Yeah, I'm a rogue and I hate you mages spamming your arcane explosions and using your frost novas.
But if you've wasted your blink, it's game over man for you. Cheap Shot + Cold Blood Backstab +Kidney Shot +lalalalala it doesn't matter because you have 12 HP left.
Stupid clothies!
Warlocks are my favourite to kill though, because they have that damned fear. I always save some energy to kick them when they try casting it! And they can't blink out of my cheap shot, so I can usually stun lock them to death.
Oh, I hate you sneaky bastages. Its very hard to survive what you described above but if I get my cold zombie hands on you (IE: catch you unstealthed) its lights out for you.
Another favorite of you jackels is to sneak up on me and snowball me off the bridge. I friggin hate that, lol.