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Everything posted by Ganrich

  1. Star Wars, Hateful 8, and I kind of want to see He Never Died with Henry Rollins. Game wise... Underrail, finish this wasteland 2 play through, might play PoE again, need to finish SR Hong Kong, and we will see what else. Music... New Baroness album comes out and I am excited. Enjoy 2 weeks without work.
  2. Yup, going to buy this asap. I am building a little Steam machine this weekend, and although this isn't Linux compatible it will likely be my first game I play on it (via streaming).
  3. Only thing I would do is add more talents and class abilities(where applicable). You can do this in a way to get even more focus in your class/build. I still think certain classes have too few class specific talents. Chanters come to mind. They could use some active abilities to use between invocations, and talents could bring that. I like the fairly open design on the classes themselves though.
  4. It's been a long time since I played BG, but that's my memory too. I liked PoE, and I'm looking forward to the 2nd half of the expansion as well as a sequel, but I'm not sure I'd compare PoE to either BG or BG2. But the real reason I responded is to call not just for Vancian magic, but for original AD&D MATERIAL COMPONENTS. I want to see wizards grinding up gems, burning hair and tracing arcane patterns with exotic materials on the ground. I want incense and candles and powdered motherf***ing NEWT. You kids have your "mana" and your "cool-downs." I will be here in the corner with an odd look in my eye, rolling a ball of bat guano and sulfur just before I make boom-fire. I remember thinking about this when I was originally playing IE games, but even then concluded most people would hate itAnd it is too complicated to implement only as an optional mechanic. Could've gone the Ultima route of just consuming reagents. Honestly, it would have deterred rest spamming by having limits on reagents, and you could have limited key reagents thus bringing limits to the wizards higher level spells. I think a lot of games would benefit from using a reagent/component system.
  5. I always prefer original stuff... Even if some of my favorite games are set in pre-existing IPs. There is always room for more flavor in a genre, IMHO. I do understand the safety of making a game in those pre-existing IPs, though.
  6. @StormbringerGT Fallout/Arcanum: I don't think anyone would mind you guys making another IP via kickstarter, with a single blank slate protagonist, a classless system, and turn based combat. Heck, make a post apocalyptic steampunk setting where magic and technology don't get along and give us something fairly unique in the gaming world. Which would also kill both those birds with one stone. NWN: I don't think anyone would mind a game built around module creation like NWN was set in the Pathfinder setting. kotor: Disney means EA which means Bioware would likely get it of it were in the cards. At least that's my 2 cents. Wouldn't complain if it happened though. Pillars: keep em coming, please. Bloodlines: I would be psyched for this as well.
  7. If the stronghold was like BG2 where it was class specific and had neat quests involved, or NWN2 OC where it was a major plot point... Then it would be cool. However, it is just there. You get some bounties, it has the dungeon, and you can upgrade it for wome minor buffs and some stores. It isn't crucial (nor interesting imho) whatsoever. However, I would just not add a similar system to PoE2 than remove it from PoE.
  8. Thing is most AAA games lack good writing, real branching storyline; they have simplified rpg mechanics/choices & consequences; they are avoiding darker themes, dumbing down already existing lore etc to appeal a wider audience. What's wrong with wanting an AAA or semi AAA(AA?) game which includes all these things? It's unrealistic but its something I hope for. I don't want my only option is to be the low budget indie games for good RPGs. I like and play them but I want another CDPR on the market also, they are not perfect but they are the closest ones who try to stay true to what makes good RPGs for mature audience among AAA devs, And here, I don't disagree whatsoever. Why Pillars of Eternity, though? Why not ask for Obsidian to make another IP with 3D environments? Obsidian having another IP that they own would further stabalize them IMHO. Honestly, I would back a NWN spiritual successor so hard it isn't funny. I don't want pillars to turn into a NWN or a DAO, though.
  9. I don't find this game cluttered at all, but ok. The only issue I have is not easily seeing engagement indicators, but I can zoom in and make it out pretty quickly. The only other issue is spell effects being a bit much visually, but that issue would carry over to 3D as well. On interactive cut scenes... They were added because Sawyer is a fan of Darklands. It's awesome. No doubt. They bring a more PnP feel that wouldn't be there otherwise. Do they add a cinematic quality to the game? Sure, but that doesn't mean they should go completely cinematic with any future sequel. I disagree on how good a job Bioware did with DAO. The were serious sacrifices made because of the use of 3D backgrounds. One of which,I believe, is a 4 person party size which I find inhibits party composition. I can't imagine how big areas would have to be to accommodate 6 man parties in a 3D environment. Another is the number of enemy types. The majority of the enemies are humanoids using variations on rogue, warrior, mage class archetypes. Booooring. I have more issues with DAO, but they aren't related to 2D vs 3D... So I won't get into them. Also, what is wrong with this being a niche product? Why does every game have to follow the tenants of mainstream acceptance? Yes, every company is trying to make a dollar, but if everyone does exactly the same thing then no one stands out. I would argue that PoEs success is likely because it stands apart from other games because of its niche sentiments. I really don't get this. It feels like every forum, comments section, etc for a Kickstarter for old school games has someone (or someones) telling the devs to be like the AAA industry when these games were funded for trying to be different. We don't need more games that are cinematic. The AAA industry churns out enough of them. Let this game be one of the games that has a more bookish way of story telling. Let it focus on being similar to PnP, and not going to the movies.
  10. 2D is niche? Heck, true to form cRPGs are niche. The genre has been replaced by by action/adventure games with lite RPG mechanics. So, what you want is already niche. Dragon Age changed to add "awesome" buttons, and gain greater mass appeal. I could use your same argument against the entire genre that PoE falls into. Both Bethesda and Bioware have been slowly removing/adapting things in their titles to move more toward aRPG status with light RPG mechanics. It's a moot point too, because what is popular isn't always of high quality. Gaming isn't changing, and hasn't changed, in order to progress toward something greater. It has changed to make more money. That doesn't mean it is of higher quality, or even an evolution. We live in a world where Nickelback outsells most quality rock music, McDonald's outsells quality hamburgers, a Michael bay film outsells a movie with a story, 50 Shades of Grey is a best seller in the book store, and so on. I wouldn't call any of those examples a progression either. Niche isn't synonymous with anything of value or a lack there of. You prefer a more cinematic game, and that is fine. I occasionally play games, and enjoy them, that fall into that paradigm. However, this game isn't it. Ironically, DAO (just like PoE) was promoted as a spiritual successor to the I.E. games (particularly BG in DAO's case) while PoE is much closer to hitting that design goal. I know I am here because PoE was 2D and RTWP. Why 2D? Because I wanted game that didn't require me fiddling with a camera all the time, that could save time on environmental art assets to focus on actual gameplay, that used prose instead of animations, etc. for some reason, the 3D examples of RTWP games feel cluttered by comparison to the 2D games. At least to me they do. I didn't want that feeling with this game, and that is why I am here. If Obsidian wants to make another IP that more closely resembles DAO then I will back it, but changing this IP to be more like a game that did a worse job (IMHO) of emulating the I.E. games isn't something I want. Just because something is new doesn't make it better. Many times that new thing just has a different set of pros and cons than the old thing. That is the difference in my eyes to 2d vs 3D backgrounds in top down RPGs. They have different strengths and weaknesses.
  11. I will try to remain optimistic here. It isn't like anyone else is doing anything with the IP. I would be excited if this is real, but remain cautious.
  12. Isometric camera on a 2d background has 1 important thing going for it... And that is it keeps the player from having to fight with a camera. Camera hangs on objects, object blocks view from the angle you want, etc, etc. Isometric cameras are always where I need them, and no object will ever interfere with it. Pillars sequels should keep the current paradigm, but if Obsidian hits crowdfunding for another game (not PoE2, but something fresh) and want to go full 3d with a rotating camera? I won't say no, but not for a PoE game.
  13. With Broken Age, they have delivered a game people didn't quite expect, but was pretty good nonetheless, so by itself that would not undermine my trust in Double Fine. With Massive Chalice, they delivered a pretty decent game and what was promised, so by itself that would not undermine my trust in Double Fine. With Spacebase DF9 however, they released a game into Early Access where they charged money for the product and then released it in completely unfinished state, abandoned development and did not allow for any refunds and that would sort of undermine my trust in Double Fine unless everything else they did in the past was excellent. Which, as far as I'm concerned, it wasn't. So I wouldn't trust them with my money. I 100% agree with what Keyrock said: I'm cheering for Double Fine and want Psychonauts 2 to be amazing, but I would never trust them with my money. Yup, this is my sentiment. I had no issue with Broken Age (I didn't expect the same wonder and amazement I got with Schaefer's previous titles) (haven't played Massive Chalice), but Spacebase made me wary of anything Double Fine has their hands on. Funny enough, I thought it was the best and most interesting thing they had going, and to abandon it really made me wonder what they were thinking. The way they did it irked me. It was a total abuse of Early Access IMHO, and what is a Kickstarter but a really, really, really early access. Pay now, and wait to play. Sorry, if you fumble enough I won't fund you. Hairbrained schemes just got my money for Battletech, and that is because they delivered with Shadowrun. InXile got my money because they delivered (WL 2 at launch was ok at best, but the DC is pretty great. I didn't really have time to play it until the DC was out). If Obsidian hits crowdfunding again? I'll get their back. Double Fine? Double Take. Ironically, the Spacebase ordeal made me feel like I was Double Fined. <terrible pun, but worth it. I wish the best for Psychonauts 2, but I will only buy if it releases and has solid reviews. I don't like Schaefer's politics, but I don't like Ted Nugent's politics at the best of times and I still like to jam to some Stranglehold. I would support him if He didn't have a history of rocky delivery or backing out of Early Access.
  14. Yup, Valve takes 30%, I believe. It may be 33%. I can't remember. However, I know it is one or the other. Valve makes a killing on Steam.
  15. Did you take into account Valve's 30% cut, steam sales (I believe it's been on sale a time or 2), etc.? I am unsure how Paradox has been compensated as a publisher since it was kickstarter and all that.
  16. They just found Scott Weiland dead. He passed in his sleep. I haven't read anything to indicate the cause, but drugs are likely given his history. Figured I would share something from their unplugged show. https://youtu.be/67XeyhUj4ik
  17. I agree with this. People seem to forget baldurs gate 2 was a sequel. It had an engine the devs were familiar with to be built on. Also, Shadowrun Returns was a pretty mediocre affair, but I think Dragonfall and Hong Kong are great games. I think obsidian can really do something great with a sequel while using the Unity engine and tools they have built.
  18. What? I believe he is making a Baldur's Gate 2 joke. You know? Shadows of Amn/Shadows of Old Valia.
  19. You know... Speaking of cel shading. I was kind of hoping Torment: Tides of Numenera would use it, or something similar, since Numenera is inspired by Gene Wolfe's Book of the New Sun and Moebius' art. Trying to make it look like a Moebius piece would make the game stand out, IMHO.
  20. Yes, many times, but wouldn't you know it? It is never broadcast on our media. You can chalk that up to conspiracy as many do, but I tend to think there isn't any money in it as it doesn't stir controversy.
  21. I thought PoE2 is already in their plans that's the reason I didn't add it. http://www.gamebanshee.com/news/116069-pillars-of-eternity-the-white-march-part-ii-will-be-last-expansion-obsidian-talks-sequel.html But no reason not to add it as well tbh. Isn't the Pathfinder their next game ? I don't know. I was under the impression that Wizards of the Coast has a lock down on all video games using the D20 system. I believe (definitely not 100% sure) they are working with Paizo to get a Pillars of Eternity Pen and Paper game made up, but I don't know if they can make a Pathfinder video game.
  22. From those? Bloodlines/WoD game, but I would prefer some kind of Arcanum Spiritual Successor with Tim Cain at the helm. I have also expressed interest in a Western themed game, but a weird west or a steam punk western would be what I am looking for. Obsidian's ability to fiddle with tropes would be interesting in a Western themed game. Edit: just wanted to add... I think anything they do (save maybe Dungeon Siege, maybe) should come with a NWN type of Editor. We need a new RPG with a rock solid mod community. Shadowrun has been pretty ok, but I want more.
  23. Could be. I'm imagining an Arcanum Spiritual Successor set in louisiana in an alternate timeline where magic emerges in our world. The backdrop is the steam boat setting along the Mississippi River. It would be a good location for a Vampire TMB sequel. Kind of like George RR Martin's Fevre Dream.
  24. I always wondered why these big billion dollar companies never had a handful of smaller teams to work with dated and smaller IPs, and make traditional low budget titles from their current IPs. For example, EA could have a 20 man team working on a low budget Ultima game for pc, or Bethesda could have a small team make a traditional turn-based fallout in between their big releases. I understand the fear of damaging their big selling IPs, but the floundering and forgotten IPs go unused. It would add stability to their cash flow instead of relying on a handful of AAA games to be blockbusters. I dunno. I guess there is a reason I'm not a CEO. Edit: I guess these days one could argue that these companies do this with their mobile divisions.
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