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Everything posted by Sarex

  1. Kickstarted game's audience is a special case. A large portion of them genuinely consider that modern games has moved in a bad direction. UI, combat, text focus vs cutscene focus, design direction in general. Many can't stand these modern elements. On the other side, if someone considers IE games meh and outdated, he shouldn't had donated in P:E. If someone wanted the IE experiense streamlined and "modernized", he has DA:O. Many of us considered that game mediocre at best, a pale shadow of the IE games, and hope that P:E will be way more "old school" for a lack of better word. While I am in the old school IE camp, I still consider DA:O to be a good game. It would have been even better if it didn't oversimplify it's gameplay, as can be seen from the "sucess" of it's sequel. Sorry for going a little of topic.
  2. If that's how you feel about IWD2, then chances are the user-interface won't be the only thing you'll be disappointed with in PE. Icewind Dale 2 was the peak of the infinity games, gamplay wise. The only thing you could give it bad marks for is that it was a little linear. To this day it reamins one of my favourite games. (my favourite from the infinity games)
  3. I think you are really underestemating the role the UI had in the infinity games. That was something that folowed you through out the whole game. I also though that this game represents the resurection of our nostalgia.
  4. I really like the Icewind Dale feel for the UI. I don't think that a minimalist UI, like Dragon Age has, is really a good idea. A big part of the Infinity games feeling is the way the UI looked, and I think people are underestemating that. Also as someone said, you could hide your UI in all Infinity engine games.(you can't go more minimalistic then that)
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