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Everything posted by Woldan

  1. The shock has worn off and I'm already getting used to the controls, now I'm actually able to enjoy the game. Sure, they could have made the controls much better and should have allowed the player to remap keys, but the game is playable as it is. The most annoying thing still is not being able to WALK. My char is always running around like a goddamn lunatic. Those hurdles aside the game is GORGEOUS.
  2. I just started to play DAI and I feel completely lost. The last time I felt this lost at a game was when I tried a professional flight simulator. I feel like spastic. I'm constantly trying to make my character not wave his sword around in the air which leads to playing cat and mouse with the fast moving enemies. I also find myself spamming the mouse button like in a hack'n slash game. This is so demanding and frustrating that there is no time to control the other party members. What makes it even more frustrating is that the rest of the game is absolutely beautiful. I really want to play this game but I cant. Oh, and my character is broken, people think I'm a woman now, so I probably have to make a new character.
  3. As guy who loves legs I highly approve of the above post.
  4. (Muzzle velocity around 1.8 kilometers a second)
  5. Attempted to make me some cooked eggs (post-exercise snack). Took an egg. Squished it. Took another egg. Squished it. My third attempt failed because I only had two eggs in the fridge. Conclusion: eggs suck as much as cleaning kitchen tables.
  6. Very strange, inhaling salty steam has always helped me with breathing, and in my youth I had MANY problems with my respiratory system. But every body is different. Anyway, I'm already using my new PC, the SSD is awesome. 6 seconds and Windows 8 is up and running. And the CPU temperature is constantly hovering around 37 Celsius. Can't wait to put the system through its paces, need to install my Steam games.
  7. Try inhaling salt water. Heat a pot filled with water and normal salt and breathe the steam, the salty air will kill all surface germ in your trachea, bronchia and lungs. It also unblocks everything from mucus.
  8. Just got my new computer. The CPU cooler is freaking gigantic.
  9. Arrogance is a huge problem, the world is cramped full with people who talk about things they have ZERO first hand experience with or knowledge about yet they still think their opinion is superior to anyone elses. This happens all the time and it makes me sick. I bet 99,99% of that angry mob bashing that cop have never been in a potentially dangerous situation where they had to make a tough decision, so they have no idea whatsoever what they're talking about. They should all shut up and return to their normal lives because their opinions are completely invalid.
  10. A recently repaired tooth has started to hurt a lot, doctor told me that the cavity was close to the nerve and that I might need a root treatment later if I'm unlucky. Of course I'm unlucky but I hope the armed intervention of my body will be successful and my army of white blood cells steamroll the living crap out of those foreign invaders. Neutrophils, GO KILL KILL KILL! FOR THE FATHERLAND!
  11. Yeah, when I found the pic I thought the same thing.
  12. Front squats are freaking hard, I love them.
  13. I played on hard but I have to admit I had to change back to normal during the final boss, those iron Golems crushed my characters with three hits.
  14. ^ Whoa, nice body.
  15. Its still there and I'm feeling like utter crap, the fun thing is given time I can really get used to anything. Human nature. Seems like I'm gonna be a depressed abrasive dimwit for the rest of my life. I bet they feel like balloons filled with old cheese curds.
  16. I played Icewind Dale and had to stop when I started Heart of Winter after the IWD campaign, I cant deal with the totally tedious and boring monster killing anymore. I have no idea how I was able to enjoy that game, years ago.
  17. Maybe, but my aunt broke a rip from coughing too much, and thats not a joke. As you can probably imagine that didn't help with the breathing problems.
  18. The lack of a walk toggle is totally bumming me out, I love to take my time in RPG's which is kinda hard if your PC is always running around like he/she is desperately looking for a toilet. I hope they have patched the PC exclusive problems by the time I buy the game, but I'm not holding my breath. Oh, and I'm wondering, the pause option is only available when using tac cam?
  19. Thank you. I love it because its one of the very very few genuinely scary robots in a film.
  20. No doubt its a good SSD, Samsung is a pretty good brand, its more about the rather limited space. With the OS on it it will only take a couple of games and its going to be cramped full. Not to mention it needs some free space to work properly. SSD's are still so bloody expensive. Then you must be the only one, there has always been constant nagging whenever I posted a pic. Or is the complete harmony in there getting boring? Anyway, NZXT Phantom, white Intel i7 5820k, 6x 3,3GHZ MB MSI X99 Gaming 9AC (EATX) 2x 8GB DDR4 2400 GeForce MSI Gaming GTX 970 SSD 120 GB Samsung HDD 500GB Caviar Green 750W Be Quiet Windows 8.1 64 (I have NO idea if W8 is any good, I just went with the flow) Blu Ray drive, card reader, tons of fans etc I think the PSU is a little overkill and a 650W would have been sufficient but I like having not to worry about power. The possibility of PSU's being a performance bottleneck makes me paranoid. And yes, I know, DDR4 is absolutely not necessary and I should have taken 32GB's of DDR3 instead.
  21. I'm planning on building a high performance PC so I just ordered all the parts. Unfortunately I had to do some cost cutting and went with a 126GB Samsung SSD. And now I'm going to do 5 sets of 6 reps of 110kg power cleans. I need to improve my Olympic lifts a little bit.
  22. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZVi3juT2hec
  23. Saw Nightcrawler, one of the best films of the recent years, I enjoyed Gillenhalls acting immensely. I also saw Interstellar and it almost managed to make me leave the theater only on hour into the film. Horrible movie, almost as bad as Prometheus.
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