that keep me from loving it.
The weapon shifting is wonky. Mouse wheel would be preferable to the mini menu.
Why does the game take away your carefully collected guns in every single cut sceene. It get's a bit irritating.
The golden guns minigame is lame. Why would you want to complete that and make all your gun textures ugly.
The mouse speed gets borked when you are prone or in some of the scripted slo mo events.
The rail shooter sequences are boring, there is no spatial awareness, no tactical movement.
The story isn't great, I could live with that but most of the 15 hours of gameplay is interspaced with unskippable cutscenes every five minuites.