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    TCS Tiger's Claw


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  1. Arcanum really is in dire need of a remaster. A remaster that makes it playable. I have no idea how you guys can stand "playing" that game.
  2. Finished It Takes Two. We needed ten hours, and it started to drag in the middle. The ending was decently paced. Odd to say that the game started to drag while it was only 10 hours long, but I guess that's partially having to play it with a 12-year-old whose interest is in doing everything but what he's supposed to. On the bright side it wasn't gutter level trash like Human Fall Flat or a sandboxy make your own adventure like Wobbly Life.
  3. All the false penguins listed in a neat video:
  4. I found that the best way to avoid such experiences is to simply mimic their behaviour. Just breathe through your mouth and mutter to yourself while walking around in public and people will avoid you.
  5. Well, more like scientific discoveries note made because of the Annoying Orange.
  6. The 'Murican rah-rah-ing about having guns to oppose tyrannical government instead of shooting up schools is just silly talk. It'll be *crickets* from the gun nuts, or else they'll sign up to help with the invasion. Eh, honestly, order the Rafale from the French, that would be more fun. Also... Yeah, there are also no NSA backdoors in operating systems and American hardware, that's just online misinformation.
  7. So how long until Trump renames Rosa Parks Day to Uppity Bus Rider Day?
  8. That was called Stargate Universe and nobody liked it, so it got cancelled.
  9. Even for those 3%, the actual infection they get if they are exposed to measles post-vaccination is often a lot less problematic. I was one of those kids where the vaccination did not take fully, and I got sick from my brother, who could not be vaccinated due to ongoing and chronic pulminary tract infections as a kid, and brought it home from kindergarten: some unvaccinated child with stable genius parents. He almost died from it too, while I just had the usual rash with a slight itch and super explosive diarrhea. Needs diapers at the age of six because getting to the toilet in time is impossible sort of explosive. Fun fact, measles has a potential side effect in the form of Dawson disease, which is basically a time bomb planted by the measles infection that will go off in your brain, killing you without recourse. Fun disease, don't forget to bring your unvaccinated kids to a measles party. The dumbest thing of it all is though that the distrust of the measles vaccination goes back to faked paper by Andrew Wakefield who wanted to discredit existing measles vaccinations to sell his own. The same sort of idiots who still cling to his disproven lies are the same ones that tell everyone that big pharma is just trying to make us sick for profit, popping sugar placebos with a 10000% price markup in the form of homeopathy. If it weren't for the harm done to kids who are not to blame for their dumb parents, I'd be happy to see RFK stopping vaccinations entirely. The world's way too full of people anyway, and if some of the worst offenders of wasting resources want to off themselves in a terribly painful way, who am I to argue. Just go and die. Alas.
  10. https://www.nbcnews.com/business/economy/trump-canada-doubles-tariffs-national-emergency-electricity-rcna195810 I'm beginning to think that it's not RFK who has the brain worm.
  11. Kinda like how Steve is doing TL;DW segments of his videos upfront these days. The TL;DW basically being that it in gaming, it is performing equally to a 9800X3D - which is a bit of a change as last generation's 16 core pards with 3D V-Cache usually had scheduling problems, and in production it is pretty much equivalent to a 9950X, give or a take a couple of percentage points. So, if you're like one of the three people on the planet who do heavier duty production workloads on your personal computer and some gaming on the side and can't live without the best gaming performance possible, this is the best CPU for you. Is it the most optimal? Eh, not really. I mean, it's not like a 9950X or a Core 285K will fail in gaming and still has the same or very similar production power - for much cheaper. Cheapest prices I could find for my region for the 285K was 610€, with the 9950X costing 680€. The 9950X3D's MSRP is set at 750€ (yeah, right ).
  12. One of those days where one realizes that the vast majority of people working in IT are basically naught but trained monkeys.
  13. Steve also said in that video that certain MSRP cards just don't make money, or at least they didn't for EVGA, and that was before inflation and TSMC's monopoly on modern process nodes. It really does stand to reason that AMD doesn't have the clout to do that beyond an initial launch window or with subsidies they probably don't want to afford. Still hoping - probably beyond reason - that Intel can get their heads unstuck from their asses and make their new nodes work. Would be a lot better if someone else than the silly Tangerine in Chief would be at he helm. Not to drag politics into the tech forum, but TSMC is sitting on a powder keg and we have no idea when it will go off. They understandably also said that the newest nodes will remain in Taiwan, which makes sense. It's the one thing stopping Winnie Pooh from bringing them home into the Reich. The Tangerine, meanwhile, doesn't get that setting up tariffs is not going to make factories and fabrication plants appear magically. Not for steel or aluminum or car assembly, and even less so for bleeding edge chips production. We already had a taste of what happens when TSMC stops producing microprocessors for a while, and it was not pretty, and for all their faults, Sleepy Joe and the Democrats at least realized that. Granted, I don't exactly know how effective the Chips Act subsidy was, but The Tangerine and his cronies look at the situation and say: "This is fine, companies should bring their production plants back to America because they have to, not because they're being paid for it!" As it stands, we better hope China doesn't catch up with modern process nodes before someone with a little more strategic foresight is back at the helm in the US, assuming that is at all possible once the Tangerine's done ruining the country. I am somewhat baffled that for all his tech bro advisors, no one seems to have told him yet how much hangs in the balance of his good friend Winnie playing nice.
  14. The North American Economic Union is a part of the NWO agenda (and also includes Mexico, generally), by the way. The conspiracy theory usually goes that this would be done through free trade and negotiations, but adding Canada as the 51st state would work just as well. As we can see Trump is doing NWO work, even though we elected him to oppose the NOW and the Deep State. It is all very frustrating for me. They really rigged the system. Who would have thought that someone who has been part of the elite his entire life isn't fighting against the elites in a way he claimed he would be? I am very disappoint.
  15. Andrea Dworkin might have been onto something when she said the right wing conservatives (men and women alike) define womanhood through the ability to whelp. Since trans women are by definition unable to do so, they're basically a threat to the definition of womanhood, and through that, women - wich means for the conservative men that they threatened their women, who no one else is allowed to threaten their women but themselves. That's a bit like why conservative Christians dislike Muslims even though they basically want the same thing: for the womanfolk to stay at home to cook, whelp and rear their children. Since they cannot deal with the cognitive dissonance, they don't even notice or double down on their viewpoints. Hilariously exemplified in one of the interviews I saw with an avid MAGA cultist who stated, on camera, that he's with President Trump on the Muslim ban, because Muslims don't respect American women. All the while wearing a t-shirt with Hillary Clinton's likeness on it, reading: TRUMP THAT BITCH. Meanwhile anti-trans thought also finds purchase in feminist circles because they're seen as men threatening what they fought for. This is history repeating itself insofar as feminists originally tried to exclude lesbians because they were seen as a bunch of butch dykes and feminists did not want women who look and behave more like men than women to be part of their group. Ultimately, even modern feminists still struggle to define womanhood outside of what tradition dictates. Sure, the more radical elements have their girl bosses, which are basically women who adopted toxic masculinity, which is an incredibly self-defeating solution for a movement of a gender suffering immensely from toxic masculinity, hence the rise of various counter-definitions (including the tradwife, which loops neatly back to traditional role models). Then you have, of course, the elements who chafe under homophobia no longer being acceptable in modern society and simply supplanted theirs with transphobia. That is why you get exactly the same arguments against transgenders as there were against homosexuals (and lesbians). Verbatim, even, at times. They make all our children gay when they're allowed to teach. They pollute the children's minds, making them want to transition. Now that we have accepted homosexuality, there's suddenly so many of them. Now that transgenderism gains acceptance, people identifying transgender suddenly tripled. Now you might want to say: but, but, but @majestic, you only talked about trans women, what about the trans men? Yeah, what about them. They get caught in all the negativity and anti-trans legislation, but let's be real, it's the trans women who are the targets. They tickle fears of being trapped in conservative men, they are visible reminders of the self-loathing of conservative men who wank to shemale porn and are ashamed of it, they're seen as a threat for women and they're the targets of feminists who see them as encroaching on what little they can agree on that defines a woman, and by extension, that also garners the attention of the moderates. I mean, honestly, if a lot of well known women like J.K. Rowling think that trans women are just men wanting access to women's toilets and locker rooms to rape them, there just might be something to it, no? Meanwhile the trans men, they're seen as what? Taking the girl boss a little too far? At worst, they're targets of more radical feminists who see them as traitors to their gender.
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