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Everything posted by SophosTheWise

  1. and in the mean time star citizen is rakeing in 1-2M/month. the backer portal can't come soon enough - and i'm saying this as selflessly, sincerely and objectively as i can. Absolutely. I think people underestimate the power of information and hype. Obsidian does very little to keep the hype alive besides giving regular interviews, while Roberts seems to have a PR army that farms gold. But that's the way it has been, even during the kickstarter. Everything was kept very vague and the reason it was successful was that nobody before had marketed their game as an IE successor. Also it was Obsidian (and probably Adam Brennecke's eyebrows) that made it possible. Not the pitch itself.
  2. If they really wouldn't publish an update, I'd be kind of pissed. They have been holding off this update for a long time now. I remember months back when they announced the backer portal would be up soon. Pushing it back to next week or even later in January would piss off many fans, especially because the last announcement sounded like they got everything in place and are just waiting to release it. Trying not to be entitled, but still. I don't believe that they have been bull****ting and I don't think they have encountered any serious problems but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a bit nervous. Hope Brandon or Adam are showing up today as soon as possible.
  3. You're a bastard, Messier. Anyways, I'm all set for tonight. Two articles to work on, a seminar paper to write as well as three bottles of Asahi.
  4. Well, then what the hell are you still doing here? POST FOR GOD'S SAKE!
  5. Yeah, they really should give us the update now. I'll be up until Adam announces another delay
  6. You cannot top this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aEqDtbC3bL8
  7. 1.) It's Josh's personal stuff. Of course Josh is a face of Obsidian, but it's still his personal choice to back her. 2.) It's old news. 3.) Regarding this: Just watch her videos. They are neither insulting, nor blatantly wrong. To be quite honest, I think her analysis is sometimes spot on, especially the last video (Ms Male Character trope) was really cleverly done. While she may have miscommunicated things and did not do everything 100% properly (for the record, no one does, if the internet and certain communities decide to dislike something, they will inevitably find something), she's still not what you're portraying her to be. She's not some sort of evil, man-hating devilspawn. (Also, market share is absolutely irrelevant to this discussion) 4.) Yeah, right. 5.) So what, nobody cares. 6.) The Destructoid article is missing some points. But it's symptomatic for this debate or for any debate that questions things, really. (Also the article suffers from various logical fallacies)
  8. I miss the grand adventure or at least the feeling of grand adventure. With fast travel a map means nothing. For me it's almost like a godmode cheat and the only game that really did fast travel right in my book were WoW (I don't know how it works now, but when I started playing when the servers first opened it was) and Dragon's Dogma.
  9. I'm curious about the wildlife/countrysides we've seen so far. Are they all from more or less the same area? Because they sure do look like it. I love the style but some of the wilderness pictures look a bit... samey?
  10. When there's a poll with a myriad of options, you can be sure it's Ulquiorra's thread
  11. Edit: Curse you, Brennecke!
  12. Dark Souls (like every other From Software RPG) has a codex too. It is just hidden in item descriptions, signs/writing on walls/statues around the levels, and multiple conversations with various npcs. Also in the case of King's Field in the manual That said From Software RPG's aren't about the stories, they are about atmosphere and exploration. I always think of Dark Souls as a game that tries a different approach to narration. Dark Souls is all about mystery speaking for itself, or, as Dan Pinchbeck/The Chinese Room says, to leave blanks to fill for the player, because leaving things open is also interactivity. Just not physical interactivity, but internal interactivity.
  13. Yeah, I'm checking in. I don't have any stuff here (maybe I'll go and buy some beer) and I hope the update goes online early, rather than later. I have to be at a journalistics lecture in the morning and I can't skip because our class is kind of small and I already skipped last time. I hope for a complete package, but honestly, what I hope the most is that we didn't get our expectations too high. That has happened too many times and sometimes I get kind of bigger and PE's probably the first title in years which really hyped me. I also expect them to drop the Pillars title because, honestly, it would've been reaaaaally anticlimactic if they spoiled a long-awaited name via a screenshot. Also it would've been really dumb if accidental. And I, for one, think that Obsidian is full of smart people that would love to use the leverage they've got now to drop a bomb on us. Maybe they even give us the cover art! If there's a video I hope it to be a bit similar from the Wasteland/Shadowrun videos. I'd rather have a 10 minute trailer filled with various stuff instead of 30 minutes of anticlimactic explanation of small details and just one level. But this is unrealistic I think. I wouldn't be mad anyways, because we've got a video. At the moment, it's 18.43 here. Still a long way to go.
  14. Huh, maybe that's the plot of PE. A crazy euthanasia animancer who tries to keep the population down, that leads to an overpopulation in souls and then **** hits the fan. Or something like this.
  15. More like Wednesday morning? Oh, staying up all night. Fair enough, morning for me too. Ugh, I have a journalistics lecture in the morning. But damn. I want to stay up too. One can only hope so! Maybe that's the big bang before it releases. Glad to be a part of it. And hey, good luck for your therapy, take care. EDIT: Also... Here's to reviving the Obsidian Order of Eternity. Huzzah!
  16. I just hope that the whole soul-thing doesn't result in cheesy pseudo-philosophy. It has a lot of potential, but it's also easily ****upable. Wow, what a word.
  17. While I'm mildly amused by the fact that it's similar to "ledér" (approximately meaning lecherous, but it's almost exclusively used only when referring to women) and "egér" (=mouse). Still, I don't think that the manic giggling of the maybe 30 hungarian-speaking fans should be a reason to change it back. (Not that I wouldn't be pleased by that, though.) That's hilarious By the way, if you want to listen to Meister Edér in Swiss German... Today's your lucky day.
  18. Edér reminds me of this: Meister Eder und sein Pumuckl. Goddamnit.
  19. Ugh, I'm torn. On one side I want to know everything there is to know about the game. On the other side I'd hate to know all locations on the world map, I'd hate to have seen most dungeons and weird places and I'd hate to know who's the bad guy.
  20. Sorry, for the OT, but man, I hate that answer. Of course what they decide is probably (but still not necessarily) the best choice. But we're on a forum where we discuss our ideas about a game we'd love to play. It's always the same in every opinion-based thread in every forum in existence. There's always at least one guy who says "Well, every person should know for themselves". Yeah, of course they should. Obviously. But that's not what we're here to talk about You completly missed the point of my post. Nah, you're just acting as if you were Captain Obvious.
  21. I think he looks a bit too much like an elf. I picture Orlans - at least from what we've seen - to be a bit more brawny and also with even longer ears and maybe a different hairstyle. I like the second picture more. Looks more natural to me But awesome job!
  22. Sorry, for the OT, but man, I hate that answer. Of course what they decide is probably (but still not necessarily) the best choice. But we're on a forum where we discuss our ideas about a game we'd love to play. It's always the same in every opinion-based thread in every forum in existence. There's always at least one guy who says "Well, every person should know for themselves". Yeah, of course they should. Obviously. But that's not what we're here to talk about. _ Generally I'd love to have a high quest variety ranging from mystery/detective, to dungeon crawling, to grand adventuring. The best way to implement those, is to fit them into a long quest line, in my opinion, as oposed to having small different tasks, because that gets gamey really fast. I don't like ticking lists, I'd rather have them all be connected.
  23. I seriously think that anyone that get stressed by quest logs should take account of their psyche, or just get over their OCD. Yeah right, because people who don't like ticking lists have OCD or other psychological problems. Thanks for that. Keep your bull**** to yourself.
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