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Everything posted by Woldan

  1. There's nothing worse in this world than mellow women.
  2. Noober of course! I agree, Aria was badass, not bad. Loved the relationship between her and the protagonist, there was some sort of fragile stunted trust between them because they needed each other (and nobody really wanted to admit that openly). Carry-Ann Moss' voice acting was excellent also. Except, that she killed a lot of people just for the sake of power. I consider this quite evil. She did that to prevent chaos which probably would have lead to huge piles of bodies. Omega was a violent place. Another NPC I really liked -even though its role wasn't so minor- was Solar from Baldur's Gate II Throne of Bhaal, great character. I liked the concept of having conversations and being guided by a truly benevolent being from a heavenly-plane.
  3. Most of the time I don't really like fanmade videos for songs, but this one is ace. And the song is great too.
  4. I didn't know animal brothels were legal in England!
  5. ''Sorcerer'' 1977 with Roy Scheider. Its high up on my ''best unknown movies'' - list. Very unconventional plot, thrilling film.
  6. So...I wasn't supposed to fap to this? Ah well..... 1:47, total awesomeness
  7. Refinished an old rifle, only a few things are more fun than refinishing and repairing an old warhorse from 1896 and make her shoot and shine again. Gives the craftsman and firearms enthusiast in me a feeling of deep satisfaction.
  8. A picture of me holding my favorite golden spatula.
  9. Went to the shooting range today to test my rifle handloads, sadly one caliber I reloaded was beyond max pressure, sticky bolt and primer cratering. I'm gonna try 3 grains less next time. One particular load was doing pretty well, funnily for said load I used my cheapest most inconsistent bulk-pack bullets just to get rid of 'em. 5 shots, 100 meters, .308. The flyer on the left was my fault, breathing error while pulling the trigger. .308 Remington brass trimmed to spec, CCI standard primer, Prvi 150 flatbase, 47 grains of Lovex S065, OAL 71,20mm, tightly crimped in crimp groove.
  10. Antje Traue, definitely the hottest woman on earth right now.
  11. Shot a friends S&W 500 4'' once, after about 50 rounds or so a burr in the firing pin caused it to get stuck in the firing pin channel and primer binding the cylinder and rendering the gun inoperable. Taking it apart was a never ending horror story, thousands of pins and tiny springs and latches, it requires tons of tools....ewwwww. Field strip? Forget it! I also shot a friends single action Uberti revolver, after a couple of rounds the cylinder pin was flying out of the gun, we never really figured out how that could happen, it happened again after a 50 or so rounds. I guess the recoil rattled it loose or something. What I'm trying to say is a single and double action revolver might be an extremely reliable weapon system, but when it jams or parts break the gun is inoperable and can only be fixed by a qualified experienced person with the required tools in a workshop. A service pistol having the same problem can be fixed in minutes by anyone. If I wanted a handgun I'd want a Glock, they're ugly but they seem to never jam. A friend of mine has 20.000 rounds through it with only one FTF, caused by an out-of-spec round. But then again I'm not a pistol/revolver guy anyway, I'm a rifleman,pistols and revolvers are backup weapons.
  12. I have to say I'm more a fan of the automatic pistol, I've had more problems with revolvers than with pistols (and most of the time jams can only be cleared with a disassembly of the gun) I also prefer the low bore axis of pistols, revolvers have so much muzzle rise while the pistol recoils almost completely straight back which makes follow up shots much faster. Each to his own I guess. I've always been a huge fan of the TT Tokarev. Wonderful pistol, all steel construction, the 7.62x25 is a powerful bottleneck round, the pistols frame is very slim, no safeties but my trigger finger, the way it should be.
  13. ....like any other city/state in the US. An assault rifle has a select fire switch, if it does not have one its just a semi auto rifle. Authorities haven't been able to understand that since before the Clinton gun ban. Thats really sad. Those who make laws limiting the capacity of gun magazines have (fortunately) never seen how fast old military surplus rifles can be reloaded with stripper clips from a skilled rifleman. And what about tube magazines? I think Marlin makes a tube-fed 22 rifle that holds 16 or 18 rounds. Does it classify as part of the firearm itself or is it a magazine? If I were you I'd buy myself a nice Enfield No4 or if you are more of a semi auto rifle enthusiast an SKS, both rifles hold 10 rounds, pack quite a punch, are fairly cheap to feed, are ultra reliable and most importantly don't lose their value in case the new 15 round law dies an early death - If its back to 21 rounds thats a case for the FN-FAL, its everything a rifle needs to be. Powerful, reliable, easy to shoot, accurate, and massively built.
  14. I hear you, I couldn't properly sit for 5 weeks after watching Prometheus.
  15. Wait, which state does not allow AR15's? As far as I know only California has some odd laws like I -think - 10 shot max capacity mags and a fixed magazine, no pistol grips etc, but there are workarounds. What about milsurps?
  16. Rifle, pistol, revolver or shotgun? For any specific tasks besides ''fun''?
  17. FIREarms.
  18. Heatstroke is an illusion as well!
  19. This, ladies and gentlemen, is the general firearms thread. If you own a gun, have question about a specific boomstick or just want to rave about your favorite cartridges don't look any further. (To all anti-gun fanatics: GET OUT! Create your own rant threads or do humanity a favor and drive your hippie butt down a cliff or something. This place is for pro-gun people only.)
  20. YES! Pain is just an illusion. I must not disappoint Faora and my Krypton superiors!
  21. Man am I trashed, cycling 40 kilometer across hilly terrain on a burning HOT humid summer day is not such a bright idea. Who would have thunk it? My brain is still boiling...
  22. The only assault rifle (its actually a battle rifle) I've always liked is the FN-FAL, especially our Austrian STG-58 version. Huge, heavy brutish and dead-reliable rifle. Very little plastic and everything else good old forged steel. Fires a big round too. Has an integral bipod! Sexy as hell. What I did today: I continued my wait for a parcel delivery and it didn't arrive today either. Curses.
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