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Everything posted by Aramintai

  1. Fenris request: https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/91743-portraits/?p=1995348
  2. Alright, barbarians requests were a bust. To whomever requested these: https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/91743-portraits/?p=1995190 https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/91743-portraits/?p=1995453 https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/91743-portraits/?p=1995456 You need to provide me with much larger resolution of these pics if you can, these are too small and blurry. And frankly I don't really see much potential in them looking good anyway - their style and color palette is too different. Not all is lost though, because in worst case scenario you can always use POE' official barbarian portrait: https://pillarsofeternity.gamepedia.com/File:Human_male_PoE1_portrait_13_lg.png
  3. I dunno, for my main character I'll have to see what they gonna do for balance in release notes and what high level abilities will be available for single classes. As for companions, Eder and Aloth will stay with their respective single classes as Fighter and Wizard. And Xoti will cover all priestly spells with a single class as well. I don't see Pallegina singing any chants personally, knowing how she hates all things "Hylea" so she'll probably stay a pure paladin as well. Everybody else - I don't really care one way or the other.
  4. Wow, I wonder how much that cost cuz that's huge work!
  5. Yes, I've seen those requests. I'll take a look at those soon.
  6. Gah, old thread is gone... But on the upside I finally managed to put some order to my scrambled mess of a portraits album. Here are some of the better looking (imho) custom portraits from the first thread: Direct link: https://imgur.com/a/54mJT Alternative grid link : https://imgurviewer.com/album/54mJT My tutorial on how I do it in Photoshop: https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/91743-portraits/?p=1956411 And again a reminder as to where to put custom portraits and what size & format they should be: https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/94345-portraits-folder-for-custom-player-portraits/?p=1950542
  7. Some guy made a perfect POE1 watercolor Eder portrait and nobody seems to care I think it's an awesome work! I hope he makes these for the other two old buddies. I'm not sure Maia needs a "face lift" though. Her original portrait was fine - she's an aumaua, she should be big faced. And she's not the only one whose paper doll is not an exact match. Most of them are fine, except for Aloth's paper doll I think - that long face is just too long, lips and chin went down too far south from the nose.
  8. I'm pretty sure I used empower on one character more than once per battle in the beta and that it had limited per rest amount.
  9. Some impressions on the stream were: interior lights look wonderful, the creature design and sound design in general seem stellar, and there seem to be some neat little challenges and interactions in that dungeon and so on. The voice performances sound nice though Serafen sounds completely unlike what I expected. The one thing that concerned me, however, was the lack of an exterior location outside the dungeon that was shown - it seemed you entered the dungeon right from the world map. I hope that isn't the case for most dungeons and areas, and that we are actually able to get a more detailed look at their exterior elsewhere, as the world map hardly does much to convey the sheer splendour and presence and magnitude that these places have. My main impression from stream - costumed dude who played the game sucked big time for someone who played the backer beta and POE1. It was painful to watch. I guess for some people Story mode will be the ceiling. Serafen's VO was ok I guess, but I somehow expected him to sound similar to Hiravias and with a bit more swearing . Xoti sounded unexpectedly way too young, didn't quite fit her portrait. As for dungeons, I think that's exactly how most of them will be - lots of small-ish remote locations scattered across the islands, instead of few big many layered dungeons. Not sure how to feel about that design choice yet.
  10. I dunno about you guys but I think they tweaked some of the original companions portraits (Ydwin, Xoti) to look more like their VO actors while some already kinda looked like them (Tekehu, Rekke). Just take a look at their pics: https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/96803-critical-role-meet-pillars-of-eternity-ii-deadfire/ P.S. New Ydwin portrait is a winner.
  11. The information in that thread is scattered through 21 pages; it's time-consuming and difficult to find, mostly because they were trying to decipher the codes as they came out. Now that we know it's not a cipher or anything and rather just codes to be entered, all that information (specifically the codes themselves) should be consolidated. Have you checked the first post of that thread? All codes are consolidated there.
  12. Ydwin's portrait also seems to be somewhat different compared to this:
  13. Well, it clearly looks like there are 7 characters there, the question is - is it a mistake or one of them is fake?
  14. No, I'm not arguing about that - it is the most likely explanation. I'm just expressing my disdain for these shenanigans
  15. Bah, it looks more and more like Destiny redeemable codes for a crap ton of cosmetic items like emblems and shaders, or small booster /resource packs in other games. Personally, I'm not a fan of things like that. Good thing they haven't thought of putting those into various stores' pre-orders, that would have been awful.
  16. New stream soon with voiceover: https://twitter.com/WorldofEternity/status/983866771374419968
  17. Ok, I'm seeing some angst incoming from that scratched "Kind Wayfarer" plate. I'm guessing Watchers who nudged Pallegina in that direction should prepare for some backlash?
  18. Isn't the point of this thread to share custom portraits with other players for ingame usage?
  19. So, they did VO for custom made mercs made at the inn + extra portraits and did a VO for normal companions and other npcs? Recent tweets suggest they did it all, hmm.
  20. Yea, that's not it. I can see it over here though: https://pillarsofeternity.gamepedia.com/File:Wood-elf-female-portraits.jpg Looks kinda unfinished, hmm...
  21. Have you used Minsc + Lilarcor (the talking sword) combo? It was hilarious. I doubt there will be anybody as good a comic relief as Minsc in POE2, but just so you know there will be a talking weapon. So crazy stuff is not totally out of the picture.
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