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Everything posted by Faerunner

  1. Tried setting 1920x1080 and checking the fullscreen checkbox. Didn't work. Tried uninstalling and re-installing the game. Didn't work. Trying to create an output.log, but I downloaded this game from GOG rather than Steam, so (of course) it has the least amount of tech support and trouble-shooting. Thanks anyway.
  2. No. Or rather, I'm okay with it being an option, but not required. If you want to do it, go on ahead. I found it crippling for BG and a stresser for other games. I don't want it here.
  3. Seriously. If you want to do all that, go on ahead. I personally don't want to waste real time sitting in front of my computer watching my characters walk across each map one by one when I can just click a button and have them "fast travel" (with in-universe time lapses and characters having fatigue to show for it) straight to their destination, and save real time while I'm playing.
  4. Make Aloth romanceable too and most of the fandom will be happy.
  5. Tell that to the developers who made halflings, gnomes, dwarves, etc. playable races in the first place. If the developers are going to go through all the trouble to make halflings, gnomes, dwarves, etc (or orlans, dwarves, aumaua, and godlike in the case of PoE) playable in the first place, might as well make them romanceable while they're at it. Seems stupid to let them go adventuring same as elves or humans, but then arbitrarily go "no, no romance for you" when it comes to that particular game feature.
  6. The acid flasks from DAO still make me happy. Could we have those?
  7. There isn't. I didn't think so, and that throws a wrench in the works as far as I'm concerned. Not really. In BG2 there were restrictions such as gender and race for each romanceable companion. Was done before, can be again. Kind of an insulting one, too. Only humans and elves could romance the human or elf love interests. No short, tall, fat stout, or "ugly" races like halflings, gnomes, dwarves, or whatever else. (Can't remember if half-orcs were a thing back then.) Since almost all dialogue is text-based anyway (no conflicting animations or voice acting), I'd be happy if they DIDN'T include such insulting race-restrictions this time around. (Since it implies that short and/or fat stout people aren't attractive enough to be considered "desirable.")
  8. I KNEW someone would make this thread eventually! I know for a fact lots of people want to romance Eder, and Aloth has his share of fans. (Thank you, Matthew Mercer.) I want to smooch Aloth. I know lots of people will probably scoff, roll their eyes, or retch at this request (haven't read the comments, but I'm sure there's lots of backlash), but I don't care. I want to romance Aloth so badly!
  9. I'll modify my list: -"Skins" for ranger animal companions. (Like the "big cat" companion can be "skinned" as a panther, snow leopard, orange tiger, white tiger, etc. not just lion. Wild Boar can be brown, grey, "warthog" etc. Wolf can be white, grey, black, or reddish, etc.) -"Skins" for druid spirit-shift. (Like the "big cat" spirit-shift can be "skinned" as panther, snow leopard, orange tiger, white tiger, etc. not just lion. Wild Boar can be brown, grey, "warthog" etc. Wolf can be white, grey, black, or reddish, etc.) -More reactivity to race, class, and/or background (especially where Deadfire is concerned). -Learn more about wild orlan and/or pale elf culture. (They're so secretive!) -White fur for wild orlans? "Albinism" feature for people who want to RP an albino orlan, aumaua, etc? (Not just pale elf?) -Romance?
  10. Like I said, I'm all for the party limit lowering as long as there aren't only one or two more party members total. I'd hate it if there were five companions total but I was only allowed to take four and forced to leave one companion behind for seemingly no reason, when a simple six party limit would have fixed it (and I could take everyone everywhere with me at all times).
  11. I'm not quite sure what you mean. I've changed the resolution of the game every which way, but no matter what setting I pick, the dialogue box stays the same size (the one in the screenshot I posted above.) Here are the settings when I pull up the "Graphics" tab from the menu. And here are all the possible resolutions: When I downloaded the game from GOG.com a couple of days ago, I'm pretty sure the default resolution was one of the 1300x768 ones, or the 1440x909 one. When I started a new game, I noticed the giant dialogue plaque problem (that I posted above). I kept changing the resolution every which way, but the dialogue plaque just stayed the same size. It doesn't matter whether I have the game on 1280x720 or 1920x1080 (or raise and lower the font size), the dialogue plaque remains huge and cuts off the character portraits like in the first screenshot I posted. ='(
  12. I LOVE this idea! Skin Varieties for Ranger Animal Companions! I'd also like to piggy-back off it for Druid Spirit-Shifts. (Like being a Pale Elf Druid able to spirit-shift into a snow leopard instead of a regular old lion.)
  13. I'm sorry, but I don't know where else to ask. I recently re-downloaded the game from GOG after a long absence. (Before that, I had downloaded the latest patch and both expansions.) However, when I went to play the game I noticed the dialogue boxes are now so big that the sides reach beyond the screen, cutting off character portraits. I've tried every which way to make the box smaller, but so far nothing has worked. I can only raise or lower the top of the dialogue box, but I can't use the courser to click the sides of the box since they taper off-screen. Zooming in and scrolling out doesn't affect it. I've also looked in the Graphics controls, but there's nothing about dialogue plaques. I tried adjusting the resolution and graphics quality, and tried making the text font smaller and bigger, but none of it affects the dialogue plaque. I'm really out of options. Cutting off the character portraits is really cutting into my enjoyment of the game, but I don't want to quit either. Help? This is a screenshot of the game. Again, I can make the plaque go up and down, but I can't fix character portraits (like Calisca's face, here) being cut off.
  14. Be funny if he came back as an undead though, you gotta admit... "ooo, look...zombie Aloth!" Animancy is a beautiful thing.
  15. Considering they met their million dollar quota in less than 24 hours, I think it's a given they'll meet the sub-class stretch goal by day's end.
  16. Voice actors are expensive and audio files take up more room than text files. Part of the beauty of PoE (in my opinion) is the wide range of choices and response to any given situation, and wide variety of dialogue options in conversations. The mostly text-based nature of the game ensures this. If everything becomes voiced, the range of choices gets whittled down to whatever they can afford/squeeze into voice files. I saw the Dragon Age franchise go from the largely choice-based and roleplay-rich DAO to the bland, binary "illusion of choice" cinema-based DAI. I don't want to see PoE go the same route.
  17. I just want more reactivity to player race and background. It still feels weird that orlans and godlike are supposed to be looked down on, but almost no one treats you any differently for being one. I'd really like it if they had more ambient dialogue acknowledging your race, class, and background--but I know it's not likely to happen since most resources will most likely go toward acknowledging our worldstates from the last game. Also I want to smooch Aloth, but I know that's never, ever, ever going to happen and I'll get lynched for even suggesting it.
  18. If so, this wild orlan ranger is about to trade her bow for a set of pistols.
  19. Ranger/Druid! Animal companion + Spirit-shifting! I call dibs!
  20. Aloth returns? SIGN ME ON! :D Okay, I'm kidding. I'm glad for all the returning characters, particularly Eder and Aloth, and I look forward to seeing all the ways they expand on the first game. <3 (I was JUST thinking last week that I wanted to change my "canon" Watcher's background to being a mariner from the Deadfire Archipelago. I just about died of shock when I learned this game includes travel by sea, and takes place largely in the Deadfire Archipelago.)
  21. I don't really mind five-person party... as long as we don't have a total of six or seven companions in the game and have to arbitrarily leave one or two behind. >< (It really killed me how we had effectively four companions in NWN2:MoTB but could only have take three in our party, forcing us to leave one behind for seemingly no reason. For PoE, before the expansion, we could bring 5/8 companions with us. Since I loved them all, having to arbitrarily leave 3 behind hurt my soul.)
  22. Most of the possibilities are pre-quest completion. The quest opens with him promising to tell you where some treasure is hidden if you get him the dursteel dagger. You can promise to get the dagger, or beat him up and make him tell you. If the former, you go to the one vendor in the city who sells it, and find out that some orlan mercenary already bought it. Then you have the option of convincing the orlan to give it to you, or pay him for it, or kill him and loot the dagger. Once you have the dagger, return to Gordy. You can then give him the dagger in exchange for the information, or lie that you'll give it to him after he tells, then decline to give him the dagger now that you know where the treasure is. As for giving him the dagger, the next phase is a survival check. If you have 4 survival or higher then you can warn him that the dagger is not a toy and he needs to handle it carefully. He nods, keeps it sheathed, and carefully takes it home--then presumably later grows up to be a prominent knight. If you don't meet the survival skill, he eagerly grabs it like it's a toy, presumably runs off to play with it, then later you hear a town crier announce that a kid cut off his fingers with a dagger, and that's the last you hear of him. So, yeah. The quest has a number of outcomes, but most of them are made before the fateful "give Gordy the dagger" moment. Basically, 4 Survival and you can warn him it's not a toy to save his fingers (I always invest in at least that much to save the kid), or don't bother and let him definger himself.
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