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Everything posted by Ineth
Damn, compared to that left-wing city newspaper, even gaming journalists look like paragons of ethical and professional journalism. No. Only a very small fraction of left-wing progressives are actively involved in the Democratic Party on a day-to-day basis. In fact, most of them seem to be pretty displeased with the current state of it. At the same time, though, they still seem to see that party as their best shot at someday actualizing their dream of large-scale coercive redistribution and social engineering, and are willing to do much (incl. compromising their moral integrity and alleged "values") to help it stay in power. In the parts of Africa where there's some semblance of a free market economy, anyway.
Are they throwing garbage at those people cause they're white? ****ing genius strategy right there. I don't know, man. It's hard to be 100% sure what it is we're seeing in that video, but from what I can make out it looks like an altercation between angry protesters and drunk sports bar patrons, where both sides are equally to blame. I didn't notice any evidence for your "cause they're white" interpretation. Nor do I believe that anything in that video is part of any "strategy" shared by the protesters as a whole (most of whom are peaceful).
Nothing on this? Jenner likely caused a wreck due to negligence, so is Jenner going to face any consequences? It's funny how hard you try to avoid using pronouns...
What is this "progressive left" you keep referring to in these bogeyman posts you make? Because the American left I'm aware of is very much for the repeal of PATRIOT, the de-militarization of police forces, the reduction of the budget dedicated to the intelligence apparatus, etc. Sure, they like to complain about some of the side-effects of big government and hold emotional speeches about the need for "change" to make themselves feel better, but when push comes to shove and they realize that actual change would threaten the political-financial complex that their Democratic party is deeply embedded in, they backpedal. PS: Same with immigration reform. Progressives love to exploit tragic stories of immigrants to proof to each other how much the 'care', but when it comes to concrete policy suggestions, they quickly find excuses and the only ones left defending proposals for more open borders are libertarian / classical-liberal types.
Inspiration for the Dyrwood
Ineth replied to fgalkin's topic in Pillars of Eternity: Stories (Spoiler Warning!)
That's not exactly a signature American thing though. It has been (and in some ways still is) much more prevalent in Europe. -
Inspiration for the Dyrwood
Ineth replied to fgalkin's topic in Pillars of Eternity: Stories (Spoiler Warning!)
Damn, I didn't pick up on that similarity, but now that you mention it, yeah, probably not a coincidence. Well, the Glanfathans did their fair share of slaughtering. Didn't both of the wars (Broken Stone War, and War of Black Trees) start when Glanfathans launched an assault against Dyrwoodan villages, murdering all civilians in the ones they raided? Since the Glanfathans' stated motivation for those assaults wasn't self-preservation, but rather along the lines of "they hurt our religious feelings because some individuals from their midst trespassed on some ruins built by yet another civilization", I don't really think they fit the whole "poor innocent oppressed natives" stereotype. -
Certainly, though I don't think police department policies alone can fix this. There needs to be a shift in the Overton window and different laws regarding the status of citizens and police, because: This would never have happened if people were allowed to shoot cops. There's truth to that. In the 60s, groups of Black Panther guys in their pickup trucks and armed with rifles, were peacefully following police cars to make sure the police officers didn't harass or abuse civilians.1 Today, this would be unimaginable. If someone tried that, the cops would call in backup with "heavy artillery" and kill or violently arrest the group simply for "being a threat", and wouldn't have to face any consequences. The first step towards "fixing" our society will need to be a reaffirmation of the sovereignty of the individual citizen over their own life and affairs, and reducing the government and its enforcing agencies form the status of a sovereign to that of public servants with the absolute minimum necessary amount of power. Of course the 'progressive' left will never acknowledge this, because they are too infatuated with their fantasies of shaping said government power for coercively implementing their vision of "social progress" and economic redistribution. And if the left had their way, cops would not merely be legally privileged gun wielders, they'd be the only ones allowed to wield guns. --------------- 1) If this sounds like an endorsement of the Black Panthers, let me clarify that my admiration of them only extends to the early days of their organization, before they went bat-**** crazy Maoist.
Is it though? Looks to me like the rioters always trash their own neighborhoods, not mine.
Here's a funny guessing game: StormFront Or SJW? Some of them are really hard. Like when I read... "As for the charge of genocide? Accept it. You can argue against it, but what’s the point? Any conscionable person should want the [...] race destroyed."...I was sure it had to be StormFront idiots trying to justify the Holocaust. But nope, it's from a far-left radfem SJW news site indulging their totally-not-racist™ fantasies of ridding the world of white people. Also funny when you have two quotes that say pretty much the same thing... "That’s why on almost every TV commercial , you see an interracial couple. In the movies, in magazines, they promote “colour-blindness” as a way to solve the problem. Well, it doesn't work!" "Color blindness is essentially choosing to be ignorant of a real, and crucial reality. I'm not sure how you can have a functional society when it is based on policies of ignorance. Also, how does colourblindness stop racial assimilation?" ...yet one is from a SJW raging against white supremacy, and the other directly from a StormFront forum.
Hero (2004) What's nice about it: Damn it's beautiful (in the visual sense). Takes "art direction" to a whole new level. The story was also suspenseful/interesting enough to keep us engaged. What's cringe-worthy about it: The "moral of the story" is thinly veiled pro-Chinese-government propaganda; especially troubling when viewed in light of the Tibet conflict. The fighting scenes descend into somewhat ridiculous levels of surrealism. More so than in other popular films of the genre. All in all I can recommend it, but keep your wits about you when it delivers its "message".
Well, ever since "The Dark Knight Rises" (simply appending a word to the previous film's title, wtf?) and "Star Trek Into Darkness" (too cool for punctuation, huh?), nothing really surprises me anymore in that regard. Sh*tty movie/TV titles seem to be the norm now.
Yeah, this one was a fun fight. Especially since I was unfortunate enough to have pressed the quicksave key just after triggering the condition for them to appear, but before combat actually started. So my party was kinda spread out, and I couldn't reload to reposition them... Anyway, I had Aloth cast some self-buff and let my cipher cast Pain Block on him on top of that, which kept him alive even though he got surrounded by Shadows, so he could go wild with Fan of Flames etc.
While blacks are definitely over-represented among victims of police shootings, they do not constitute "most" of them. According to mappingpoliceviolence.org: "At least 1149 people were killed by police in 2014. 304 (26%) were black." The percentage of African Americans among the total population nation-wide is, I believe, 14%. That's a clear statistical disparity of course. Also, from various studies and sources like stop-and-frisk statistics, we do know that there is in fact some amount of anti-black racial prejudice among law enforcement agencies, and the FBI even admits it (sort of). However, I'd advise progressives to pause for a moment before interpreting too much into that 26%-vs-14% disparity. Because if you ignore other possible statistical factors and cause-and-affect chains and pretend that 100% of the disparity must be due to clear-cut racism and oppression and "white privilege", how will you deal with the other statistical disparity that emerges from that same data collected by mappingpoliceviolence.org: Namely that of those 1149 people killed by police in 2014, 93% were male - even though only 49% of the national population is male. Is this, applying the same arguments, proof that law enforcement operates under 'female privilege' and is engaging in a targeted 'war on men'? Or is it, maybe a little more complicated - both when it comes to gender, and when it comes to race.
I don't think this word means what you think it means.
RPGCodex Review #1 - Hŵrpa Dwrp
Ineth replied to Sensuki's topic in Pillars of Eternity: General Discussion (NO SPOILERS)
I did it with an 8 CON melee rogue, and it worked out fine on Hard difficulty. Hired her in chapter 2, and at first experimented with some light armor, but then settled on plain clothing for max attack speed and played that way for the rest of the game. In retrospect, I'm pretty sure I could have dumped CON further and it would have still worked. I don't remember her ever being one-shotted by anything, except by the Adra dragon breath which knocked out all my characters except Eder on my first attempt. -
RPGCodex Review #1 - Hŵrpa Dwrp
Ineth replied to Sensuki's topic in Pillars of Eternity: General Discussion (NO SPOILERS)
Actually, it says "the worst Obsidian game I’ve played to date" - who knows which ones he's played -
Don't non-gaming software companies do this already though?
RPGCodex Review #1 - Hŵrpa Dwrp
Ineth replied to Sensuki's topic in Pillars of Eternity: General Discussion (NO SPOILERS)
What's wrong with wanting to play IWD again? After finishing PoE, I too felt like wanting to play some IWD again, so I did. And I think I understand Sensuki's criticism that PoE combat is "strategic but not tactical" better now. Not that I would call IWD 'tactical' in the 'chess' sense, but the fights are definitely more reactive/dynamic in the sense that you often need to spontaneously react to what the enemies do in a significant way, and they to you. Whereas most PoE battles tend to follow the same script/routine, once you have the 'strategic' choices (character builds, equipment, party formation) nailed down. Now that you mention it, Atheosis' posts do seem to almost always come in packs -
Pet Locations (minor spoilers)
Ineth replied to Keneth's topic in Pillars of Eternity: Stories (Spoiler Warning!)
Black Cat is the best pet anyway. Open ribcage reveals rotten innards, hair comes off when you pet him? Black Cat doesn't care, he just purrs and does what cats do. -
RPGCodex Review #1 - Hŵrpa Dwrp
Ineth replied to Sensuki's topic in Pillars of Eternity: General Discussion (NO SPOILERS)
lol I'm pretty sure that people discussing a negative review on these forums won't affect PoE sales at all. Obsidian/Paradox have their own marketing machine, they don't need us (customers/fans) to self-censor our critical discussions in order for them to succeed financially. -
Exactly, they're adults and its their body and their money, so regardless of the scientific questions of how it or why happens, we should respect it rather than treating it as something that society has to "decide" on. I do feel a little uneasy about gender reassignment surgery in children though. If my child wanted one, I'd be pretty concerned about the possibility that maybe it's just a phase or something, and that they'd then have to live with the irreparable damage caused by the surgery for the rest of their lives. So I'd probably force them to wait 'til their adults. (Or maybe at least 16 or so, if they make a convincing case for needing it.)
I don't have the time, or the energy, to get into a long discussion, but you're incorrect - [...] this has predominantly happened within the sociological field This is kind of the problem: Social "scientists" have constructed vast theories without a lot of cross-checking from the natural (a.k.a. 'real') sciences. I mean, everyone probably agrees that social upbringing has an influence on gender roles, simply as a matter of common sense and experience with different cultures. But I don't see how you can confidently tell Fighter he's "incorrect" about believing that they're not purely (a.k.a. 100%) social.