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Everything posted by babaganoosh13

  1. What I hate about fantasy baseball: Cleveland's been my favorite team since 1990 when I met Alex Cole. I only have Swisher on my team. I have 4 Jays. I was happy they won twice, but not against Josh Johnson. Then they lose to the Rays. Swisher went 1/12. 0/5 in the 13-0 game they won. The AL East will be a real fun division to watch this year.
  2. Why do you have to do that? Not arguing with you, I just don't understand the issue. The only problem I've had with offline mode is every once in awhile (not as often as every 30 days) Steam's config file mucks up and says stuff like it can't find my login (sometimes it's because I myself have force closed Steam or something). If you make a backup copy of your config file when your offline mode is working and then use it to reset it when that happens, that should fix it. If you Google around for the full fix you'll find it, I don't remember the exact procedure (i.e., the file you need to backup). Of course one shouldn't have to deal with the problem at all, but there is a workaround at least. Oh hey. Sorry, I just noticed this, and I completely forgot I posted that. I was probably re-logging in at the time. I had just picked DS3 at the time as well and noticed the couple of codes. Thanks, I'll try this.
  3. It's nicer having Reyes to really contribute, but when half a league is pitching, and I have a lot of other bats, one guy who hopefully won't hurt me isn't too bad. If I can get an improvement with little cost, I will. Thanks though for your insight on the Giants. All I ever get is the occasional highlight. I could only go by Vogelsong's numbers that game. I'm fully assuming I have nothing to worry about with Romo as a closer.
  4. From a personal stand point: Why would I care about my daughter's future? From a non-personal stand point: Perhaps some people were raised to care about other people as well, and to want the best for everybody, regardless of race, gender ect, and not just themselves. That may make them feel better as well. Call it selfishness through selflessness if you may.
  5. I've got tons of bats, and not near enough pitching. The guy I'm trying to trade with has Verlander/Baumgarner/Sabathia and 3 solid closers. I'm trying to use Reyes to get one of those, and another one of my bats to get a closer. I'll be very happy if Scutaro picks it up. I've got him backing up Reyes. The Giants, Tigers and Jays consists of half my players so far. Screw you Investment planner: Diversifying is for the weak!!!!
  6. When they sing that at a match, there are no ties... EVERYONE WINS!!!!
  7. I'm thinking of adding him to my fantasy team. I figured if the Giants lost a game against Detroit, and Barry pitched one more game and beat Verlander again, he could have given Sandoval a run for his money in the MVP voting. It was awesome seeing him pitch like a #1 starter again, with the nastiest curveball in the business. All of my current starting pitchers are having some of the worst starts of their careers it seems. Hamels, Vogelsong, Hudson. Josh Johnson wasn't so hot either. It's probably just me though. I call my team the "Last Place Losers" for a reason. Verlander's worst year - he was on my team. I traded Reyes for him. He was having his worst year at the time. As soon as the trade went through, he went on a tear.
  8. My favorite moment(s) involving Margaret Thatcher: All of the references to her from Rick in The Young Ones.
  9. I wonder if Barry frickin' Zito is truly back to being Barry frickin' Zito. Lookin' good so far.
  10. A few years back when I played WoW, I had multiple toons on multiple servers. Usually 1 main, and several low level crafters. Any of the female toons that I would create, I would name with plays of the names of famous transvestites, comedians/authors in drag or in the case of my clerics: a politician and a catholic high school principal whom were caught in slightly hypocritical and/or embarrassing positions. Names like Grupaul, Edieizzard, Ohwilde, Rachaelcurti, Paulachum... I thought it was funny, and kinda told people that I was a guy, playing a girl. The pleasant was conversations about the last time they seen Eddie Izzard either live, or interviewed on some show. There was one person not in my guild that got the Oscar Wilde reference. The rest was from random guys who would hit on me, seeing as how Grupaul, a female blood elf mage was my main toon on one of the servers I was on a lot. I would point out my name. They never got it. Even later on when the show RuPaul's Drag Race was on MTV/MuchMoreMusic. It was annoying when they'd follow me. Atleast being a mage I could warp.
  11. https://www.shroudoftheavatar.com/ Right now with Paypal, it's at $2,065,823.
  12. Are you thinking of Jeff Hickman? I don't think Tracy Hickman has had anything to do with anything Warhammer. EDIT: or Mythic.
  13. http://consumerist.com/2013/03/18/here-are-your-contestants-for-the-2013-worst-company-in-america-tournament/ The finalists should be up today. Say what you will about EA, even with DLC, I've never paid an additional $18 or $21 in fees for a $35 ticket before like I did when I went to see Henry Rollins a few years back. EA doesn't charge me premiums for buying their stuff online, and printing out stuff with my own ink and paper. EA also doesn't tell me a game is sold out on EA.com, but then direct me to Origin.com where plenty of the exact same thing is available, but at 2 or 3 times (or more) the price. As much as much as EA has pissed me off over the years, and too many good studios have gone there to die, there is at least some redeeming qualities to them. Ticketmaster is nothing more than a treacherous leach.
  14. From what I gather, their attitude is that its not a 'fund my life" kickstarter because there is an end product (the game) that is promised out of it; I'm not sure that I necessarily agree but I can see their argument, at least. Exactly. It probably seemed like a nice thing to them at the time. I mean, I can appreciate helping a kid reach their dreams. I'm a dad. I was a kid once, a while back. Arguably, my maturity level is that of a kid a lot of the time. It would have been interesting to see what would have happened if this was just some regular, working class family with no real baggage instead of Harvard graduate CEO's of a company that made $100M from Kinkos, whom have tried stupid things in the past with crowd funding ideas. I'm sure there would have been some blow back, but nothing close to the scale of this.
  15. Assuming that one who contributes just doesn't go on once a month or so to Kickstarter, if they haven't pulled out by now, they probably wont. It's their money, and they know what they're spending it on, and who they're giving it too. It will be interesting to see if Kickstarter screws up like this again. Perhaps they'll direct them to Indigogo.
  16. It threw me off a bit when I looked in the Video Games section today. They gave it a big facelift, and got rid of all the tiers above $500, as well as joined Kick it Forward. it seems as though Kickstarter put bans on a bunch of the trolls there who only signed up to make comments. As well, they apparently slapped the wrists of legitimate people whom do back projects and said negative stuff and/or trolled and/or "didn't play nice" and/or expressed legitimate concerns when Kickstarter wouldn't respond.
  17. If it gets close to the 2.25M goal, I might get in.
  18. So, I better hang on to my DVD trilogy with the original cinematic releases, including irrefutable proof that Han shot first. (downside was, you could only buy them bundled with the crappy ret-conned versions, but nobody forces me to watch those) I guess they came out around the time when one of my kids was being born. It's probably why it completely went under my radar. Oh well. As someone that doesn't really deal with the expanded universe outside of games, I am confused as to why this is an issue? It's not like it takes away from the enjoyment you had reading those. I still enjoy Jedi Knight even if ultimately Kyle Katarn isn't "real." If they get rid of it, it basically turns it into the most carefully crafted bits of fan fiction ever, and completely diminishes their value (to me anyways.) I would have been better off finishing off my Poirot collection instead. When they make the new movies, they have all of this great material to use. There's no reason to throw it all out. I'm not the biggest Star Trek fan. I liked the original series, and watched some TNG/DSN. I'm not sure how the die hards feel about the re-boot, but at least it gives a reason for it, with the Romulans and Spock accidentally going back in time. I'm not sure how those books worked if they just filled in for the 5 year mission or what. Star Wars chose to continue the universe with games and books. It certainly some suit in Disney's right to toss it out, but on the other hand, I wont buy another Star Wars XU book if they do.
  19. i remember listening to him on TSN before he landed that job. He always reminded me of Spinner from Death to Smoochy EDIT: Don't ask me why.
  20. It first came up for me at $12, or $14 or something like that. Then I went to the stackable page. There she was for $4. I can't pass that up. Now I have every Obsidian game. Didn't get it back when, because I didn't have a computer that would play it.
  21. For more great news involving Disney and Star Wars: Star Wars 1313 was supposed to be about Boba Fett. - 99.9% chance I would have got that one. 13's AND Boba Is Disney About to Destroy the SW Expanded Universe? - If Star Wars 7 is as crappy as Phantom Menace, this will easily be a case of the books being a lot better than the movie. Assuming 7 pretty much completely ignores the XU like a lot of people assumes it will, that will make Harold in the Capital Wasteland Oasis look like cupcakes and rainbows to me. While Drew Karpyshyn was making the Bane trilogy, I picked the first two books up (the third wasn't out at the time.) Obviously, I loved his writing from the Bioware games, and the Mass Effect books that he wrote, so I figured I'd give these a try. I enjoyed those as well. When the third book came out on paperback, and I had it sitting on my desk, the other guy working in my area seen it. I knew he was a big Star Wars fan seeing as how we used to live in the same apartment house before I had kids, so I lent him the first two books as I read the third. Then as he went on to a different shift, his new troubleshooter seen him reading the books. He told him that he had a bunch of Star Wars books that he got for cheap in a big box from some yard sale (along with Star Trek and other sci-fi books.) So he lent him those, which were the Jedi Academy trilogy (sans the 1st book) and the Black Fleet Crisis trilogy. i figured I'd go on-line, pick up the 1st book, plus the Thrawns. Another troubleshooter on days seen this, and got in on it himself, as well as someone's brother, and a couple of others. Long story kinda shortened: We now have almost every book from The Bounty Hunter Wars, on (skipping the Yuuzhan Vong ones. - I would've got those too from my ex's brother-in-law, but the becoming an ex thing kinda put a damper on that) plus some of the older ones as well including the Death Troopers/Red Harvest ones, plus the new Old Republic books, naturally. So, if Disney says FU to all the time we spent reading those to make crappy movies that poop all over the XU, then I can live without not giving them another penny more. That is, until they release the original trilogy in its original form on DVD. It would be kinda funny if they didn't do that. Just do everything imaginable to piss off almost every Star Wars fan over the age of 20.
  22. It's a heck of a lot better than the basement dwellers that they've been for the past few years. Strange that it's Calgary that has decided to fill that role. I always assumed it would be the Leafs, with the Bruins constantly owning their top picks.
  23. It's a strange thing to make a stretch goal. Either it's a good idea and should be in the game, or not.
  24. Day of the Tentacle, Monkey Island, Sam & Max, Full Throttle, Grim Fandango, X-Wing, TIE Fighter, Jedi Knight? Come on. 0/10 trolling right there. It wasn't trolling. Just a Lucasfilm Games reference, and an excuse to post a Loom and Zak McKracken GIF. A Maniac Mansion one wouldn't have really worked because of DOTT. Apparently Bobbin/Zak didn't work either.
  25. Ugh, the idea of this makes me very upset. Torres has injured a few Sharks over the years and I consider him a dirty hitter who looks to injure others. I'm aghast. He should have been kicked out of the league years ago. Why sports talk radio can make me scream: I think it was Nick Kyprios who basically complimented Torres for his cleaner play so far that he has exhibited this year. He just got back from being suspended for 25... errr..... 21 games for the hit to Marion Hossa in the first round last year. Is that the gold star standard for him? 2 months of not injuring anybody with illegal hits?
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