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Everything posted by kozzy

  1. Beat the game on my steamdeck and had a blast, just loved it. Wonderful job Josh Sawyer and everyone else at Obsidian that worked on it. The characters, dialogue, story, audio and the art design are fantastic. I am still thinking about The Abbey and all the characters weeks after finishing it. Glad it is got a good amount of praise!
  2. I would enjoy Fallout New Vegas style DLC or witcher 3 expansions but if we have to wait for Outer Worlds 2 I would be fine with that to. I have a feeling I will be playing this for many moons.
  3. Glad you are enjoying it! I had to stop myself from playing all night last night to, was hard to go to bed thinking about this wonderful game haha. Good luck on the rest of your adventures!
  4. running well here so far, do you have the latest nvidia driver that came out yesterday?
  5. Feel free to share screenshots of adventures you have been having in The Outer Worlds! I will share some screenshots first and I hope others join it, been enjoying the game so far! ***PLEASE PUT ALL SCREENSHOTS WITH SPOILER COMMAND/TAG! (It has the shape of an eye) So people have to click on them to see them! Also let people know if its got dialogue in the screenshot and if its a late game or story related thing. This helps make no spoilers! Thanks!***
  6. Long time fan of Obsidian and even before that with Black Isle I got Fallout 1 the week it came out and just loved it. Loved KOTOR2, New Vegas, Alpha Protocol, NWN2, Mask of The Betrayer, Pillars 1/2, Tyranny and Stick Of Truth. DS3 was probably my least favorite but I still ended up enjoying some aspects of it I have enjoyed all the Obsidian charm and love that they have brought to the industry over the years, thank you for doing what you do! I deal with alot of chronic pain for the last 16 years do to spine issues and I am not able to do many of the things I enjoy but one thing I can count on is wonderful roleplaying games from Obsidian that I always seem to like and are also great for taking my mind off things. Glad to see The Outer Worlds getting good reviews, happy for the team and good luck with the release of all future stuff. This game looks fantastic! Keep up the great work and thank you for building these wonderful games that have such enjoyable characters, dialogue, choices and stories, as someone who has been playing rpgs since the 80's it is highly appreciated to still have some devs doing such great work. I know people come and go and not everyone is still around but the quality and enjoyment for me has always been there when the name "Obsidian" is on a game. It really does seem like alot of care and love goes into the games and it is appreciated and noticed! Many modern games I end up skipping the dialogue after awhile, do to it not being all that enjoyable, not so with Obsidian games! As always with Obsidian games my first playthrough I will make a character that has anything and everything to do with getting more dialogue options Signed, a long time fan
  7. Hell no, I love the ship stuff. I think many people who dislike it just need to learn it properly. At first I wasn't huge on it but now I love it. I love winning a battle when you are the underdog, such a good feeling.
  8. Amazing game so far, much improved over the first POE, which I enjoyed but still had a good amount of issues.
  9. The first 5-6 hours have been more enjoyable for me when compared to the first 5-6 hours of POE1. Nearly every aspect has been improved, which I wasn't expecting.
  10. I like it so far, could tell right away it was Ellie (spelling?) from The Last of Us. Not perfect but more good compared to bad
  11. About 5 hours in so far and wow, what a great game! Nearly everything is improved from the first game for me and I love the new stuff like the ship stuff and what not. Taking lots of screenshots, finding so many things improved, from the combat, to the writing (even early on in the first 4 or 5 hours), to the better performance and how I can really get in there and customize the ai of my party if I want to. Not to mention it looks gorgeous and the soundtrack is good so far, other than wanting more portraits (I downloaded a bunch extras so it isn't a huge deal) for my character during creation I am enjoying everything else the game brings to the table. About to eat some dinner and hop back on, thanks for the wonderful game, it really has been a joy to play and explore so far, keep up the good work Josh and Company! How is everyone's adventures going? What classes is everyone rocking? What has impressed you the most so far? Things you didn't like or want improved?
  12. KOTOR sequel (loved KOTOR 2) Bloodlines - One of my favs, would love to have Obsidian's take it on Pillars 2 - Enjoyed Pillars and the expansion packs a good deal, would like another Alpha Protocol style game with a different name if need be, very underrated game Fallout 4 Expansion packs, New Vegas >>>> Fallout 3 and Fallout 4 NWN sequel - On a newer engine, with a great creation/mod setup again I would be down for any of those to be honest, hell I would love a Wheel of Time game to that they had been rumored to be working on. I was also very sad to hear Obsidian was NOT working on the new south park rpg. And a game of thrones or Bastard Executioner style rpg would be amazing to I bet. With a tank game and a card game in the works from Obsidian (two genres I have not much interest in), I really hope they get an rpg or two in the works My bet? Pillars 2 and maybe something new down the road.
  13. 125 people disagree with you on the poll, while only 16 agree with you. Thread can be closed now, a small % agrees with him, many others don't.
  14. Nope, have loved my time with both Witcher 3 and Pillars, two amazing games I gave them both the same score. If you never made it past act 1 in pillars then how can you say all this? You have really only gone as far as the tutorial. Here is an idea.. how about try the game? Like please more than an hour? For me these are two of the best rpgs in awhile, as much as I liked Divinity Original Sin and Wasteland 2, for me Pillars and W3 are even better. Put in 100+ hours on both pillars and E3 and I honestly can't pick which one I liked more, both where a blast and extremely well made rpgs. And if we are talking bugs, I have had more in W3 than I did during my time with Pillars. From your post it seems like the game was to hard for you and you quit as you where frusterated, and went to go play the much worse and extremely easy Inquisition. Just because you find a game hard doesn't mean its bad.
  15. amen, good post. As a huge Baldurs Gate and Icewind dale fan, I found Pillars to be fantastic. Not perfect but very very good.
  16. oh boy here we go.... Not even trying the full game because of a beta? Hate to be rude but this is pretty ignorant imo. I can't remember how many times over the years I have tried a beta or alpha and it was average, only to try the full version and its fantastic.
  17. Nope, the game is fantastic and imo in even better shape than Divinity Original Sin and Wasteland 2 where on release (Liked them both alot to). Any big improvements that they want to make can be made for the expansion packs or updates to the game.
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