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Everything posted by Woldan

  1. I read that this fist warhammer holding a spike is a replica of a real one found in Germany, dating back to the late 15th century. Not really a weapon recommendation for PE but I think that tool is so cool it deserves to be posted here:
  2. Surviving the extremes, a book written by the famous expedition medic Kenneth Kamler, he writes about the various survival techniques, health issues / injuries and limits of the human body + mind in extreme situations from his first hand experiences and experiences of survivors - and those who failed to make it. Situations like giving first aid to a Sherpa who fell 24 meters head first into a glacier crevasse on the mount everest in 5000 meter altitude where he gives information about his injuries (severe skull fractures / brain damage), treatments and medical improvising skills. He writes about the brutal diet of shipwrecked people and how to make the sea your alley instead of your enemy, cannibalism etc. He frequently explains various biological and physiological aspects of the human will to survive and instincts in detail, a highly interesting read, the book is just crammed with invaluable information.
  3. Of course! Since it has a 17.5'' barrel it should only have a 2,8mm bend but thats absolutely impossible as it would be touching the barrel channel walls. The rifle is designed to have ~ 1mm space between the barrel and the wood to ensure its free floated.With a bend like that it wouldn't even fit into the stock anymore I think.
  4. On Thursday I'll take the rifle to a competent gunsmith, I can't wait for his analysis. He is great at fixing gun problems, but this is a hard nut to crack.
  5. Even a hurricane wouldn't even remotely move a rifle round that much at 50yds. According to my calculations time of flight 0-50yds is 0,06 seconds.
  6. Thanks for the reply! Its 70 year old surpuls rifle so contact the responsible persons might be...difficult. The bore being off center was my first instinctive thought as well, there are several surplus guns that suffer from a bore that does not go perfectly straight through the barrel. However, it does not appear to be the case, the barrel wall thickness at the muzzle is very uniform all around, its seems to be perfectly centered, the bore being off center at the receiver end is not possible due to the action of the gun. If it were off center by just one millimeter the gun wouldn't work properly. The only halfway plausible problem could be some very weird unlucky barrel vibrations when firing that throws the rounds waaaay off, but I really doubt thats whats happening here. I've never heard of bad barrel harmonics that screws up the POI that bad.
  7. I spent hours trying to identify a problem with one of my rifles, it makes me question the laws of physics of our universe because this simple rifle seems to defy them. It simply does the impossible, it shoots 30 centimeters left at 50yds , and its of course not even on the paper at 100yds. I can't adjust the sights enough to get it in the black at 50. (iron sights) And there seems to be nothing wrong with the rifle. Its not me, the shooter, I let other accurate shooters shoot it and they all hit waaay left with it. Its not the factory ammo, it shoots fine in my other rifles and with my handloads it too hits way left. Its not loose action screws, I checked them after each round. The rear and front sight / sight bases are perfectly centered above the bore and not canted. As far as I can tell the barrel is not bent. The bore diameter for this caliber is perfect. The muzzle crown and the rifling is not damaged. No part of the rifle is damaged. The barrel does not touch the wooden stock anywhere, it can vibrate freely. The action is properly bedded. Noticeable spindrift occurs only at 1000+ meters If I put a laser into the bore the sights are pefectly aimed at the laser dot on the wall, yet the projectile does not hit even close to the laser dot. Jinxed it is! Any metalworkers, physicist or peoples with brains here that have an explanation for this?
  8. 1. Not skinny. 2. Doubt they're natural Its logical, if you lose fat and get skinnier you also lose fat tissue in your breasts. Thats why its highly unlikely that a girl that has like 13% of body fat has very large natural breasts. Of course, some peoples bodies like to hold onto fat in specific body parts, but once you get skinny there simply is no fat stored anywhere... When was the last time you saw a female olympic athlete with comparatively huge breasts? Yeah, those are extremely rare because they have very little body fat and can't have implants. But whatever, enough of this, the thread is supposed to be fun.
  9. Oh, I have. Now tell me they're real while keeping a straight face.
  10. If there are I haven't seen any of them. Where are they hiding?
  11. Given his personal workout regimen, his women have to be on the muscular side of the spectrum or else he tends to break them... Hey I'm a gentle lover...........sometimes. About girls and muscle, I have my limits too, there is a point where it suddenly gets from omghawt to ewwwwwnope. Examples: Awesome: Nothanks: I think its just sad how a highly unhealthy physical appearance got desirable. I guess a crazy society creates equally crazy beauty standards.
  12. Since breasts are made of fat tissue and fit girls have very little body fat there is a 99% chance that a busty AND fit girl has implants. Sad but true. Personally I have nothing against big breasts, but I also have nothing against small ones either. Though if I had to choose I'd rather take the fit girl with small boobs.
  13. I can see why some people find ''curvy'' women attractive, though its not my coup of tea.
  14. Fit bodies and strong legs. Awesome.
  15. Don't want to sound like a killjoy and I like oogling hawt girls as much as anyone else, but if you have time to stare at girls and think about politics while doing your exercise you're definitely not using enough weight or your cardio intensity sucks balls.
  16. Coby Smulders is damn hot.
  17. Mmmm....I think I've got this one. That dream means you need to learn how to swim !!!!! You see this dream deciphering is easy Makes sense. I actually know what this one means, the water is a metaphor for the boring daily grind, how it engulfs my entire life, thats why the water is nasty and dark looking, me drowning in it means I'm having enough of this ****. My death is a metaphor for the need of drastic a change / new direction, I need to drastically change my life.
  18. Many people often dream about water, most of my dreams revolve around that element. I often dream of drowning in a dark murky river with lots of alga and water plants in it. Oddly I never try to get to the shore, I just let the water engulf me and it feels strangely relaxing and calming even though I'm clearly dying.
  19. Thats not sunglasses anymore, thats a freaking car windshield shes wearing. I really don't get the obsession women have with huge ugly sunglasses.
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