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Everything posted by Razorchain

  1. I was just starting a new game with Helwalker/StreetfighterBerserker Lifegiver Bloodmage Sharpshooter/Assassin Have just arrived in Neketaka I don't see any reason why I shouldn't be able to handle the tougher fights Quick question, if I can make my zerker immune to mind afflictions does that apply to the confused state from raging?
  2. Wait? What? Of course they require micro, that's the whole fun. I don't find it fun just spamming summons while healing myself with ancient memory and paladin aura and outlasting my foes. Like in PoE1 on Potd where people thought they needed tanks and healers I went the opposite direction and made a team built purely on offense I came in like a wrecking ball I've never hit so hard in PoE I mean it's much more fun for me to send in a Helwalker/Streetfighter with immunity to mind afflictions into my Chill fog to wreak havoc or have my Assassin/Ranger shadow beyond next to the enemy mage and shoot him in the face point blank with The Red Hand...twice! rather than stand in the corner somewhere and spam summons. All classes are good for something, I don't think the Herald is the best thing since frozen yoghurt. I mean most fights are over when the chanter can cast his third invocation.
  3. Look I find Chanters boring since PoE1. I Have no problems with Rolfstomping up scaled Potd without a Herald and I won't even notice if I don't have a chanter In fact I might rather multiclass a chanter with a lifegiver so at least he can do anything useful while building phrases/buffing while my offensive frontline wrecks the opposition. I'd rather bring a monk, wizard or a barb rather than a herald...
  4. I can't say about single class Ranger. I have an Assassin/sharpshooter that outdamages my monk/cipher by far on upscale potd. I mostly use the pet to babysit her and intercept and knockdown enemies that go for the Ranger.
  5. Heralds are for sad panda faced noobs that don't know how to play the game. It can really be seen when they can't even kill their own character in SSS
  6. Starboard is right Port is left Stern or Aft is behind Bow or Fore is in front Dorsal and Ventral is for you to find out
  7. So here I am trudging along as a Bleak Walker doing this quest in a underhanded despicable manner. Stealing the real contract, replacing it with forgery while milking money out of the Valian trading company on the grounds of exploitation. Then I return to the Huana guy to get some rep and what happens? Suddenly I get Benevolent disposition out of the effing blue. As a Bleak Walker I don't want that and the game could warn me that stealing, cheating and blackmailing is BENEVOLENT WTF?
  8. If you are stealthing into melee then it's best to either backstab a stationary target or have your tank engage and then backstab. Else you get an attack animation while your target is walking away and you dont hit, target out of reach gets displayed in the combat log. IME this is the only time sneak attack doesnt work. You can also combine backstabs with other attacks like finishing blow of FoD or whatever for even more damage.
  9. Yes if you have the build for it. My Assassin/Devoted gets +25 acc from attacking from stealth and backstab dmg bonus. With enough stealth you just enter combat and walk to up the guy you want smack, zero micro. Then you either smoke bomb and take another whack for loads of damage or stealt teleport to next target.p
  10. Both Monk/Fighter and Monk/Paladin are strong choices. So it just boils down to what you want. Nalcpaza and Shattered Pillar synergize well with Paladin as you can just go full tank with them. One thing I've noticed though is that Str isn't as good as in PoE 1 on monk. High Dex and dual wielding is very strong and you can get a light armour with DR 10 early if you have enough cash
  11. I'm playing Bleakwalker/Shattered Pillar Having good defence means that generating wounds with damage is a good option My monk has 21 Dex with Beraths Blessing so boosted she has 26 in Dex. She just melts everything, stun and melt. Paladin and Shattered Pillar fit like a hand in a glove
  12. To get the whispers of the endless paths you have to start with both shards To get the most powerful items you need foreknowledge, where they are and how to get them To upgrade most items to the highest enchantment you needs tons of money, legendary enchant costs around 30k So you are essentially complaining that the game doesn't stop you from being an ubermunchkin? Let's talk about limitations that can be implemented 1) Random Loot drop....or go play Diablo. Random tables that allow you to farm your gear. I personally don't want to play Grindy the pirate 2) Level limitations on gear. That sweet awesome weapon you just got...so sorry you can't use it until level 15 3) level limitation on enchantments. See PoE 1 4) Randomizing where the uberloot is with a random seed at the start of the game so you don't know where it is. Problem, you can find he uberloot in the first chest you open. 5) Keep things like they are and ignore the happy few that can't help cheesing the game. Alternative: teach them self discipline so they don't cheese the game. I know how to get infinite money but I chose not to because it ruins the game.
  13. I'm just curious what kind of damage spikes can I expect. Currently I'm level 8 and my Devoted/Assassin is managing around 150-160 in damage using assassination and finishing blow. What are people managing at higher levels as all damage is additive now?
  14. Dammit, here I was getting really stoked for this weapon for my Devoted/Assassin only to find out that the base damage is only 9-15!!!!! Which is worse than a one handed sword!
  15. I started Potd as a single class assassin with a rapier and a pistol for that piraty feeling, I quickly changed to great sword and then I rerolled as a Devoted/Assassin and there is such a huge difference in the early game, It does ton of damage and then at lvl 4 you can finally start use smoke bombs and vanish and backstab at least 3 times. With the fighter modal you get +5 acc and +5 deflection and I can just tank like a champ, then I just use escape to say a quick hello to bothersome casters or ranged attackers.
  16. I'm playing again after long hiatus. I don't see any noticeable difference on PotD, but it's early game so I guess I'll find out. I don't play TC or solo and as I usually go full offensive party without any shield or regard for safety I just feel I get hit the same....and my monk wants to get hit anyway . The biggest hurdle for me when I started playing and going to PotD difficulty was understanding the game system, I just wanted to blast and slash anything in my path and thought that stacking deflection was going to save me. When you learn the values of buffs and debuffs then PotD isn't that difficult and when you know about the tough fights and where the items are then it gets even easier.
  17. You can even go without a druid. I used moon godlike monk, barbarian with Shod-In-Faith and a Paladin for all my healing in one PotD run and it went just fine.
  18. Barbarians can tank just fine, Monks as well. I played through Potd with a Paladin, Barbarian, Monk frontline. Heck if you want to you can even skip the Paladin and just go all offensive.
  19. Or just put your Barb in Shod-in-faith and the coat of ill repayment and give him Drake's bell enchanted to superb and he will rock
  20. Pull is when you pick your battleground and deny the enemy the advantage of superior numbers. Or when you exploit the A.I's stupidity
  21. You can go through hard difficulty with the story characters blind folded, with one hand tied behind your back...if you know what you are doing. I finished the game on hard with story companions my first time around and easily so too!
  22. Yup was just hitting the 200 hour mark, this playthrough is fast though, just around 30 hours . Think I'll take a break soon and start on the witcher 3. Heard that game was out
  23. I went through potd with a saber wielding Paladin with the Oathsworn buckler. Took only shield style and maxed out faith and conviction. He only had 13 in perception and resolve and he tanked just fine. He had 19 in might and I used him as a healer as I didnt have a priest or druid and with a healing flame and strange mercy he did just fine (kind wayfarer). Even though he was rather offensively built he ended with around 119 in deflection. But I have kind of given up on shield melee classes. Paladins, fighters, monks and barbarians have no need for shields. I have used them with either 2 handed or 2 weapons on potd and the do just fine. Indeed when your barbarian is frenzied with well over 30 in might, surrounded and laying about him with a superb rending estoc then you'll understand the meaning of carnage. When your monk is the last one standing after your party has gone down after being mass paralyzed and singel handedly takes down the last 2 Cean Gwlas and 5 adra animats. Then you know the meaning of Torments Reach. So drop your shield warrior and do some damage.
  24. Yes I am playing on potd with a Ranger that just got to level 12. I didn't spend a single point to buff my pet bear and he does just fine. I have 3 melee frontliners + a bear. I send in the bear along my melee to make a defensive line and the bears job is to stay alive. I dont use stalkers link that much as my Ranger focus fires on casters. 3 shots to the face in quick succession takes down most casters. I dont use my pet or expect it to save the day. Most of the time it tanks 1 enemy or maybe 2 and is way tougher in melee than my ranger. My melee damage dealers are my tanks, I go with offensive builds that stomp on the enemy, no ubertanks that stand around looking good while not contributing to the fight. This helps the pet as the whole melee line is supposed to hold, on potd you dont have much opportunity for flanking Do you know the difference between a tanky paladin and an offensive monk? 400-500% damage output.
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