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Everything posted by Aramintai

  1. This is a follow-up to a speculation and what people liked in previous romance threads. Ok, it's not very clear from the title though that it's only for past romances.
  2. I think this thread is better suited in Spoilers section. There were already some romances shown in streams and people will want to discuss the intricacies pretty soon.
  3. No worries, soon there will be a flood of them. I gotta tell ya, I got a good feeling about the scores . I've been watching Cohh's streams these past few days - the game is frikking amazing (with a few minor bugs).
  4. Now we're cooking with gas. Wonder how and by how much it scales. I kinda think that it goes up to the used to be default 50%. But it would be cool if it goes even higher on single class.
  5. That's bad, lots of people were murdering innocents to get that baby. Just another proof that save imports never ever work 100% properly on release, there is always something wrong with them. If save game import won't work on release then perhaps manual selection of story choices will still work properly? Have save imports ever worked? After some patches, in some games... Ok let me rephrase. Have they ever actually done anything even if they weren't bugged? Just trying to temper expectations. You mean the actual consequences that will transfer? Well, here's this baby that should be a kid npc on the ship with some banter and maybe quests. Then there are big and small consequences of quite a large variety of decisions from POE1. Not gonna spoil it here, but if you go watch Cohh's archived streams there were some noticeable ones, especially concerning companions.
  6. That's bad, lots of people were murdering innocents to get that baby. Just another proof that save imports never ever work 100% properly on release, there is always something wrong with them. If save game import won't work on release then perhaps manual selection of story choices will still work properly? Have save imports ever worked? After some patches, in some games...
  7. I think they can. After all, he said it worked normally in every previous build. Which means this only hit with the pre release build, and may not even be an issue in the real release build. Well, here's hoping. Anything else wasn't triggering on Cohh's streams? Or is this the only thing?
  8. That's bad, lots of people were murdering innocents to get that baby. Just another proof that save imports never ever work 100% properly on release, there is always something wrong with them. If save game import won't work on release then perhaps manual selection of story choices will still work properly? Or you simply weren't sure of either option and ended up getting shoe horned into keeping the baby cause there was no other alternative Either way Sawyer is on it, he knows he can't release without Orlan Baby functionality. I somehow doubt they'll fix this in a day. I'm hoping devs will post release notes and known issues on release and mention this bug there.
  9. That's bad, lots of people were murdering innocents to get that baby. Just another proof that save imports never ever work 100% properly on release, there is always something wrong with them. If save game import won't work on release then perhaps manual selection of story choices will still work properly?
  10. Maybe go swashbuckler as black jacket / assassin to quickly switch between dual wielding and two handing to get the best of both worlds? It was mentioned several times around here somewhere that black jacket is best with four guns. Something about shooting swiftly as a Gatling gun
  11. I think I'm gonna play as assassin/fighter (no sub). Assassin seems like the the best option to alleviate sneak attack nerf and fighter class alleviates assassin's squishiness. Also that Charge ability looks like a fun option to get out of trouble and fly around the battlefield: https://youtu.be/9Fdjvx1fMa8?t=87
  12. I brought up 8-9th level abilities because those are supposed to be the incentive to single class, as multiclasses won't get them. But since not all of those high level abilities are good, or are too sparse for some classes, and you get them pretty late in the game that incentive is kinda lost, I think. It would've been better I think to start giving single class only abilities way earlier, from the beginning even. But right now, some classes get most of the good stuff right from the beginning but at the end get some trash, as if devs couldn't come up with anything. Worst examples of this are rogues and rangers.
  13. Well, this thread is just sad. And playing a single class rogue will be sad. I'll skip a single class rogue playthrough until devs stop throwing nerfs everywhere and start actually balancing classes. For now, multiclass it is.
  14. A single class character unlocks PL7 six (!) levels earlier, PL6 five levels earlier, PL5 four levels earlier and PL4 three levels earlier than a multiclass character. Those are some big differences. Throughout your entire playthrough, single class characters will be casting much higher level abilities. You're not gonna unlock 8-9 level abilities at character level 8-9. Abilities levels don't unlock at every level up even for single class, only every other level. In the beta at level 9 single class you unlock only 5th level abilities. So 8th level abilities you'll get only at level 15 and 9th at 17. So that's still gonna be a large portion of the game until you get those.
  15. I don't like that every nerf they do because of op multiclass combos most severely affects single classes. They fix one thing while nerfing the other to the ground. And as far as we have seen in streams 8-9 level abilities that are locked behind single classes are far from being good enough to warrant being a single class. And what's more, they will only be unlocked in the later half of the game when you're like level ~15 or something, so for bigger half of the game you're not gonna run with anything extra up your sleeve . I dunno how or whether devs will balance this problem at all, it's a serious one. Perhaps some abilities at every level should be locked out if you multiclass, not just level 8-9? Or are made even more weaker than just being of lower power level?
  16. Most likely . If you've seen Cohh's stream he shows that Sneak attack with Trickster subclass only deals +10% damage because of the penalty: https://youtu.be/hNqM6B1w4AE?t=2575 On Wiki and in the beta it was +20%. So it's not far cry to say that Sneak attack was nerfed in general. It looks like devs were so afraid of broken multiclass builds they nerfed rogues to the ground. Couldn't even give them decent and varied high level abilities to make an incentive for singleclassing. A single 9th level active ability for a rogue, while other classes get like five?
  17. What're you doing in the thread discussing a spoilery stream then? I think this thread should indeed be moved to spoilers section, btw.
  18. Well, there was already an official dev stream with VO featuring Xoti. And that she's from Readceras is also known for quite a while. So nothing new. the fact that the livestream player has already encountered Xoti this early is giving away something. I'm not sure what you mean, it's hardly a spoiler. Devs said that all companions will be encountered early in POE2, unlike how it was in POE1. And the guy has already been streaming all day.
  19. Well, there was already an official dev stream with VO featuring Xoti. And that she's from Readceras is also known for quite a while. So nothing new.
  20. My first guess was Ixamitl, but Zahua doesn't speak with an accent, so... who knows. True that. Probably Readceras then. I'm guessing since Eder also has that type of southern sounding accent and both Dyrwood and Readceras are Aedyr's former colonies it's just like irl USA and Great Britain accent thing going on. Aedyrans should probably sound more like British then, lol.
  21. Also, what's up with Xoti's thick southern American accent? Is that Readceras or Ixamitl plains accent?
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