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Everything posted by SophosTheWise

  1. If there's anyone interested, I did an Interview with Lead Designer Dan Vavrá http://combobreaker.ch/?panorama=warhorses-konigreich-komme
  2. Will also back Kingdom Come, but I'll have to wait a few hours before I can. I've already spotted some of you in the comment section. Well done guys and gals Edit: I absolutely LOVE that they will have several layers of clothing and between 16-20 equipment slots. That was precisely what I suggested for PoE
  3. This may be for you guys: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1294225970/kingdom-come-deliverance
  4. I don't really care. I never understood the appeal of playing a game over and over just to get a tick on a list. I mean, what's the big deal? I play my games and if I get achievements... okay. But I really don't care. And I would never ever ever ever times infinity play some missions over and over to get some "achievement".
  5. I actually hated that in Project Zomboid where you coulnd't see the Zombies onscreen when you weren't facing them. So basically if you were running away from Zombies you had no idea what was behind you. I mean I get the idea and I get that that is supposed to be realistic. But it looks and feels awful and I see absolutely no gameplay merit in view blocking.
  6. Maybe, through the adventurer's hall, I'll play an all-black Vailian ultra-fabulous musketeer party
  7. I just saw you didn't include me in that glorious list! @everyone else: Guys, since we can write our names into the credits... Are you going to include the Obsidian Order? Like "First Name "Sophos the Wise, Weird Bard of the Obsidian Order" Last Name"? Or at least something like that?
  8. I'm actually a bit worried too. Not because I'm really old. Being 24 I'm maybe younger than many of you, and I still haven't played through all Infinity Engine games, let alone other cRPGs, nevertheless I'm also a D&D player and so on and so forth. But I find myself simply not having enough time and will to play through longer games anymore, especially because I play so, so many games (being a videogame journalist in my "free time") and sometimes it feels as if I have never time to breathe. There are so many amazing games coming out practically every week or so and I find that I have a hard time focussing on one game for a longer time. Hopefully PE will change that. The Wasteland 2 Beta hasn't, though. Edit: And besides playing new games all the time to write about, I also have to manage the whole editor team, which takes away a big chunk of gaming time. At least two hours every sunday. And usually on weekends, I visit my girlfriend or she visits me, so I basically don't have open weekends for gaming anymore. Yes, I can totally, absolutely relate to that feeling. Goddamnit I have spent a lot of time arguing on forums, reading about games etc. but when it comes to actually playing them, I fail often. Ugh. I miss the times when I could get up at 9 o'clock on a saturday, sit in front of the computer and play a single game until the evening. Now I'm just dicking around on the internet half-heartedly or playing games I don't actually want to, because I feel I don't have enough time.
  9. I guess we will have to wait. Not a bummer, to be honest. We had a big, big update before christmas, so that's good. With Christmas and New Year's they probably started working again the 6th january, so...
  10. I still don't have had a survey on my profile, even though I'm definitely at a T-Shirt tier. Anyone?
  11. You mean how much I care if I can immediately figure out how to pronounce something correctly or not and how long it takes me to grasp it's correct pronounciation? Omfg, NERDS!! Who cares if we get it wrong? I feel like people often forget the purpose of a language is to express oneself, The purpose of languages in gaming is also one of communication. Take the welsh language for instance. Complicated as hell to pronounce correctly and thus even harder to remember. If you have things that are weirdly pronounced, that may turn off many people or bug them in many ways.
  12. Or just hire Kirill Pokrovsky to bring in a myriad of weird instruments and sound scapes. Man, I love Pokrovsky. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wNhzVigirQA&list=PLE227056841D08FBF
  13. Probably a heavily armoured priest or ranger. Or the same as musketeers. Probably an anti-animancy-party. Depending on how it's implemented role-playing-wise I'm going to play worshippers (Adventurer's Hall yay!) of Eothas and pilgrims of St. Waidwen from the former Divine Kingdom of Readceras! All hail!
  14. How about a text adventure with pretty art, set in the Vailian Republics?
  15. I liked the trailer for what it was. Trailer music. I liked the choir as it hit some - for gaming - unusual harmonies. To clarify, I loved the beginning. Still, I do not care for overly orchestrated epic pieces, but it was alright.
  16. Nobody here thinks, that a console port is inherently bad. The problem is that the port costs money that this is a Kickstarter project and not some AAA title. It was funded by people who wanted to pledge for the advertised product. The advertised product was a PC game. Now, nobody would be mad just because it's going to be ported, no of course not. People are going to be mad because a good chunk of the money is not going towards actual development. And that's what backers paid for, not a port. Also, if they really wanted to do a console port they probably had to find a publishing deal which basically means they would have to redo the entire UI and control scheme. It's nice that the PS4 has a native support vor KB&M, but the gamepad is the default device and has to be supported as such. That's not going to work if they don't completely do the whole control scheme. Sure, they could just not redo anything but that won't give them a publishing deal and it would, as sure as hell, give them a bad reputation because it's a bad port.
  17. Since people from Kickstarter also have to confirm their pledges, I don't think so. Came here to say that the 140$ tier is also missing things, like the Cookbook for instance. I wanted that the most! For the people who want a complete listing of the rewards without having to piece everything together from the Kickstarter tiers: http://project-eternity.tumblr.com/post/33540911246/project-eternity-reward-tiers
  18. Wow, if this is already too hard for you, what will you do without quest markers?
  19. Just wanted to say that I think it's a nice gesture of Obsidian to officially include the Obsidian Order as part of selectable addons.
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