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Everything posted by Gfted1

  1. Gfted1


    @ Tale: Thats an excellent point. I dont know, it just seemed so forced.
  2. Gfted1


    That threw me off too, "Get my father down here and if Im drunker then him you can fire me." WTF! The whole flash forward stunk of a dream sequence. I thought the epoisode was jusk ok. Charlie dying was stupid, he could have easily run to the other side of the door to close it instead of sealing himself in.
  3. Huh, so if you open up on someone from point blank range with a .50 caliber machine gun they turn to goo. Good to know.
  4. IMO, that casts too wide a net (see California). Not all "felonies" are created equally and what you wind up with many times is overkill. Oh, and you think there is a prison overpopulation problem now....
  5. I love WoW. Still playing after 2+ years. Ive somehow managed to find a successful harmony between RL and WoW that sates my gaming thirst while not ignoring the family. However I could easily play 12h straight too if left to my own devices.
  6. Actually, a no-longer-with-us poster named alanschu once provided a link that showed the recidivism rate of pedophiles was remakably low. That aside, while I support the death penalty, I think it is too harsh for a rape.
  7. Conk = head or jewel satchel?
  8. A tube system just for bicycles! Im impressed.
  9. Gfted1

    Hi there!

  10. Gfted1

    TV: Heroes

    Meh. And I say meh again. I thought the episode was pretty unspectacular. Granted, I was pretty jazzed to see the finale so I probably set myself up for disappointment but still. I am quite interested to see whos the real Big Bad Guy that Molly spoke of.
  11. Gfted1

    TV: Heroes

    I think will die this episode. At least I hope so, I really want to see that guy get his just desserts, lol.
  12. Gfted1

    TV: Heroes

    Is everyone ready to ROCK! Season finale tonight, be there.
  13. Which one do you recommend? EDIT: Dur, nevermind.
  14. Meta accidentally added your thread to the end of the funny videos thread.
  15. I think you accidently merged Hurlshot's thread into this one too.
  16. Interestingly, you see this quite often in elderly people that have been married for years and years. Its almost like they lose the will to live and simply give up.
  17. That might restore it. Ive occasionally seen icons display improperly and thats cleared up with the refresh but Ive never seen, or heard, of the icons dissapearing. On the bright side, the icons on the desktop are usually just shortcuts so you really didnt "lose" anything.
  18. Happy Birthday!!!! (almost)
  19. Kooky. Never heard that one before. You did the old right-click ---> Refresh on the desktop?
  20. As I was backing out of my garage this morning my windshield got hit with a glob of poo so large I can only surmise it came from a pterodactyl. On the bright side there was next to no traffic and I sailed to work.
  21. Gfted1


    And how do they replenish their air? CO2 scrubbers? Giant snorkel? Dharma may be on the way back but I doubt it. I think the pallet drops are automated. No way they dont know by now that all the stations are offline. Naomi is difinetly not Dharma, IMO. Shes working for Desmonds girlfriend with the bottomless pockets.
  22. ^Please respect the trademark, that would be SPORN.
  23. Gfted1


    Yeah, but maybe Looking Glass has batteries or something. Though severing the cable does make alot more sense. While the cable may also be a power supply, I took it more as the connection to the radio tower that emmits the jamming signal since you cant jam a radio signal from underwater. The whole reason for them to go to the Looking Glass was to flip a switch that would stop the jamming so it just seemed really silly to me that they would choose to try to swim to a flooded chamber, which would kill Charlie, instead of just axeing the cable.
  24. Whaaaaa? I cant believe what Im reading. Its "ok" to leave young children unsupervised if you had a poopy day or just felt like taking some time off? Er, no, its not ok. That also explains why there are laws that say thats not ok. Children are a lifetime commitment, especially in their wee years. You dont just tell little Johnny or Sally to hang out in the room until you get back from dinner. Thats just straight up idiotic, lazy and selfish.
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