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Everything posted by Aramintai

  1. Ugh, is this Fearmongering thread part II? Anyone saying here they won't play it day 1 until bugs are fixed is a big fat liar - you will not be able to hold on . Especially when everybody else will be playing and sharing their experiences, and you've waited for this game for so long... Personally, I can't wait to experience the story and meet old buddies in POE2. Bug wise I think it will be quite playable judging by the last beta, that's all I need.
  2. Whoops! lets try that again...
  3. It's too small. Needs to be at least 210x330.
  4. Fumbled some more with it. Here is my pathetic attempt at making pointy ears pale elf out of that portrait:
  5. I did some recoloring but I agree that it would look better as pale elf, the original is too gray. Proper elf ears are required though.
  6. I dunno, these look too sharp and...on the side?
  7. I don't know who those people are and don't really care. This got overhyped pretty bad though, people were waiting for something really grand on Twitter and Twitch. Personally, I was simply waiting for a long overdue backer update...
  8. Ah, you're right. There was another portrait, didn't see it there. Still, I'm not gonna slap any fake pointy ears on that, I'm no artist. If somebody's willing to do that I'll make a watercolor version out of that. As for the other pic - I very much doubt that big fat elf ears can be hidden under a simple hair lock. That's why I like my custom portrait with a hood - it's ambiguous. I can play as human or elf.
  9. I recall the same problem when creating an assassin - no mention of exact numbers nor for the bonus nor for the penalty. You can only see those numbers when you've already made a character and found those passives in your character sheet. Other classes have the same problem. I also don't like that if I'm already at the end of character creation in customization and then want to change something in the beginning, like sex or race, I have to backtrack through all the screens in the middle along with the warning message about multiclassing to get to the beginning. Why aren't these clickable?
  10. I like that too, especially about poisons. There was an ability in POE1 about coating weapons with poison to do damage over time. Wonder where that one went in POE2...
  11. I agree with everything, but I wish Escape ability along with its derivatives (like Shadowing Beyond) had a cost of 1. It's rogue's bread and butter ability to get out of harm's way, since he's so squishy and needs to constantly position himself to do backstabs. Also, I think to make single class rogue be more competitive with multiclass it needs some more damage dealing passives from the fighter tree like Bloody Slaughter and Confident Aim. Fighter/Rogue multiclass looks like one of the most popular options so if you opt to multiclass into that these abilities won't overlap as fighter tree already has them. But single class rogue may benefit from that as his striker role seems to be usurped by fighters right now.
  12. If she had pointy ears she'd make a great Pale Elf. Honestly modding pointy ears onto her is probably easier to do then completing a good water color conversion. Yea, ears are tough, but even more tough is proper pale elf grayish color without making it look like a zombie. If somebody wishes to do this "surgery" on the original portrait I can make a watercolor version out of that. But as it is here's just a regular one:
  13. Isn't this lady the same as this one over here? https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/91743-portraits/?p=1986775
  14. Seriously? It's very easy with any decent editor. But whatever, here:
  15. You want me to do my watercolor version of the portraits that already have official watercolor portraits? I dunno, are they that bad?
  16. Deadfire filter? Lol, what is that? If you mean the watercolor portraits I do here then it's handwork for the most part. I make them as similar looking as a I can to the official watercolor portraits. But if you don't like them you can always take only the original portrait to use in dialogues and scripted interactions. They will stand out though, because all NPCs and companions use watercolor portraits in those instances. Watercolor or whatever, they look like comics for 8 yo kids and that's compared to PoE 1 is terrible Well, nothing to be done here. Devs wanted all important NPCs to have portraits for better immersion and there are dozens upon dozens of them now in the beta. Such huge amount of work was only feasible for them through low effort sketchy watercolor portraits.
  17. Alright, here are your little Frankenstein monsters:
  18. First one is one of the official ones.
  19. Deadfire filter? Lol, what is that? If you mean the watercolor portraits I do here then it's handwork for the most part. I make them as similar looking as a I can to the official watercolor portraits. But if you don't like them you can always take only the original portrait to use in dialogues and scripted interactions. They will stand out though, because all NPCs and companions use watercolor portraits in those instances.
  20. Maybe give rogues Bloody Slaughter and Confident Aim passive abilities? More damage and won't affect Fighter or Barbarian multiclass as they have them already. I also feel like Rogue's active abilities are so weak they should cost less by 1 point. But perhaps that may be too OP for multiclass
  21. What were the portraits that you used for their bodies? I think this will look better if I cut and paste the official watercolored heads and just work with the bodies.
  22. I only work with what you give me
  23. These had to be cropped: Ebb wannabe?
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