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Everything posted by SophosTheWise

  1. Let our quarrels be forgotten! This night is a night to celebrate. I feel like this update deserves its own thread here. Well, not the update itself - but all the endeavours of all of you developers and of us fans up until now. Thank you to the whole Obsidian team, especially because you posted the update earlier than usual and also because the update is absolutely awesome. Thanks to Josh for giving all those interviews, thanks to Adam for keeping a cool head when sometimes we lost it, thanks to Justin Bell for the awesome music in the trailer and thanks to everyone involved with creating this trailer. And of course to Darren, for ironing out all the bugs of the backer site . THANK YOU. Here's to you, Obsidian. *opens another beer*
  2. I like how the forum still says Project Eternity. My fellow campers, fellow brethren of the Obsidian Order. We will always fondly remember the times when we argued about Project Eternity! This name will always be in our hearts!
  3. Same here. Yup. I hope this is because the site's getting hammered or something and not because I'm a weird foreigner with a weird foreign phone number. Am also a weird foreigner with weird numbers and address. Also, if Justin Bell reads this: I love the music. It's a lot better than the Kickstarter music (which was also awesome), so kudos! I really enjoyed it. As Pierce Hawthorne would say: It's streets ahead!
  4. Class quests, more companions - all are nice. What I'd really love to see though are the Vailian Republics. I know, not going to happen, probably But nevertheless: Thanks for the update! it's absolutely awesome. Also thanks for being so considerate and kind posting it earlier for all of us silly Europeans to enjoy
  5. I think they wouldn't call it Strecht Goals then.
  6. My guess for a new stretch-goal: - We'll provide you with an even better backer-site! Up and running July 2014!
  7. Where is that from? Would also like to know. But it sounds like Obsidian goes the Roberts way. Would be cool if that's real.
  8. http://www.gog.com/forum/general/list_of_drmfree_games_on_steam/page1 Okay, yeah. I'm an idiot. Forgive me.
  9. The slacker backer option on the Eternity website is gone, as Infinitron pointed out on the Codex. Hiro, I suggest if you further want to fight here, take it to PM.
  10. ...or maybe it's just a bug.
  11. Pretty much what the above image says. What's it to you? If it makes no sense for you that's okay, nobody forces you to read this thread, nobody forces you to contribute to it, so I don't see what your problem is. Not everything has to make sense for everyone. Some people like a forum's company while eagerly waiting for an update, others don't. That's it. It's not even that spectacular. Edit: Also, I repeat again, that I do not feel entitled to an early anouncement, I simply think it would be nice to know, so that I can arrange myself. I demand nothing, I state that I would appreciate it. I think when there's one thing I can be entitled to, then it is being entitled to appreciate whatever I want. Nobody has ever said anything about Obsidian being obligated to tell us so. Nobody. If you still think that you may have misread my earlier comments.
  12. If Obsidian gave an update on Monday to say they'll be giving an update on Tuesday, then I'm sure people will be asking for an update the Friday before to find out if there will be an update on Monday to find out if there will be an update on Tuesday. Because after all, isn't that the courteous and considerate thing to do? Ridicule who you want, if it makes you happy.
  13. A heads-up what's coming our way is what I presume you're meaning, but I think the Update is a "heads-up" in itself as well. I personally like the mystery of not knowing until it is released. It's not about a heads-up what's coming. It's a heads-up if something's coming. The point of saying "Yes there's an update today" is for people who maybe don't want to stay up until God knows when just to be disappointed. I don't know about you, but I have to get up early in the morning and I don't want to sacrifice a good night's sleep every week. Thus, a heads-up would be nice. Of course it's not mandatory, but it's sure as hell considerate. I also like the mystery but sometimes it's just better to know if something's NOT coming. Disappointment is a choice. Expectation is also your choice, albeit expectation is not entirely your consequence. If I said "I'll be there tomorrow!" it'd be safe to expect that I'd be there tomorrow. And if I would not be there I'd expect, in turn, that you'd be disappointed. The thing is Obsidian never said "I'll be there tomorrow", they more or less said "I might be there tomorrow". I want to note that I haven't followed this thread 100% but I've caught snippets and read some posts out of the 8 pages. I understand, but I don't feel "disappointed", because I chose never to expect anything in particular to begin with. Maybe I should've phrased that differently. I want to be up and ready to read the announcement when it's going online. That is the central point of my choice, not the choice to be disappointed. For the record, I never accused Obsidian of lying, all I said, was that I would love if they communicated more. Since I want to be up for an update, I have to stay up late, which can be - depending on the time of the update - kind of hard. Sure, it's my choice and I would never say that I'm entitled to an announcement before the update. I said it would be nice, it would be considerate and it would be courteous if they did so. We're fans after all. Of course I can choose. That's not the point, since I chose to be a hyped fan and I'm fine with my choice.
  14. A heads-up what's coming our way is what I presume you're meaning, but I think the Update is a "heads-up" in itself as well. I personally like the mystery of not knowing until it is released. It's not about a heads-up what's coming. It's a heads-up if something's coming. The point of saying "Yes there's an update today" is for people who maybe don't want to stay up until God knows when just to be disappointed. I don't know about you, but I have to get up early in the morning and I don't want to sacrifice a good night's sleep every week. Thus, a heads-up would be nice. Of course it's not mandatory, but it's sure as hell considerate. I also like the mystery but sometimes it's just better to know if something's NOT coming.
  15. The key point here is, that Obsidian distributes the games via more than just one channel. They don't enforce any DRM on anyone, but if anyone wants to go with the Steam version instead of the GoG or boxed version, there's not much Obsidian can do. There's not a single game on Steam that works without Steam, so, yeah. If that's a problem, don't buy the Steam version. Point of interest to me --> Wasn't the "box version" only available if you were a backer at certain tiers? General public "DRM Free" option is GOG, or Steam (barring, ofc the DRM inherent in the Steam client -- but then, it's not Obsidian who's putting out the game with DRM ... but rather the consumer who chose the DRM-laden distribution channel). Yes the box was only available to certain tiers. Respectively it still is, if you update your pledge once the backer site is up (I guess). I know there were discussions about the boxed version and if there's any possibility that Obsidian would still still make a normal retail version. inExile has partnered up with Nordic Games, if I recall correctly, so I wouldn't say the boxed version for "normal buyers" is completely dead. Who knows what happens, maybe they get a publishing deal with someone.
  16. These aren't even real sandbox games. People always confuse open world with sandbox. Why is definitely beyond me. Crusader Kings 2 is a sandbox, Europa Universalis is, Dwarf Fortress is, Mount & Blade is. But definitely no Elder Scrolls game and no Fallout game.
  17. Indeed, they still have two weeks before Christmas, so I don't think it'll be an issue of "don't launch a site before the holidays". If anything, we will not get the site because there are still serious bugs that could not have been ironed out until now.
  18. Don't get your hopes up too high.
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