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Everything posted by SophosTheWise

  1. Would be greatly appreciated. That way I wouldn't have to buy beer anymore just to drink it without a good reason
  2. The key point here is, that Obsidian distributes the games via more than just one channel. They don't enforce any DRM on anyone, but if anyone wants to go with the Steam version instead of the GoG or boxed version, there's not much Obsidian can do. There's not a single game on Steam that works without Steam, so, yeah. If that's a problem, don't buy the Steam version.
  3. At least Gone Home wins. That's surprising. In a very positive way. They deserve it.
  4. That's not what my argument was about. It's just useless to implement a difficulty modifier which is easily exploitable. Same with the resting mechanics in BG. It's just trash/degenerate gameplay, and honestly, nobody can blame "most people" for waiting until their stuff is regenerated. Because that's the smart thing to do. Just rushing into the next battle is hilariously stupid, nobody in their right mind would do that. Having health regenerate over time inherently asks for waiting, in my opinion. Everything else is vanity.
  5. I'm not going to explain that one. Seriously.
  6. [Removed Image] He was a great man. Probably one of the most important men of the 20th century. He will not be forgotten. Also he had a lot of humour. I think he wouldn't be offended. Thus the picture. Rest in peace, Mr. Mandela.
  7. Still, that won't work for most people because they can just wait after a fight.
  8. And what was C2B calling the dev's out on? The dev's said last week the portal wouldn't be up and gave no indication when it would be up since last week. Keep believing that conspiracy theory that the dev's are misleading the community. There's been no posts that says they have. Read Sensuki's post, try to understand it, then we all abandon this thread. Sensuki, great post. Also highlights that it's not only nerd rage here.
  9. Thanks Adam, I think that's exactly what everyone wanted to hear
  10. Lie was a strong word I used and I apologize for that. I still think its a bit dishonest on the other hand. Better communication could have solved this, Dishonest? Seems very honest with what Adam is saying with bugs and all. No, the only thing dishonest is people creating threads and saying OBZ'S LIED TO US. Better call the waaaahhhhmbulance. I still hear a lot of crying. Look, I get where you're coming from. At the moment I try to understand both sides so that we can effectively communicate - not only to Obsidian - but also to each other. That includes cutting some slack. While you maybe right with some of your points you destroy every attempt to be constructive here.
  11. To add to my pragmatic approach: A good way for Obsidian to handle situations such as this would be to, for instance, clarify what a high priority bug is. Could be anything. Only leads to further speculation. It doesn't need to be a technical rundown. Simply a small update on what the problems are and when they think they can resolve it. Laying the cards on the table, being as transparent as possible creates goodwill. People would forgive you a thousand times if you properly explain yourselves instead of trying to cover everything up as simple as possible. Edit. Of course we're not technically entitled to information, it would just be nice.
  12. Now, maybe I can clarify why we argue here. We all have the basic evidence and nobody here is debating wether the other person is stupid or not. The devil lies in the detail and that detail is first and foremost interpretation. C2B, Sensuki and me (though I think I'm not as mad as both of them) took Adam's statement as he was implying that there are no current problems (as opposed to now) and that the only reason for delay is timing (as opposed to bugs still needing a fix).
  13. And they posted in the previous update that the site wouldn't be up. The reason for the outrage is, as said before, not because they have delayed everything. People are fine with that. People, however, don't like if the reasons for the delay don't match.
  14. It was an official announcement.
  15. Still, I think especially the backers have some sort of ethical (of course not legal) right to know one thing or two. A bit more communication wouldn't hurt anyone. I know we've discussed this before.
  16. He means that they didn't want to admit that the backer website wasn't ready yet and instead glossed over that fact with the 'need staff available' explanation. Roguey was probably the first person to call them out on it. I wouldn't go as far as to call them liars. Maybe they really ran into problems they didn't anticipate. I find the accusation of devs lying to their fans always to be a bit off. Devs aren't politicians that need to be called out. They want to make a cool product and earn their money with it. I see no critical part here. Devs aren't betraying or lying to anyone. (Edit: that may sound naive, but I really think there's no real reason to lie about something)
  17. I think the reason why the upset people (including, to some degree, me) are upset is because they are in a thrill of anticipation. Maybe they even get their popcorn and beer (like me) only to be disappointed two times in a row. I think everyone is absolutely able to understand the logical reasons behind the delay - family and all that jazz, perfectly clear. Also nobody would be upset if they simply announced a definitive date or gave us at least something to hold on - and by that I don't mean another art update with "safe" content. I mean communication.
  18. I don't know if this idiom translates into English, but please, don't summon evil ghosts. For future reference: "don't jinx it" is probably the closest match. (what language is the evil ghosts idiom from?) Fair enough! German, or rather Swiss German I presume. I don't think people use it in High German.
  19. I don't know if this idiom translates into English, but please, don't summon evil ghosts.
  20. Yeah. Fool me once, etc. . Or as Michael Scott eloquently puts it: "Fool me once, strike one. Fool me twice... Strike three."
  21. My emotions: So that's how I feel.
  22. Damnit Brennecke, not again!
  23. So, is this just a wild guess or where is this from?
  24. OR they will not announce it so as to surprise us. Or, well, tease us. I think if there was no update we would know by now. Or maybe they have a crisis meeting on how to communicate another delay.
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