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Everything posted by Woldan

  1. No-girlfriend-indicator. Not if you don't drop them on your head.
  2. Just celebrated the beginning of my weekend with 5 drop-sets of 110 lbs dumbbell flyes combined with 120 lbs barbell rows standing close grip (hands touching) and 150 lbs barbell shoulder presses. Weight lifting is the only thing that makes me feel good lately. And now I'll continue my celebration with a good nightly meal and a couple of hours of gaming.... I'm thinking of good 'ole Unreal Tournament.
  3. RAAAAAARGH! He said CLIP! CLIIIIIP! Get the inquisition, burn him, burn him ALAAIIIIVE! For those who don't know what the hell just happened, a magazine and a clip are two very different things and its sadly a common mistake to call a mag a clip. A CLIP, also called a stripper clip is used to LOAD a magazine. Therefore a magazine cannot be a clip.
  4. Yeah. Thats how we solve the problem with immigrates here in good 'ole Austria. We're shipping them to America and England.
  5. Polina! Its great to see the person behind all those absolute fantastic concepts and artworks. Its pretty hard to believe that shes a newcomer to the industry.
  6. Doesn't sound too bad actually.... Hey that reminds me I have an actual picture of my office where I work. My desk is on the bottom, right corner. Yeah, its always a little chaotic on Mondays.
  7. What about working in an office? I hear thats the worst torture imaginable and..... nah, I don't want to ruin myself permanently, scratch that.
  8. You're wrong, it creates the feeling you're about to drown, thats such a strong feeling that you will forget where you are and who tortures you, you're panicking, only fighting for air and you think you're dying. And you don't need any practice at all to waterboard someone, maybe thats why its so widely used nowadays. Pour water over someones covered face until that person runs out of oxygen, make a short break, repeat. Try it out.
  9. You'd look like Mr. Cleans small younger brother.
  10. Hm, I thought this kind of torture was mainly used in east Asia at that time, it surprises me to learn that Europeans also practiced it. I already have a new project, got the idea from this video and I can use my experiences I gained from my todays...test:
  11. I've just been waterboarded 5 times. For fun. I friend of mine and I wanted to know how bad waterboarding really is (we didn't believe all the media hyperbole), I set up my weight bench outside the garden, friend tied up my hands behind my back and the bench, put a thick shirt over my face completely covering it and slowly poured water at it with a big 10L watering can. The first, 15-20 seconds aren't so bad because you're holding your breath but once you start running out of oxygen and breathe in that little air that gets through the wet shirt along with lots of cold water you totally feel like drowning. Its extremely exhausting.The 5 or so seconds between the pouring is hardly enough to stop panicking. Its torture, but I still made it through 2 stints of 2x 20 seconds with 5 seconds of rest, at least I beat that wuss from the video who only made it through 7 seconds. Pfff.... But getting water boarded for hours? Hell. And extremely effective. Don't get me wrong, I expected it to be totally awful but I really thought more air gets through the shirt and its possible to stay calm.
  12. Just ate some canned food until I.... .....anyone here interested in a truckload of fresh canned food? I give it away for free!
  13. Its 2:30 AM here and I just came back from a long nightly walk. Thankfully I live in a very rural part of my country where there is almost no light pollution from artificial light sources, its also a moonless and crystal clear night. No engine sounds, no cars, no people, no birds, just the sound of a gentle breeze in the blackened treetops and the bright stars and milky way above me. Almost surreal. Stunningly beautiful.
  14. Oh, wow. Reminds me of this:
  15. An absurd archaic concept of time not being spent properly. Or thats what my boss tells me all the time when I mention this ''holiday''.
  16. WorkWorkWorkWorkWorkWorkWorkWorkWorkWorkWorkWorkWorkWorkWorkWorkWorkWork WorkWorkWorkWorkWorkWorkWORKWORKWORKWORKWORKWKQODNDBNJSWOIWAAAAAHRGH&(%&%/&&()!! Everyone is away holidaying so I'm currently doing the work of three people at once. I'm only doing it for the money, thats what I've been repeating in my brain all day long like a broken record.
  17. Good movie, Jennifer Connelly is super hot in that one.
  18. My reaction when I read this.... No, I'm not and I wont be anytime soon. *looks at ever growing mountain of spreadsheets*
  19. You totally need it for fun! And thats always the best, most earnest reason!
  20. Damn. I was certain you were a fan of the good 'ole .303 British, the Enfield round! There is nothing wrong with the .577 though, quite a stopper. On both ends. My favorite is the .300 Winchester Magnum, with the high ballistic coefficient bullets you can reach out to 1600yds with reasonable recoil, components aren't very expensive, its inherent accuracy is excellent and so many rifles are chambered in this round. Whats not to like! Its like an economic 7L V8!
  21. Tell me more! There actually are 2mm cartridges but they're very special custom made and I doubt those can be found in random British lawns... .10 Eichelberger Dart. The cartridge in the middle is a .22lr (5.56 dia) Made from necked down 6.35mm ACP case if I remember correctly. Those are killers......on ladybugs and grasshoppers.
  22. Whats better than a rainbow? Two of em. Snapshot of me a friend of mine made a while ago. Summer, baby!
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