Sorry to hear about grammy Hurlshot.
Got to see a bunch of movies over the holiday:
TDK: Meh, it was alright. The Joker stole the show but it could have been shorter and I was getting tired of Batman's 5-pack-a-day smokers voice. Too bad they
, he was one of the most interesting characters IMO.
Hellboy II: Oh how they bent over one of my beloved movies. I loved Hellboy, could watch it over and over. This one? Not so much. I cant put my finger on what I didnt like but all the charm of the first installment was gone for me in this one. Way too campy or something. Oh, and creature from the black lagoon guy falling in love with the elven princess in like .004 seconds? What? Stupid.
Tropic Thunder: Rented the "directors cut" and I think that was a mistake. Solid movie with some truly hilarious stuff (seeing him run out of the village at the end with the kid on his back stabbing him had me rolling) but overall a little to long.
The Happening: Just when I thought M. Night Shamalamadingdong couldnt go any lower then The Village, he drops this turd. Dont bother.