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Everything posted by Woldan

  1. Had some annoying lower back pain since I woke up so I grabbed my barbell, put 100Kg / 220lbs weight on (60% what I normally lift) and did a few sets of partial deadlifts, pain is completely gone now. I tell you, If I wouldn't lift weights rigorously and regularly my body would be totally FUBAR by now from all the years of sitting hunched up in front of my PC gaming and working.
  2. Dominic Purcell
  3. I could use a thunderstorm right now. Or ten.
  4. Trent Reznor:
  5. I wouldn't mind finishing my mountain trip with a dangerous game hunt. I don't think you can replace your cerebrospinal fluid in a matter of 24 hours.
  6. Just planned an extended mountain trip. I'm going to camp on the highest mountains in my country, this way I can escape the heat and do something useful with my free holiday time. Temperatures here have reached the 100F or 40 Celsius mark, at 3500 meters above sea level the temperature drops down to a mere 15 Celsius (!) and stays barely above freezing at night.
  7. I know what its called, I'm just wondering what caused it, never had speed wobble before.
  8. Had some tailwind and did a whooping 102 km/h / 61mph on my bicycle on my favorite downhill section, sadly I had to slow down as I suddenly experienced some strange high frequency wobble in my handle bar / front wheel assembly. I did not hit any bumps so there must be a mechanical problem, maybe the tire nut is loose or something.
  9. Ah, post rock, the perfect kind of music to relax. Love the part from 2:40 on. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HPRxDfMIcsw *edit* Their whole album is awesome. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dne11-PA3JQ
  10. Its indeed a nice piece of art, though the artist can't draw horses, they look like balloon animals and the proportions are all incorrect.
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q4AWVINLUaQ
  12. I think someone screaming ''hippopotamus'' sounds even more funny. *edit* by the way, 1:1 translated into English Nilpferd means '' Nile horse''.
  13. Meh, you can make any language sound incredibly dumb if you totally exaggerate certain syllables and letters in words while speaking very loudly like an angry constipated coke addict.
  14. Melting. This heat makes me appreciate the concept of a nuclear/vulcanic winter.
  15. I think the ''visitor'' belongs to the family of the wood borer beetle, it was way larger than it looks on the photo, about 3/4 of the size of my index finger and it was equipped with strong looking mandibles, perfect for gnawing wood. Yeah, the robber fly is pretty brutal, it injects tissue-dissolving chemicals into the still living prey which makes it even worse than the Alien Like making a smoothie and then drinking it with a straw.
  16. Whoops, double post!
  17. Robber fly sucking the juice out of an unfortunate moth. (Sadly I had to decrease the file size and thus the quality of the pic. ) A nightly visitor.
  18. Nostalgia is getting the best of me today.
  19. He is talking about quitting cold turkey, that means he will still consume warm, hot and freezing turkey.
  20. Lumbar lordosis can't be cured? The hell? Strengthen your back and abdominal muscles which straighten your back.
  21. Stick with it. Guess that means the coming episodes will get increasingly better? Anyway, once I start watching a series I absolutely HAVE to watch it till the end no matter how bad it is.
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