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Everything posted by Woldan

  1. Ah man, sorry to hear they got caught without spending anything on booze or women. Don't know why but I always have sympathy for classic bank robbers. (as long as they don't hurt anybody).
  2. I confess, I'm a sucker for short hairstyles on women, I'm so tired of seeing 99.84% of the opposite sex running around with the same old hairstyle - waving long hair. How original. Thats so cold buffet. A short/unusual hairstyle that looks good instinctively makes me hope that this individual is special and this immediately spikes my interest. And I like the tomboy look, sue me.
  3. I hope he recorded the obligatory shootout with his smartphone!
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=FsF3HspQY6A#t=15
  5. Alaina Huffman And with dark hair.
  6. I'm a newer more advanced model than Arnie, my updated warfare program allows me to use my fabulous sexy Austrian accent to make you all commit suicide.
  7. One of the best intros ever.
  8. Well, they didn't mention in which physical condition they wanted to end up on the other side of the street. *shrugs*
  9. Oh come on, I help old ladies cross the street! Everyone here has been puking their guts out lately, looks like it has become an international illness now. I feel left out.
  10. Bought a goalkeeper ice hokey mask, a plastic butcher apron, tons of fake blood, a classic white undershirt and a rusty old axe. Can't wait to wear my ''crazy butcher costume'' at the Halloween party. I'm even lifting harder than usual to get a little bit bigger for a better effect.
  11. @ ShadySands Beautiful photos, pic #2 totally reminds me of the landscape surrounding the Overlook hotel in The Shining. Pic of a typical country road around here in early spring, thats how the roads of my cycling routes look like.
  12. Religion, the opium of the people.
  13. Baked trouts in white wine sauce, with olives, steamed potatoes (self-grown) and steamed parsnips (also self-grown). Wheat beer would be really fitting to this but I have to lift weights today so no alcohol.
  14. I'm planning a mountain hike with friends, the last one before winter comes and the mountains become nearly inaccessible. Its actually a bit too late for that as we're already having tons of snow above 1500 meters, but its still doable. Guess I have to use my snow shoes this time. I actually love it when hikes are less then perfect, makes it more interesting. And I just realized today is shoulder and neck day. My favorite day!
  15. Those who moan about everyone are usually the worst of them all.
  16. Ok, next time I'll jump off my bike, twist their necks 180 degrees and skin them. I've always wanted a jacket made of pedestrian-wool.
  17. No. I'm a legal traffic user, I stay within the speed limit and follow all the traffic regulations, I'm save cyclist. Its not my fault when people don't give a flying F about traffic rules and provoke accidents. I will not slow down the point I'm blocking traffic because thats pretty dangerous for me and the cars that drive behind me, I cant slow down every time I see some pedestrians. Thats not practical and pretty dangerous, especially on fast country roads with blind corners.
  18. Went cycling today, almost had three accidents which kind of dampened the fun. Whats the most dangerous thing when cycling on roads? Speeding cars? No. Reckless truck drivers? Nope. Road construction sites? Not at all. Its freaking groups of mentally handicapped pedestrians that have a suicidal fetish of walking right in the middle of a road not caring about any other road user. If I had been driving a car today I would have run over a bunch of people, including a dog, two little brats and their stupid mother who lets her kids play on busy roads. Oh, yelling at them to clear the road? A great idea, in theory, the problem is yelling only confuses them and they start running around like headless chicken which only increases the accident hazard by 12500%. Its really awesome when you're doing 70 km/h on your bike and you suddenly have to play ''dodge random moving meatbag obstacles or crash and die.'' I swear, the next time people walk in the middle of a goddamn street and do not make way for me I will not make desperate highly dangerous evasive maneuvers on my bicycle, I will drive my bike into some idiots back so hard that he rips in half and and his guts splatter all over the pavement.
  19. Protip: if you have something OT to discuss there is a nifty PM button on the top left corner of this site (You're welcome), use it and stop polluting the awesomeness of this wonderful thread with your rage. Oh, I just realized nobody has posted a pic of Liz Hurely yet?
  20. I think the way you react to peoples opinions you do not agree with is pretty entertaining. Please continue. (By the way, I said most skinny girls. Learn to use your eyes properly)
  21. Thats just plain wrong, I've never taken any supplements or any kinds of roids and I still got them. And I gained at least 5Kg / year two years ago, you can pretty much max yourself out in two - three years - with a really good lifting schedule.
  22. So do I, shes not just good looking, she clearly has charisma. And thats rare. Phone number kthxbye. If it's all the same to you, old boy, I'm going to continue to associate them with curved hips and swan necks. Not your terrifying pectorals. Hm, I probably should have posted that in the ''attractive men'' thread.
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